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"Ugh, do you have mochi, uncle Tachi?"

"You're father said only one each day."

"Since when do you listen to that mutt?"

"..." Itachi pursed his lips and looked away, and she instantly knew she was getting to him.

Sora would get anything she wanted.

"I don't, but...That 'mutt' is not only your father but also my brother.

"Hn!" She huffed and crossed her arms, having just almost convinced the elder Uchiha had he not actually learned to care and respect for his brother in law.

Her frown decreased just the slightest when a sudden question came to mind. She once again called for her uncles attention, to which he obliged with a smile.

"Do you know where mommy is?" She sniffed. "I haven't seen her all day and thats kinda weird when she doesn't have a mission."

"Ah..." He swallowed thickly, wondering how exactly he would tell a three year old that his Aneki was visiting the cemetery, as it was the anniversary of the day her team died, and that it was likely her mother would be unresponsive for the entire day.

This happened each year, and despite having been forgiven by her teammates the guilt was still there. Itachi hated to admit it, but no matter what, his Aneki would always blame herself.

Thats just how she is.

Itachi also wished he was next to her instead of Kakashi, though he couldn't help but acknowledge that Kakashi was the only one she'd still fully let out her feelings to.Β 

Obviously, it hurt. But he would just shrug it off.

Looking at his niece with a smile, Itachi could only hope that this time he'd be able to comfort her whenever she wanted. If he couldn't do it for his Aneki, that maybe he could for Sora.

"Well anyways, can you finally start teaching me how to use my kekkei genkai?!"

"Hm?" He sweatdropped. In truth, his elder sister had given him (And everyone else) specific orders not to help her with the ability. In her opinion, her daughter shouldn't start until the age of at least ten, but knowing how restless Sora was, she'd most definitely start at half that age.

"Well..." He brought his fingers up to tap her forehead. "Maybe next time."

'No! Now!"


"You okay...?" Kakashi grunted and wrapped his arm around her waist, helping her stand.Β 

Nakano nodded, her gaze focused solely on the KIA stone in front of her. Of course she wasn't okay, that was obvious. But it's not like she was depressed...Completely.

"You shouldn't stress, Kano-Chan." Kakashi offered to lift her up, but she only refused stubbornly. "It's bad for the babies."

"Yeah, well I can't exactly control my feelings at the moment."

"listen, babe. I know this is still bothering you, but..."

"I know." She gritted out, not wanting him to finish his next words. Kakashi seemed to take the hint and pursed his lips, instead choosing to grasp her hand and tighten his arms grip around her waist.

"Eventually, I'll have to completely move on...It's easier said than done. You understand, right?" He nodded silently.Β 

"Shun...And Hiroshi. If I'm honest, had I not seen them during the war I probably wouldn't be able to smile...But since I did, and they both forgave me, thats exactly what I can do now." It was true of course. Everyone could see she smiled more than usual- and by smile they mean she actually smiled.

Nobody expected it-- seeing as how she had just returned from a war and with how pained her yell sounded, another suicide attempt was expected.

The fourth hokage wouldn't lie and say he had Kakashi and Shisui keep strict watch on her for a few days, which she obviously noticed but only laughed it off. It's not like she could exactly blame them.

"Lets go home." Her husband said, now picking her up without giving her a choice, and he was pleased when she didn't try and escape his grip. But instead she gestured for him to walk slowly, though it was raining and he didn't want to-- He did just that, and sighed when she laid her head on his shoulder.

'Shun...Hiroshi...' She thought, shoulders shaking yet her eyes were only wet because of the rain even as she felt water beg to be formed in her orbs.

"Nakano," Kakashi tightened his grip on her thighs when she let out a small whimper to show she'd heard him. He wrapped her legs around his waist tighter and increased his pace the slightest.

"It's okay to let go. No one blames you for their death."

"No one?" Her voice was clearly desperate and the slightest bit pain, but he couldn't help but notice that it was lighter than usual. Kakashi soon noticed that she was actually allowing someone- him - to pull her out and finally free her.

In Nakanos mind, she's always been drowning. Over the years, sometimes she would sink deeper and sometimes she would rise, but never would she completely escape the pool of water-- blood, that she drowned in.

Even now, there was still just a small piece of her body inside the blood. Her feet were inside the liquid, and she couldn't get out yet there was still something she could see. She could see an opening, and she wanted to call for it.

A hand that she recognized reached down and tugged on her own, supporting her as she tried to call out. For once, she didn't try and refuse it, instead chose to fully embrace and welcome it.

Kakashi smiled as tears finally spilt from her eyes, and he knew, she was alright now.

"It's not my fault." She sobbed. "I didn't kill them, It's not my fault."

"No. No it's not."Β 

"I..." She smiled, her shoulders lighter than she thought was possible. The image of her teammates blurred faces now returning. The only difference now, was she was in the middle, grinning just like the two next to her.

"It wasn't my fault, Sakumo-Ojisan died?"

"No. Of course not."

"..." Finally, no matter how cliche it sounded, the world cleared around her, and no pool of blood was in sight. Instead, it was just her and her husband as he carried her on his back. Finally, the most genuine smile she'd ever held spread across her face as she let out a breathy laugh.

"Man...When did it get so bright?"

*Le sniff. I think next chap is the last ;(Β 

What do you think is a fitting ending to this story? Im def gonna need help for that.

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