Chapter Fifty-Seven: Wool's Orphanage and Polyjuice Potion

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I was seething. "I'm going to find that no good son of a bitch and tie him to a tree. I'm going to take him to that damn graveyard Tom almost killed me in and wait until a fucking werewolf eats him alive to then dispose of his bones in FIENDFYRE!!" I screech.

"And she says I have bloodlust."


"You have more prudent things to worry about!! Go save that Riddle boy!" Abaddon huffs. "You've only been preparing that damn Polyjuice potion for months."

I let out an angry groan and apparate straight into Tom's room.

He wasn't there, but he'd already started to unpack, and I take the liberty of looking around

The orphanage itself from the outside was a square building surrounded by high railings. It was run-down but clean. It was also a grim place to grow up in. It looked eerily similar to the orphanage I'd grown up in. The rooms inside were no different. They were small with one bed, a desk, one chair and a closet. At least he got more accessories than my room had. It was a smaller room considering mine was a double and two people shared it, but all that space to himself must've been nice.

I sit on his desk and curl my lip at the view from the window he had. The window showed nothing but bricks. No wonder Tom became a freaking psychopath, serial killer. If I'd been staring at a window piled with bricks my whole life, I'd go on a killing spree too.


Tom's angry voice booms in the room and I whirl around to smile at him. "Hey, Tom!" I greet, waving, and he looked ready to strangle me.

"What are you doing here?!"He hisses, slamming the door to his room and stalking over to where I was.

I point to his window. "That is a pessimistic view. I understand why you're so depressed now." I joke, but that makes him get even madder.

"Dumbledore I am one second away from-"

"I'm here to get you out of here," I state calmly, smiling at him. He blinks in surprise.

"What?!" He yells, and I grin.

"I'm getting you out of this god awful place." I shiver, staring around with the haunted eyes of my past. He's silent in his bewilderment. I inhale deeply. "This place brings back so many memories," I say in a tiny voice.

"I witnessed my first murder in a place like this. I was six." I whisper, eyes going to the wooden tiles that every stupid orphanage seemed to have because it was the cheapest tiles they got. Tom's staring at me with emotionless eyes. "Wood and blood do not mix well." My voice is a hush, and I see Tom turn to stare at the tiles on the floor with intrigued eyes.

"You said you were getting me out of here?" Tom changes the topic smoothly, and I blink out of my diseased state of mind. I hear the longing and brief lapse of hope enter his voice, and I nod.

"Yes. I have a plan, so don't stay unpacked. Pack up your things. I'm adopting you out of here." I grin. Tom's eyes harden in curiosity, staring at me unbelieving.

"How so?"

"I made Polyjuice Potion. I'm going to adopt you as Aberforth, and then you can come live with us in Hog's Head Inn. I know it's not a perfect place to live in but-"

"But anything is better than here." He agrees and then shakes his head, crossing his arms. "Why? Why go to all this trouble?" He demands. "You made Polyjuice Potion for me? That takes months to brew." His eyes soften slightly as he stares at me from my place on his desk. He leans on the bedrest right in front of me, so we stand face to face. He was so tall he had to lean back a bit, so we became level.

"Because... I've been through all of this." I wave my hand around the room. "Being in a place like this kills you slowly." I enunciate each word, my own eyes hard with the troubles of my past. "I don't want that to happen to you," I whisper, looking up to meet his dark eyes. Such cool understanding filled them. His eyes search my face.

"You want nothing in return?" He asks, scoffing, and I scoff back.

"How about you let me sign your damn contract?" A smile spreads on my lips, and his lips twitch upwards slightly.

I take my bag and rummage through it before handing him the vial. "Smell that. It seems right, doesn't it?" I ask, wanting a second opinion. Freaking, Hermione scarred me. I watch as he props the lid open with his thumb and raises it to his nose slightly. He nods a second later.

"It's adequate." He shrugs. I grin, knowing adequate in Tom's dictionary meant damn near perfect.

"Thank you." I muse, taking back the vial and placing it on the desk. I took out Aberforth's clothes that I'd stolen, and I give Tom a look. "I need to change Riddle. Out." I order. "Don't let anyone in here." I give him a look, and he scoffs.

"No one will look at you twice, Dumbledore." He walks out of the room, shutting it behind him. I hear him lean on the door, and I roll my eyes.

"I'm doing something nice for him, and he still insults me," I grumble, stuffing my jeans and hoodie into my bag as I stripped. I put on Aberforth's long brown pyjama pants and long robes. I let down my hair from its ponytail, stashing it in my bag safely. Putting on Aberforth's shoes, I knock lightly on the door to let Tom know it was alright for him to come back in.

"She kicks me out of my own room," Tom grumbles as he re-enters his chamber of torture. He blinks twice at me. "You look ridiculous." He states, and I glare at him.

"It might not kill you to be actually nice to me for a change!" I snap, hissing at him. I grab the hair and plop it into the potion. Reaching in my bag, I take out one of the restricted section books. This book didn't have as horrific as spells in it, but it was still dark magic, which I knew would interest Tom. "Here." I hand it to him. "You have an unhealthy obsession with the dark arts. Learn some new spells." I say deadpanned, and his eyes light up with eagerness.

He takes the book from me, and I place my bag on his bed. "Remember to bring my bag with you, please," I state. He nods absentmindedly. "Asshole," I grumble and then chug down the potion. Tom's eyes glance up, watching as I have to choke down the disgusting drink.

My stomach began to writhe like I was going to be sick. It was as if my intestines were slithering around like snakes doing an intricate dance inside me. A burning sensation came next, and it quickly spread until my whole body was heated and in pain. I heave slightly, and it was like my body was being covered in hot wax. Then before my eyes, my hands started to change. My hair grew shorter, and my legs grew taller. My shoulders stretched painfully, and my toes expanded into the shoes.

I'm gasping in pain after the whole thing is over. "God, I feel terrible." I groan, and Tom is smirking at me.

"Well, it worked, Dumbledore. You look like your cousin. Congratulations." He looks impressed.

"I never did like that potion," I grumble, looking down at him. "My god Aberforth is so tall. And his voice is so deep." My hands grip my throat in shock.

I can see the amusement dawn in Tom's eyes, and he sighs, leaning back onto his bed.

"Well, hurry up, Dumbledore. You don't know how long the potion will last, so hasten your pace and adopt me out of this place." Tom demands, and I glare at him.

"What about I leave you here?" I snap at him, in Aberforth's tone.

"You literally just drank Polyjuice Potion Dumple. I don't think you will."



"Ugh. I'll be back in a bit. Pack UP your things!!" I snap at him, and I apparate away, not before seeing the little smile that made its way on Tom's face. It was a real smile. A genuine smile.... although small.

My heart skipped a beat.

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