First day's First Fight

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Shit!! I'm late.

Khadoos will kill me!!!

I ran huffing towerds the training area. After Param Bhai and Karan left my room I got an important call from one of my patient in U.S.

And I forgot about the training.

It's our first day of training & I'm late.I reached the ground and hurriedly stood in the line.

Shit!! He saw me.

I'm declaring myself dead.

I shifted my gaze down when his burning glares fell on me.

I knew he was already frustrated by Param Bhai's decision. The urge of choking me to the death right here, was clear in his eyes

He was glaring.


Calm down monu... Param bhai will take this session and he couldn't do anything in his presence.

I assured myself and let out a sigh of relaxation raising my head up again.

"Param Sir is out for something important. So this session will be conducted under Karan Sir."

Well, I'm so used to getting shocked, so I tried something new. I laughed. Not like dying whale but silently. On myself.

How could you even expect this much from your fate monu!!

"Fifty rounds without" Karan ordered.


You decided to not to get shocked.

And how the fuck am I supposed to do that in this situation?? 50 rounds?? Are you kidding me.

Every recruit standing there was as shock as I was.

I mean, It's first day and he's .......

" Does anyone has listening problem?? " He asked loudly while glaring everyone.

Everyone shook thier head in no and started running.

Fifty rounds were so far... We all gave up in just thirteenth one.

Suddenly Bala fell down on the ground...

"Wa-Water" He begged while catching his breath.

I ran towards the table where a water bottle was placed.

"Stop!!... No one is getting water before the completion of your task. I don't remember saying thirteen rounds you
Let me say repeat it, clear and loud, Fifty rounds. So just get up and complete it "

Karan shouted in a cold voice and glaring at all of us that has me shivering for a moment. Then I glared back at him.

"Can't you just see-"I started but then remembered where I was standing. "Sir, just look at him, Look at his condition. He is not even able to stand properly and you ar-p "

" Did anyone asked for your opinion Miss Mahaajan??? "

Cruel devil!!

He didn't let me complete and cut me off with his stupid statement.

Now he had awoke the doctor inside me.

"Nobody needed to ask me Sirr!! Being a doctor It's my duty to tell you that your cadet is not in the state to run. So please just excuse him"

clap clap!!!

I answered competing to his glare.

"Don't forget Miss Mahajan, Here You are a cadet first then, a doctor and being a cadet you should know that it's your duty to obey your trainer. " He gave me a pointed look.

"Sure Sir, But I can't ignore my duty as a doctor also." I paused.

I helped Bala to stand up and make him sit on the bench near. After passing him the water bottle I again looked back at Karan.

"Now you can give me whatever punishment you want, Sirrr!!! "


Where did you get this courage man!!

He passed me a deadly look and I shifted my gaze down.

"Alright then!!! Training is over everyone. Go Have your breakfast."


Everyone looked at him shocked.

Devil turns into Angel???

I doubt.

I stared him with squinted eyes.

"I really don't like to repeat myself. Dissmiss!!!! " He shouted.

Everyone started departing hurriedly including me. I had just took a step ahead... And-

" Not you Miss Mahajan. You are leaving after completing fifty rounds and not getting your breakfast today. "

I rolled my eyes.

So!! What were you saying...???

Angle... My  fucking foot!!!

He doesn't even need horns. He's surely a devil.

But a hot devil... No??

Shut up!!


I entered inside my room huffing and breathing heavily after completing the task.

I jumped on the bed and layed down on bed... Snuggling my face into pillow.

I rewind everything that happened.

"Aghhhh!!!! "

I got up with a jolt and sat up on the bed.

"That stupid emotionless goblin. "I stood up and started marching to and fro.

"What else you were expecting from that Khadoos Monu... Hahh!!"

"He's such a monster!!"

"Are these compliments for me, RANISAHIBA...?? "

I stopped in my tracks and turned to see the devil leaning on a my door and a stupid hot smirk was playing on his lips.

" You?? What the heck are you doing here?? " I shouted as anger flared inside me seeing his stupid handsome punchable face.

"Arey!! Why did you stop... Please continue nah. "He said walking smugly inside and sat on my bed with that smirk plastered on his lips, that I was so willing to wipe off with a perfect punch.

But, Why the hell is he smirking??

Cause he got the very first point from you... Dumbo!!

My conscience reminds me.

How did i forgot it. So he started the game?? Fine then.

I sat besides him with folding my legs.

"I want coffee." I expressed crossing my arms over my chest.

"You are not allowed to have breakfast. "He answers Unitrestedly.

"I know, But I can have a coffee atleast? I know you are Devil straight from hell But there's no need to prove it everytime." I said narrowing my eyes on him.

"So, If you are saying this,Then you should know that devils doesn't show mercy.!! "

"Whatever!! Just go and get me a cup of strong coffee!! " I exclaimed raising my brows in demand.

"Sorry??? " He confirmed.

" Yeah!! You should be. You were very rude to me today!!"

"Excuse me??? "He asked trying to register my answere.

"Yeah.. Sure!! After you make a coffee for me, I'll excuse you."

Good one monu!!

He gave me a Are-you-alright-with-your-mind look.

"C'mon. Hurry up"

"Shut up!! .... I'm not your servant " He growled.

I raised my one brow and gave him a smirk. "I guess, You kind of, are!! " I smirked and guess what??

He got back his memory back. Yayyyy!!!!

"Not this Ranishiba. You can't take misadvantage of Bhai's deal"He said in disbelief.

"Why not??" I gave him a smile with over cheese.

He greeted his teeth while glaring at me for a long moment that I doubted his teeth would be turn into liquid. And then stormed off out of the room leaving me to ponder on if he'll do it or not??

But soon enough my question got answered as he came back holding a tray in his hands and placed it on the table.

I smiled sheepishly and he rolled his eyes.

He can't change you know!!

I picked the coffee mug up and sipped.

"Not bad Khadoos Shergill, So Now it's final, only you will make me coffee, always. "He snapped his face towards me.

Oh god!! His expression are just... Woooww!!!!

"No way!!! " He forced the words as tried to control his anger.

I gave him an extra cheesy smile while keeping the mug again on table. "Okay!! Then get ready with the expression you'll be giving to Bhai. " I said and sat on the bed,Crossing one leg on the other.

The next thing I new was him hoovering me. Resting his hands on the edges of the bed he stood closer to me and I was caged between him and bed.

My breath got hitched and voice dried in my throat as His black orbs bored into my brown ones.

"Don't play with fire Ranisahiba!! " He said with a smirk. I got some courage and pushed him back standing up.

"This fire, I'll quench with a single puff. "I narrowed my eyes with a smirk.

"Now please leave. I don't want anyone to know that Special Agent Karan Shergill is my personal care taker" I smirked and He took a threatening step closer with jutted teeth making me suck into a sharp breath but suddenly stepped back and walked out making me confused.


Hey you all!! So here's the next chapter.

Read and tell me how was the it. I hope you'll love it.

Do voting please. Catch you in the next chapter. Till then keep smiling.

Thank you

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