Chapter Seventy-Three: Unnecessary But It Established Power

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"An eye for an eye will only make the whole world blind."

โ€• Mahatma Gandhi


We all stare at Grindelwald in horror. Behind him stood a couple of his followers. "Kids," Sabra demands in a cold tone. "Upstairs." She orders

When none of our friends moved, Waiola snaps. "NOW!" She screams. They run upstairs, and I send a spell at the staircase in that brief millisecond.

"Fulgura Fulmen!" I snap, and the stairs were protected from the man that had followed after my defenceless friends. He's struck so hard with a bolt of lightning, he's sent back flying through the wall, blowing up the whole infrastructure where he'd been attempting to climb after them.

"Valentine Dumbledore." Grindelwald grins at me and then steps forward to stare at Tom. "Tom Riddle." He muses. "I've been getting impatient, you see." He was mocking us. Making this whole grand speech.

"You asshole!" Theseus scowls. "You killed my fiancee." He snarls.

"Who? Oh yes. The Lestrange girl." He snickers, eyes lighting up in mock misery. "Such a shame." He pouts, then he points at Tom and me.

"If you all wouldn't mind. I'll be taking these two with me." He grins, malice in every ounce of his expression.

"Over my dead body." Aberforth snarls.

"Oh my. Aberforth Dumbledore. I almost didn't see you there!" Grindelwald giggles.

"What are we going to do!?" I hiss at Tom in my head.

"I have an idea. Remember the last scene in your vision?" Tom demands, eyes glaring at Grindelwald.

"Let's use it against him!?" I snap in realization, eyes widening in thought.

"You know the spell?" Tom asks and my mind ravages for some sort of thought as to what the spell was, my memories of countless spells and books flinging through my mind.

"Protego Diabolica." Abaddon's voice fills my mind, and I smirk slowly.

"Thanks, my love," I state at him, and he whines.

"Bring me out to play Val. You trust them, right? Please. It's been so long," He begs, and I nod slowly.

"Fine. Let's stop hiding and show this arsehole not to mess with us again."

"Don't be shocked." I hiss at Tom, making him turn to look at me curiously. Slowly my eyes disappear, and they are replaced by my pure black orbs.

"Dumbledore, what the heck?!" Tom's astounded voice pierces in my mind, and I smile at him

"You are annoying me, Gellert. How many times do we have to tell you NO....before the thought enters through that thick skull of yours." Mine and Abaddon's voice coerce together, causing everyone to turn to my form in shock.

"You're just becoming petty, and that is not an attractive trait to have." We taunt him, slowly but surely.

He stares at me in shock, realizing slightly what was going on. Slowly the pieces of the puzzle in his mind became one, and his eyes widen, smiling at the realization. "So, Abaddon is?"

"No one." I respond, smirking. "No one of importance to you, you utter trash. Bow to me, you worthless pest." We snarl in unison.

"I bow to no one Valentine." He smiles, stepping forward.

"Val." Aberforth tries to grab me. "Don't touch her!" He aims his wand in Grindelwald's face. "You killed my sister, you pathetic won't get the chance to hurt another member of my family." He scowls, rage pulsing in his orbs.

"Then I'll just have to kill you." Grindelwald shrugs and aims his wand at the man.

I see the wand in his grasp. It was the elder wand.

Holy shite. He finally found it.

"Avada-" Before he could finish the spell and kill my cousin, I use Abaddon's demonic speed and strength to grab the wand, sending the spell straight up.

Before I could break it in half, a spell is sent at me, pushing me away. Theseus strides up and steps in front of me. Nagini does the same thing and glares at a man behind Grindelwald.

"You took Credence!" She snarls, and I blink, realizing that the friend Nagini had been talking about before was Credence.

My eyes flash in anger, and my hands come up. Grindelwald and his stupid ass followers are blasted out of the house, with a shove of my arms forward.

"Stupid arseholes ruining my damn mood." I snarl, stalking outside to advance on them, ignoring the stunned expressions of everyone around me. Tom glides over to my side, unsheathing his own wand.

"You have so much explaining to do, Dumple." He snarls.

"I have a demon residing inside of me. There. Explained." I smirk at him, making him glare even harder.

"I suspected that was the case. How long?" He demands.

"Nearing four years."

"And he has a name?" Tom demands as we come to a stop, advancing on the Grindelwald wannabes even more.

"Yes, actually. His name is Abaddon, and you've just insulted him."

"Insolent little brat I swear I'll raise hell for the little bugger when he dies just let me-"

"No, Abaddon." I grin out loud

The adults race outside, and they stand behind us, staring at the scene in front of them in fear. I whip around backwards. "Protego Diabolica!" I shout, and blue flames erupt all around them, ensnaring them in a protective grasp.

"We can take these assholes without them." I muse to Tom who snorts.

"You're so full of it, Dumbledore." He scowls. "Better than having them get in my way." He adds, deep in thought.

"How do you want to split it?" I muse, watching as they all got back to their feet.

"Opposite this time." He muses, striding in front of the seven followers that accompanied Grindelwald.

"Fine with me." I grin and stomp up towards Grindelwald, at the ready.

"VALENTINE RELEASE THIS GOD DAMN SPELL NOW!!" Aberforth seethes. I glance back, seeing them trying to fight the flames to get through to help us.

"WE ARE AURORS!! THIS IS OUR JOB!!!" Theseus shouts.

I ignore them, and Grindelwald smirks at me. I see Tom start to engage in his fight, intricate and deadly.

"Ready, girl." He scowls, and I smirk.

"Always Gellert," I smirk back and then we're shooting out spells at the same time. The spells collide in an explosion of debris sending us both back.

"Incarnius." I snap, sending the chains straight at him. He transfigures them into snakes and snaps the huge serpents towards me. They erupt in flames at my command. I send them hurling towards a man creeping on Tom from behind while sending a gust of flames straight at Grindelwald.

Tom sends me a nod of thanks, and then I'm dodging an array of spells from Grindelwald with a dizzying rate.

I slide away from a current of flames he'd sent at me, and I run, dashing to the fence. I climb it up, three steps and flip backwards, sending a stunning spell straight at his face.

He stops his attack only to block my blow and then he's on defence. I attack with a furious monstrosity of anger. Instead of always being on the offence, he was suddenly struggling to fight back. I didn't give him any room to breathe because I was hurling a blue flamed serpent in his direction. This wasn't just any serpent, though. My eyes blaze red and black with the new spell I'd decided to make. Pointing at the snake, I send Grindelwald a smirk, and his eyes widen when he hears my spell.

"Sequitur Serpens Ut Impetu!" The spell is shot at the massive thirty-foot reptile of fire, and then I point my wand at Grindelwald, whose face had paled drastically in the seconds leading up to my attack. "Impetum," I order my beast, and it slithers after Grindelwald, who had started to run.

The followers seeing their leader in danger race after him in an effort to help him.

Tom rushes towards me, and my eyes return back to their normal blue colour. I was struggling to catch my breath, and I lean my arm on his shoulder in an attempt to breathe.

"I hate duelling." I groan, and he scoffs, grabbing my waist and hauling me closer so he could rest his own arm on me.

I sling a spell at the blue flames keeping the adults safe, dispelling it, and they race over to start screaming at us.

"HOW DARE YOU!?" Aberforth starts to roar in anger.

"I think they apparated away." I point, hearing the blasting sounds of apparation.

"Well, anyone sane WOULD APPARATE AWAY FROM THAT THING!!" Theseus points at my serpent that was looking around confused for Grindelwald.

"Awwww. The poor baby." I point at it and dissolve it away, muttering the counter curse. The snake bellows out a roar, dissolving into a bundle of flames flying into the wind.

"VALENTINE WHAT THE HELL WAS THAT!!?" Waiola screeches, staring at me. I shrug and wave away their concerns.

"I've never heard that spell in my life," Newt asks me, and I grin.

"There's a reason for that. I just created it." I muse.

"You still need to teach me how to do that." Tom smacks my head.

"OW! You arsehole!" I snap. "I said, I would!! You should remind me!" I grumble.

"I need wine," Sabra exclaims, putting a hand to her head. Theseus raises his hand.

"Me too."

"Leave some for me," Aberforth grumbles, moving to engulf Tom and me in protective hugs.

"Can I have some wine?" I ask.

"ABSOLUTELY NOT!" Aberforth looked horrified

"NO!" Every other adult exclaims, giving me industrious looks.

"They're looking at me like I'm possessed," I grumble. Tom snorts in amusement.

"It's only after we've lost everything that we're free to do anything."

โ€• Chuck Palahniuk

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