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Zosia's eyes shot open and she grimaced as she turned over in bed. Well this was not going to go well. She coughed quietly and swung her legs over the edge of the bed, grabbing one of Ollie's old T-shirts off the floor, planning on going home to get changed before going to work. As silently as she could, she walked over to the doorway and out into the corridor, shutting the door noiselessly behind her.


Ollie's eyes shot open and he jumped out of bed when he saw the time. He needed to stop doing this. He flung on a shirt and jeans and ran out the house to the car, grabbing a banana for on the way. He ran into the hospital, half an hour late, and chucked his scrubs on as quick as he could before joining the rest of his team at the desk.


He sighed, he should have known this would not go unnoticed. Turning around with a sarcastic grin on his face, he glared at Jac.

"Yes?" He said bluntly

"One too many times Valentine, this needs to stop. Your on filing all day"

He frowned but nodded anyway. "Sure!" He smirked "Where should I start?"

"Well!" She smirked, equally sarcastically "We've got an influx of trainees today so neither of you are really needed so the staff rooms all yours and I want all the paperwork done by the end of the day"

"What do you mean neither of you?" He questioned "There's only one of me!"

She laughed "Well actually, Selfie Jr was late today as well so you can share the workload with her!"

He groaned inwardly but was determined not to let Jac win this miny battle.

"Ooh goodie I love paperwork" He laughed and skipped over to the staff room, leaving Mo giggling behind him.

"Why were you late then?" He asked as he skipped through the door.

"Good morning Zosia, how are you?" She muttered, concentrating on the paperwork in front of her.

"Yeah yeah ok fine, good morning Zosia, how are you?" He grinned sarcastically.

"I'm good thanks Ollie, how are you?" She smiled

"I'm good too!" He grinned and they both laughed.

"Were you late as well? If so I could really use your help here asap" She asked

"Yep, were stuck in here all day!" He grunted and Zosia laughed at his distress as he slumped down onto the sofa next to her, reaching for some forms to sign before he put them in the relevant folder. She giggled quietly to her self and continued.


Eight hours later, both were incredibly bored of paperwork and had resorted to trying to throwing the pieces of paper in the bin from the sofa.

"Ha!" Zosia shouted "At last" She laughed and Ollie grinned.

"Yeah sure, well I bet I can do it with my eyes shut" He challenged, laughing as well.

"Cocky males" She muttered under her breath "Go on then, bet on a drink!" She said, offering her hand.

"Fine!" He said, shaking her hand and then turning to concentrate on the bin on the other side of the room.

"Shut your eyes" She commanded and he obeyed, furrowing his forehead, in concentration.

He threw the paper ball and it hit the floor with a satisfying sound.

"Yes!" Whispered Zosia and Ollie frowned.

"You're buying..." She laughed, scrunching up another ball of scrap paper and getting it straight in the bin just as Jac walked in the door.

"Ah nice to know you haven't killed each other, well done" She grinned sarcastically "Your shifts are over now so you may leave." She said as she walked back out the door.

Ollie got up off the sofa and stretched as Zosia gathered together the remaining paper.

"One drink ok because unlike you I don't have you I don't have another person sharing all expenses for the flat!" He smirked and she glared back.

"Well unlike you, I don't have a registrar's paycheck" She smiled falsely as she walked past him to the locker room.


"I'll have whatever your having" Said Zosia, as she sat down on a barstool as Ollie walked off to get the drinks. She got out her phone and texted Dom, warning him that she wasn't coming straight home.

"Here you are." He smiled, walking back over from the bar and sitting on the barstool next to her.

They sat at the bar, getting slightly tipsy and chatted about everything they could think of. It was almost half a year since the breakup and they got along quite well as friends.

"Well thanks for the drink but Dom will be panicking if I'm not home soon!" She smiled and stood up to leave.

"Ok I'll see you tomorrow." He also got up and they walked out the door and said good bye. Ollie watched her walk away briefly and then continued walking back to his flat.

He pushed through the door and dumped his keys on the table next to the door, before walking into the kitchen to get himself a drink of water so he didn't feel any of the effects of the alcohol tomorrow morning.

The bedroom door swung shut behind him and he collapsed on his bed, grunting with exhaustion as he whipped the shirt off his head and threw it on the floor. He started unbuckling his belt when he realised that the T-shirt hadn't landed in the wash basket, but it had landed on the floor next to it. He got up to put it away properly but stopped dead still when he saw what was under it. A dark blue scrub top.

He sighed, mentally cursing himself for not putting his clothes away properly, and he checked the pockets before putting it in the wash basket. His hands closed around a small sheet of paper and he frowned. He didn't remember anything like that. He took it out and dumped the top in the wash basket, before sitting on the bed and unfolding the piece of paper. It was a shopping list, but it was written in very feminine writing. His blood ran cold as he realised it wasn't his list and it suddenly clicked. The one night stand.

He thought about it carefully. It couldn't be Mo's fortunately because she was pregnant and she wouldn't fit in this so that meant it could only be one of two people. Either one was going to be a problem but he had no idea which one he had slept with. It probably wasn't Zosia because she hadn't mentioned anything yesterday and it might explain why Jac had been so mean with her lateness punishment. He grimaced.


The next morning, Ollie set off for work early, planning to be abrupt with Jac as soon as he could so he could return her scrub top and forget about it. He walked quickly into the lift and went straight up to Darwin and to Jac's office door. He knocked before he could change his mind and she called him in.

"What do you want Valentine?" She snapped "Your early!"

He nodded slowly and swallowed

"Have you lost a scrub top recently?" He questioned and she looked at him weirdly

"I barely ever wear them! And no I haven't lost a scrub top"

He frowned "Do you happen to know whose list this is then?" He asked, passing her the piece of paper from the pocket.

She took it and read through it quickly before stopping to think.

"I remember Tuesday, Zosia was saying she really needed milk and that Dom had started drinking it all so it might be hers because milk is underlined on here but what difference does that make to you?" She asked "And why have you got Zosia's shopping list?"

He swallowed nervously. "Um I just found it on the floor earlier"

"And how did you find out about the lost scrub top because I haven't been told about it yet" She asked

"Um I found that as well" He grinned but she didn't fall for it

"Valentine what's going on?" She barked and he shivered.

"Nothing don't worry" He said quickly and headed toward the door.

"Nope not so fast!" She said, getting up and standing in front of the door so he couldn't leave "Explain yourself!" She said, grinning at his discomfort.

He shuffled on the spot and then eventually sat in the chair opposite her desk whilst she sat in hers.

"Proceed" She said, waiting for his explanation.

"Do I have a choice?" He asked hopefully


Ollie shivered again but decided he had no choice but to explain everything. He took a deep breath

"I found the scrub top on my bedroom floor, I hoped the list was yours but if it's not I don't know what to do." He mumbled

She grinned and laughed slightly

"Oh Valentine, you can't keep it to yourself can you!" She laughed and he glared at her.

"Why did you think it was me?" She smirked

"Zosia didn't mention anything yesterday and you punished me for being late so I assumed it must be you." He muttered

"Yeah I'm not actually stupid enough to sleep with you thank you very much! But what are you going to do about Zosia?" She asked "You can't not mention it."

"Why not? She didn't" He retorted

"Because you two need to sort your problems out!" She grinned "Now if I am correct, your shift starts in five minutes so you better go get ready." She said and gestured to the door.

Ollie stood up and shut the door quietly behind him.


It had been an uneventful shift with few interesting cases and Ollie had successfully managed to put off the discussion with Zosia until later. He slipped into the locker room and changed out of his scrubs, before putting his stethoscope away and going back out onto the ward.

He walked quickly into the lift and waited until it reached the bottom floor. Unfortunately, it had to stop at Keller first because that was on the way down and Ollie sighed as Zosia got into the lift next to him after saying hello to Dom.

"Ah Valentine" She grinned falsely, nodding her head in acceptance

"Ah Zosia" He smiled and she laughed

They stood in silence until Ollie decided Jac would kill him if he didn't talk to Zosia before the day was up.

"Actually, I was hoping I could have a quick word with you outside?" He asked hopefully

"Yeah sure, about what?" She frowned

"Oh nothing" He said, avoiding her eyes

The lift doors opened and they walked onto the driveway. Ollie pointed to a bench and they headed over into the garden, out the front of the hospital.

"Ok so before I say anything, this was all Jac's doing ok!" He smirked and Zosia just looked at him confused

"Well..." He began "Had any one-night stands recently?" He said quickly, avoiding eye contact again

Zosia laughed "I was wondering how long it would take you to realise!"

Ollie breathed a sigh of relief "Why didn't you say anything?" He asked

"It would sort of ruin the whole 'just friends' thing wouldn't it!" She giggled and Ollie laughed awkwardly

"Yeah..." He agreed and the awkward silence stretched out in front of them.

"Ok..." Ollie pleaded "I'm just gonna say it Zosia, I don't care how you react because I still love you Zosh, I always have and I always will." He hang his head but to his surprise, Zosia reached out her hand and lifted it back up. He raised his eyebrows questioningly and she beamed.

"Ok now that is a huge relief, I thought you didn't feel the same way" She laughed

"I did tell you a few times!" He grinned and she blushed

"Jasmine?" She said pointedly and it was Ollie's turn to blush

"Can I get away with an anti-Zosia mistake again?" He asked slowly and Zosia nodded happily

"You can get away with anything with those blue eyes Valentine!" She smirked

Ollie pulled her into a hug and they stood there for a minute, just remembering each other's scent before Zosia pulled away.

"As much as I would love to, we can't stand here all night!" She laughed

"My place?" Ollie grinned and Zosia took his hand

"That sounds alright!" She smiled and they began to walk back to Ollie's car, together like it should be.

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