Chapter 17

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A E R Oย 

I stared at her, waiting for her response. There were so many emotions in her brown eyes, but I couldn't tell which was the strongest. I wanted to know so badly what was going through her head. Her heart is so pure, that I wouldn't be surprised if he finally realized just how dark mine is, and she wants nothing more to do with me.ย 

She eventually spoke, "What?"

"I don't have my own company. I'm an assassin. I kill people for a living. These men that I just killed were trying to ambush me, probably because I'd killed somebody important to them. I'm not who you think I am," I confess. I confess more than I should, yet it's also not enough at the same time, because I'm still keeping things from her. But after what just happened, I don't want to keep lying. She needs to know at least part of the truth before I tell her all of it.ย 

Her eyebrows lowered and I could faintly hear her rapid heartbeat in the silent room. I added, even though I probably shouldn't, "I also killed Malcolm."

I'm confessing so much. I'm confessing enough to get her to hate me because I realize that I was just about to take a bullet for her blonde hair and brown eyes. She needs to hate me, I can't do this hit if she doesn't. I'm trying so hard at this moment to make her hate me.ย 

She needs to be terrified of me to never speak to me again. I need her to hate me.ย 

"Why?" she asked quietly. That's all she says. Even after what I just said, she still doesn't insult me.

I hesitated. I can't bring myself to say that I have a hit on her. But if I just fucking say it, she'll hate me and stay away from me. Which is what I want, right?

"He broke a deal with me," I lied.

I killed him because he hit her.

I couldn't say it. I couldn't look at her face, her eyes, and tell her that I have to kill her. Even though she would hate me, and this would become so much easier. My chest burned thinking about it. No matter how much easier this would become, I can't say those words that would guarantee her to hate me.

I continued, "I'm an evil man, Hailey. I kill people and I don't feel bad about it. Alessandro is part of this world, too. He got a hit on a different Hailey Romano and confused it with you. But don't worry, I promise he won't ever hurt you. I won't let him."

I lie to her. Once again.ย 

She kept quiet. I could tell by her facial expression that she had so many thoughts in her head. I couldn't tell her the real reason Alessandro did that, because then she would know about the hit.

There were about 2 steps between us. I took two slow steps toward her, closing the gap between us. I looked down at her, our faces only inches apart. I asked her, "Are you afraid of me?"

She still didn't speak, looking at the ground. I put my hand on her jaw and turned her to head to face me. I repeated, "Are you afraid of me, Hailey?"

She bit her bottom lip. Her eyebrows furrowed, as if she questioning her own answer. She responded quietly, "No. I'm not."

I felt my heart lift at her words, but I didn't let my face show it. I grabbed my gun again and traced the back of it from the top of her shoulder, down her arm to her wrist. I didn't dare point it towards her as I did so. I asked, "Even when I do this?"

"No," she whispered, her voice trembling slightly, but there was no hesitation.ย 

I put my gun back to where it was while asking her, "Why?"

She took a deep breath. She gave herself a second before answering, "Because I know you wouldn't hurt me."

I have a hit on you, to make you suffer. I'll get 2 million dollars if I hurt you.

Yet as I stare at the face of the most beautiful woman I've ever seen, the feeling in my heart stops me. I place my hands against the sides of her face and whisper, "You're right."

I can't kill her. I can't hurt her. I have no idea how the fuck to get out of this one. If I say I'm not going to do it, then they'll get somebody else to do it who actually will. That only leaves me with one option. By March 31st, I have to find out who ordered the hit.

And then I need to kill them.

I let my hands stay on her face for a few more moments before removing them and walking to the door. I looked outside, making sure that it was empty. It doesn't surprise me at all that Ricard and his friends wanted to kill me, but I am surprised at their stupidity.ย 

Alessandro is probably pissed. This was supposed to be his final party since his dad only has a few more weeks left. Reid is probably pissed, too. I know how much he loves his birthday. I didn't want to ruin this day for him.ย 

I turned back to look at Hailey, "We should go now, the cops will be here any minute."

If it was only Alessandros party, I wouldn't think about somebody calling the cops. Like the night Dante was killed. The don clearly cleaned up the scene and buried the body, and nobody at that party was unfamiliar with gunshots. But since Reids party was here also, I'm positive at least one person called the cops.

But there were no security cameras in this building. I checked beforehand. She nodded her head and walked towards the door to leave. I kept my hand around her waist as we walked, in case anybody was still lurking.

We got outside and made it to my car. She instantly pulled out her phone and texted Reid, who was blowing up her phone.ย 

I was expecting her to stay quiet for the entire ride, to take in what I told her. But instead, she asked me, "For how long?"


"How long have you been an assassin? And why?"ย 

"I've been an assassin for 4 years, ever since I turned 21. I didn't mean to become one, it just happened. I got into a fight at a bar, can't even remember why. Alessandro was there, he got me into that world from that point forward. And then I've never left," I confess to her, but then I pause while I think. "I think that I just enjoyed being in charge."

Now she remained silent, and I let her think.

"Do you only kill bad people?" she asked me.

The truth is, I have no idea. Alessandro, or other people, give me hits and I do them. I don't care who they are or what they've done. All I care about is getting the money after. But would Hailey hate me if I answered this question wrong?

"I have no idea," I answered her.

She nodded her head. I could tell from her face that she wasn't thrilled about my answer, but I couldn't tell how the fuck she was feeling. It was driving me crazy.ย 

If tonight hadn't gone the way it did, I would've asked her to come to my house. But after everything she's learning, I think I need to take her home and give her time to process everything. No matter how much I'd love to wake up next to her.

I pulled into her driveway, but she remained sitting for a second. I looked her up and down, waiting to see if she was going to speak.

"Does Reid know?" she asked me.

I shook my head, "Nobody knows besides other people involved in the same stuff."

She still sat there. She opened her car door to get out, but stopped once one foot was out. She asked, "Are you going to be an assassin forever?"

Had she asked me this a few weeks ago, I would've said yes. I would continue to kill and kill and kill until one day somebody gets the better of me and kills me first. But now, I'm not so sure. Maybe I'd be open to changing. I responded to her, "I don't know."

She nodded. She got out, closing the door behind her. I watched as she walked to her front door, but she paused before opening it. She turned back around to look at me, and I rolled my window down. She asked, "Can I come over tomorrow night?"

"Yes," I say instantly.ย 

She smiled slightly. This time she turned around and entered her house, closing the door behind her. I pulled out of her driveway and started driving home.

I need to find out who wants her dead, sooner rather than later.


I sat down in my office, unbuttoning the top two buttons of my shirt. The sound of pounding at my door didn't surprise me at all, I figured Alessandro was going to show up here.ย 

I sighed before walking to my door and opening it. I remained standing in the middle of the doorway, not allowing him in.ย 

His arms were crossed and his lips were pressed in a thin line. He asked aggressively, "What the fuck was that, Black."

"Ricard and his friends were going to shoot first."

He scoffed, "I don't like to have my fucking parties ruined."

"Then maybe you should've had a no-gun rule."

He took a step towards me with anger coating his face, but when I looked down at him with the same look, he backed off. He said, "My father only has about two weeks left, and then I will become the don. I think you are going to want to stop killing people you aren't ordered to and get me on your good side."

I spoke darkly, "I think you are the one who should want to be on my good side."

I could kill Alessandro easily. Kill him, skip town, never get caught. But there's a certain blonde keeping me here, that's stopping me from doing that. If I kill Alessandro and don't run, he will have the entire mafia after me. If you kill a Diaz, there is no way you can stay in New York, they'll hunt you down and gut you.ย 

He forced a fake smile, an amused sound coming out of his mouth. Until he is the don, his threats have nothing behind them. He said, "I will give you one more chance. Piss me off again, and our business will be over."

I couldn't give less of a shit.

I acted like I cared, "Fine."

He shook my hand and then I shut my door in his face. I walked back into my office and poured myself a glass of whiskey before taking a seat. Alessandro continues to piss me off more and more. He's lucky I have important matters to attend to right now.

I need to figure out who wants Hailey dead. I can't trace their location, but maybe they'd be willing to meet in person. I took my work phone out of the drawer and called the number.

They picked up, "Black. What can I do for you?"

"I was thinking we could meet in person to discuss this hit further."

They went silent for what felt like several moments. They spoke with a little bit of fear in their voice, "Why?"

I could tell by their voice that they thought there was an ulterior motive here. I needed a believable excuse to try and meet with them. I replied, "This hit is harder than the rest, and maybe 2 million isn't enough for me. If we met and negotiated on a different price, then we could continue moving forward with this hit."

"And what makes you think I won't just deny this and find another assassin willing to?"

"Assassins are hard to find. And a lot of them are dead now. Dante, Stefan, Ricard....I have killed them all now. I doubt you even know another," I tried to call their bluff.

They went quiet, telling me everything I needed to know.ย 

"We don't need to meet in person to negotiate. I will up it to 5 million, and no more. But the days are running out....only 18 remain. If she is not dead by then, I will kill her myself," The mans voice spoke before ending the call.


I guess that didn't work. I toss my phone onto my desk and swear before leaning back in my chair.

I have no idea how to fucking find this person, but I will. I will find them before March 31st and I'll kill them. I won't let them or anybody else do anything to Hailey.

Because she is mine to protect.

Word Count: 2152

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