ᴄʜᴀᴘ 12 -ʙᴀᴛᴛʟᴇ ꜰᴏʀ ᴀ ʙᴏᴜɴᴄʏ ʙᴀʟʟ-

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"Something wrong?" A voice suddenly asked which made us all turned over to look at the sorce.

'It's the old chairman guy?'

I stared at the man suspiciously while Killua straight up glared at him and Gon looked a bit tense but mainly just confused.

His wooden shoes made clacking sounds as he walked over to us calmly.

"Mr. Netero." Gon said once the man stopped in front of us. "You didn't see anyone come from that side did you?" He asked while pointing over to the direction I had felt someone staring at me in.

'Oh right thats his name.'

Netero shook his head side to side and answered with, "No I didn't."

Killua scoffed and spoke up, "You're fast, for an old timer."

'Killua seems to have caught on too.'

"Oh that trick?" Netero raised his eyes brows a smiled, "I just barley moved thats all."

The air suddenly got really tense which both Gon and I noticed wrather quickly as Gon looked back and fourth between the two and I just blankly stared.

"What do you want? You don't have anything to do with the exam until the final phase right?" Killua asked, his glare at the old guy getting harsher. "Now, now. No need to be so unkind. I got got a little bord so I decided to look for some company." Netero answered.

'He kinda seems like he's just taunting Killua a bit.'

"By the way, I've been meaning to ask you. Any thoughts on you first attempt on the hunter exam?" Netero asked all three of us with a closed eyed smile on his face which made Gon smile brightly right back. "Yeah! It's a lot of fun! There haven't been any written test yet and I was kinda worried about that!" Gon answered the man happily, seemigly not threatned by his presence unlike Killua over there.

"It's fine I guess." I shurgged not really knowing home to answer, "I just wish there wasn't so much physical activity." I sighed while Netero then moved on to look over at Killua, expecting him to answer too.

"I'm dissapointed honestly. I expected this to be a lot more challenging." Killua spoke, his intense stare at the man not changing even for a split second."But I asume, The next phase will be more ineresting?" Killua asked the old man in a questioning tone which caused him to think for a moment.

"Oh, we'll see" Netero looked off the the side, clearly not giving Killua the answer that he wanted as he said, "Lets go guys." He started to walk off when Netero quickly stopped him, "Wait! Just a moment." He said with that unsettling smile right back on his face again which made me a bit uncomfortable.

Killua paused, not looking back at the man.

"Would you like to play a little game with me?" The old man asked which made Killua slightly tuned back to look at the man a little bit.

"Game?" Gon questioned curiously.

"And if you three can beat me, then I'll make you hunters on the spot!"

"Does it envolve physical activity?" I asked with a raised brow which caused the man to look over at me. He chuckled lightly and said, "I'm afraid so." I sighed. "Then I'm not interested."

'If Killua and Gon get there hunters licences and leave then I'll probably either just drop out of the exam or stick with Kurapika and Leorio so if they do win thats fine I guess.'

"Really?! I'll play!" Gon said excitedly while Killua seemed more hesitant as he turned back to look at the man fully. "What do you say? Well?" He asked Killua.


We were now in a room with wood floors and small circular windows all around while Netero stood in the middle of the room, bouncing a black and yellow bouncy ball up and down.

I leaned against the wall behind me as I was just sitting down since I didn't want to play while the old man explained the rules to Killua and Gon.

I was already starting to get bored while he was explaining till I remembered that I had shoved a bunch of snacks in my pockets just awhile ago.

Suddenly there was silence which made me confused so I looked up and saw Killua slowly starting to walk in a circle around Netero. Everything seemed normal at first, well, that was until I started seeing more then one Killuas.

"Oh wow." I mumbled.

"Y/n look! Theres a bunch of Killuas!" Gon said as he looked over at me while pointing in front of his at the circle of Killuas walking around the old man. "I see that." I nodded at the boy who seemed really amazed as he turned back forward to look at what was going on once again.

The real Killua suddenly jumped forward, making all of the others disappear as he tried to grab ahold of the ball but Netero just kept dodging his attempts.

I quickly lost interest in the scene in front of me as I figured this would be going on for awhile as Netero was just effortlessly dodging everyone of Killua's attempts.

I then reached into one of my pockets and grabbed the first thing my finger tips touched. I pulled out the wrapped snack only to see the one and only (favorite candy) in my hands.


I fawned over the candy in my hands, ignoring Killua who was jumping around the room and holding his leg.

After a moment Killua tagged Gon in and sat down right next to me, sighing.

I looked over at the fluffy white haired boy next to me and hummed, shoving my hands into my pockets a seraching around for something to give him. I pulled out a chocolate bar and shrugged.

'He has to like chocolate right?' 

I tapped on Killua's shoulder which made him look over at me with an eye brow raised. I then nonchalantly lifted my hand up that was holding the choclate in it over to the boy.

"You want it?" I asked with a bland expression on my face. 

The second Killua's eyes landed on the choclate bar in my hand they started to sparkle brightly.

'Geez his eyes are pretty.'

He nodded vigorously and then took the choclate bar from my hand, waisting no time at all to rip open the packaging and chow down on the entire bar. 

I just watched, amused, as the boy quite literally enhailed the entire bar into his mouth.

Once he had finished he then looked back over at me with puppy dog eyes as a little bit of choclate on the side of his mouth. "Do you have any more?" He asked me in a pleading tone which made me sigh softly. 

I shoved my hands into my pockets a pulled out all of the chocolate bars that I could feel which I figure out was thirty eight.

'I didn't even know my pockets had that much space...'

Killua was about to reach over for another one until I slapped his hand away. He yelped and pulled his hand back and the glared at me.

"What's the magic word?" I asked with a smile which made Killua scowl. 

He grumbled and bunch of nonsense about how I should just give him the chocolate but once he realized it wasn't working one bit to convince me he sighed and mumbled, "Please."

"Actually the magic word was lotion. But I'll accept your please since you want to choclates so bad." I said, pushing the stack of choclate bars over to the boy who smiled happily when the were in front of him.


About an hour and a half had already passed and I was now laying on my stomach playing on a DS with my baby sheep watching me play and no one seemed to noticed me summoning the DS because of anime logic.

'I forget this sheep was alive until she jumped off of my head a seond ago...'

All I could hear in the backround was the groans of Killua and Gon as they kept getting beat up by this guy.

"All forget it, I quit. You beat me alright!" The sound of Killua's voicee suddenly said, causing me to look up at the scene.

Gon was sitting on the floor and Killua was standing up while Netero was holding the ball a ways away from the two.

I hummed and waved my hand around which made my DS vanish into thin air as Killua started to walk over to me where him and Gon had placed there outer shirts.

"Don't quit! We've still got lots of time. And besides, we came so close to getting the ball just now!" Gon tried to convince Killua to confinue playing but Killua didn't seem phased by his pleas. "Come on. You're really cluelss aren't you?" Killua sighed as he placed his white outer shirt on his shoulder. "It's hopeless! Think about it, the old guy has barley used his right hand or left leg. He's way too powerful for us Gon. We could keep at this for an entire year and neve get that ball!"

I hummed as I looked over at Netero.

"Ah so you figured it out did you? And here I thought I was being pretty slick about it!" Netero said with a grin which made me sigh.

'So there was never a chance to begin with.'

"Ohhh, I get it now." Gon said, looked pretty awed about the newfound news that Killua had just told him.

"HA! HA! HA!" Killua laughed very sarcastically. "You sure know how to piss me off old man! Let's go guys!" I started to stretch and Gon said he was going to stay which made Killua argue with him.

I hummed in delight once I had finally stretched out my whole body and thankfully ended up popping some of my back.

Killua was now standing at the door as he had given up trying to convince Gon.

"You coming Y/n?" He asked me as he stared at me from the door way. "Yeah." I answered him, scooping up the baby sheep in one hand and then hopping up from my spot of the ground and walking over to him.

I set the sheep on my head and then we both walked out of the doors and they closed behind us after we stepped out of the room.

As we started walking I heard Killua grumbling about how that whole game was stupid and that the old man was a minipulative prick.

The white haired boy then yawned as he raised his hand over his mouth. 

"Getting tired?" I asked with a hum which made Killua shake his head. "No. I dont get tired." He mumbled, still angry about before. "Right..." I said under my breath which the boy next to me ignored.

"Although I am starting to sweat. Gross..." Killua sighed as he liftted his long sleeved blue shirt over his head which he had no shirt on under.

'I swear if anyone looks at us and thinks this looks sexual they better see that Killua is twelve and I'm fourteen years old.'

I hummed as I noticed the boy take off his shirt so I started to lift up my tan sweater over my head which for some reason made Killua freak out.

"Hey! Don't take off your top too!" He screeched at me with a soft red colored face which made me pause and raise a brow at the boy once I had fully pulled my sweater off. "I'm just taking off my sweater chill. It was hot in that room and now I'm starting to sweat too." I sighed as I tied the tan sweater around my waist.

Killua's face went even more red as he was embarrassed about misinterpreting my intentionsand he quickly turned his head away from me which made me chuckle softly. 

We were both silent for a moment before Killua spoke up again, "Man! That stupid old guy really pissed me off! Now I'm in a bad mood." He whined as I shrugged, not knowing how to respond.

'I mean it did kinda seem like the old guy was trying to make Killua mad, so I don't really blame him.'

As we were walking a bit farther down the hall I noticed two guys with the hunter badges on there chest which signifyed that they were in the exam.

As we were walking closer I heard a bit about there conversation.

"Did you see that there were some kids on this airship?! I mean this is a hunter exam why are there some bratty kindergardeners here?!" One of the guys said to the other which made me frown as I noticed they were talking about Killua, Gon, and me. "I know right?! Maybe we should go scare 'em a bit so they drop out." The other one snickered.

'Dude, do they not see two of those 'kindergardeners' walking there way?'

"Oh yeah!" The other guy responded back just as we were about to walk past them. 

I was getting annoyed by everything about these two guys. There voices were annoying, they were spitting as they talked, there clothes looked like circus clothes, and they were all in one just ugly.

I hummed as an idea popped in my head and as we walked by I purposley nudged my elbow harshly at the guy closest to me, pretending like it was an 'accident'.

I then continued awlking by Killua like nothing happend and hummed a song in my head because humming outloud in front of someone is way to emberassing and akward let alone singing.

"Hey kid! Wait up!" The guy that I bumped into yelled over at me and Killua which I didn't pay any mind to as I was focused on my thoughts and KIllua didn't respond because he just didn't give a crap.

"Yeah where are your manners?!" The other guy shouted which we both once again ignore. "Hey! Come back here!" The one that spoke first screeched at us as I could hear the sound of there footsteps getting closer and closer to us. 

Both of the guys placed a one of there hands on one of my shoulders which made my face shift into one of disgust as I stopped walking.

"Get you greasy crusty musty dusty rusty hands off of my precious white shirt." I spoke to the two as I turned to look at them with a still a grossed out expression on my features.

Killua had also stopped next to me and I could just feel him glaring at that two men.

I noticed Killua out of the corner of my eye slowly raise his hand up which made me sigh, knowing what was going to happen.

'Well, might as well make it easier for him.'

I swiftly turned around and lifted my leg up, kicking one of the guys were the sun doesn't shine and headbutting there other with my horns onto his stomach and then also kicking him where the sun doesn't shine. 

Both of the guys screeched and Killua stared, dumbfounded.

I then hummed, my face shifting back into my norml poker expression and turned to look over at Killua.

"Hey you were gonna kill them right?" I asked which made Killua freeze on the spot. "Well then please continue. Just pretend like I'm not even here." I said, turning around and strting to walk off again.

"HUH?! HEY WA-" The man who shouted out those final words of his didn't even get to finish as I heard some gross squelching sounds of blood and then a loud thump as I'm guessing they both dropped to the floor.

Killua then ran back over to me and started to walk next to me once again.

I glanced over at the boy and noticed that his nail's looked like mini knives and he had some blood on his hand.

The it was silence once again.

"Your, not upset?" Killua mumbled finally which made me shake my head, still walking forward. "Of course not. They deserved it." I spoke back calmly which made Killua grin.

'Might as well just get used to him killing people when I'm with him.'

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