Double E

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"Well since this is you're new home we're gonna set some ground rules". Stu said to you with a look of stupidity

"1. Don't go in the basement

2. Don't run away

AndΒ can sleep with whoever you want"

After Stu said that he got a hard slap on the head from Jason . "OW!" Stu howled in pain while holding his head in his arms after that they talked to you about having to get you clothes since you hadn't changed yet. Right now the best the could give you was one of Patrick's outfits. It smelled like fire, shit, and a bunch of axe body spray. Patrick looked you up and down

Patrick: hot

"Henry hit him on the back of the head"

Henry: let's just go to the store

. After a few hours of shopping.

You were in your room getting changed in pjs which was just a huge shirt you where done until you heard Vic yell for you, you where all gonna watch a movie again you ran down the stairs and then on the forth step you fell then when you finished falling with a bunch of loud thuds you got up like nothing happened.

Everyone was shocked Vincent and bubba ran over to you terrified that you were hurt while Freddy was laughing his ass off you where fine and you got to choose the movie and Freddy got his ass whooped.

You guys all sat together and fell asleep .

I'm not dead I'm very much alive I'm gonna try and write more since I'm on thanksgiving break :D

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