Chapter 2

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As I watched the other contestants performances I was blown away by the talent that they had from hitting high notes perfectly to rapping fiercely and owning the stage however when a certain individual arrived on the stage it really caught my eye. The guy who seemed angry at the world walked on stage with a different aura than everyone else that made even the judges pat attention to him instantly.

???: Hello i'm Jinwoo and I will be performing RMs Joke. 

As he started his performance there was a clear level between him and the rest of the contestants who had performed rap before him the worst part about the whole thing is one of the staff told me that I was next I couldn't help but feel like id be left behind. 

YG: Well Jinwoo we were all blown away by that performance very well done I think its only fair that RM himself gives you the most feedback.

RM: Well honestly you performed the song that well I forgot that it was my own and out of everyone that we have seen so far I can only say that you are the number 1 when it comes to performances that we have seen.

As they finished giving their feedback to Jinwoo I was on my way to the back of the stage for my performance there was a few minutes between each performance so I started to think about how I wanted to show myself how hard I had worked and how much drive I really had. 


JYP: So whose next then it will take a lot for it to top that performance

Mino: ooh I feel sorry for who's next its Y/n poor guy I feel like that's can't be good for him he was already nervous and now he has to try to stand out after that performance.

Jihyo: I don't know I feel like that timid nature of his is hiding something just like with Mina she is shy but a great performer even with that 

SM: Well anyway i'm excited for his performance no matter what 


I can't help but to think about Y/n if he's able to break out of his shell and be confident on stage he could be a legendary artist alone or in a group I hope he can show us his potential even despite his nervousness.

Seulgi: Excuse me YG his about to come out what are you so in thought by?

YG: Oh its nothing i'm just thinking about all the performances we have seen. Lets be ready for Y/n performance.

 Y/n POV

As I walked onto the stage I reminded myself of what I was working for what I wanted to prove to my father to show him that I can make it big without him and I don't have to follow the path he forced on me.

Y/n: I'm Y/n and I will be performing a song I wrote myself called Bermuda Triangle (Zicos but yours here)

As I begun my performance I could feel the familiar melody mix with the thoughts of my want to prove myself and felt all my stress and fear be replaced by confidence as the first words fell from my lips.

Judges POV 

JYP: (This is how he can perform!)

SM: (He's a natural performer)

RM: (He's good the only one who can truly rival Jinwoo out of what we have seen)

Mino: (I hope I get the chance to work with him please be interested in YG)

Jihyo: (I was right he's like Mina but an incredible rapper in place of vocals)

YG: (Looks like the competition for the number 1 rap spot will be interesting after all)

Bang PD: (He's able to break out of the shell thanks to the music how interesting you are Y/n)

Seulgi: (where'd the shy boy go he performs like a veteran)  

 Jinwoo POV

Jinwoo: (Damn that kids good I can't believe I tried to start something with him)

Lily pov


???: Lily calm down we can hardly hear it because of you 

Lily: Sorry Chan hyung 

???: Let the girl be excited for her friend Channie

Bangchan: You first said that he was her girlfriend now only her friend Sana you do realise he's too young for you? Right?

???: Of course she doesn't realise did you see when the camera panned to Jihyo I don't think she realises either 

Sana: What do you mean we didn't realise BamBam but the second that boys old enough i'm snatching him up 

BamBam: (I promise to protect you Y/n you poor child)

Y/n Pov

As I finished the performance all the confidence and adrenaline that had filled me slowly drifted away and was replaced by the fear I had felt before the music had started.

RM: Y/n that was a great performance I may have said Jinwoo had the number 1 performance nailed down however you are definitely a rival to him after that.

Mino: Y/n I want to work with you no matter what whether its on this show or as an idol after hearing your rap I want to work with you.

Bang PD: That performance is just what I wanted from you. You were able to break out of your shell thanks to the music that guided you to find courage in that performance very well done.

After I had received my feedback I was guided to a large hall where all the other contestants were and was told the next segment would start once all the performances were complete and that there was a big screen on 1 of the walls to watch the other performances. After the staff had left the room I felt someone tap me on the back and as I turned to face them I was surprised by who it was.

Jinwoo: H...hey i'm sorry about how I acted earlier when i'm stressed I get angry and I took it out on you and another guy i'm sorry about that your performance was really cool.

Y/n: Thanks I don't know why they said it was enough to rival yours though you were really cool. 

without either of us knowing the camera had focused on that moment between the 2 of us and people viewing the show began rooting for us because of it. After all the contestants had gathered in the hall the staff and Mino and RM walked onto the stage at the front of the wall there was also a box with them.

Mino: Now that we have seen all your performances its only fair that we sort your rooms out so you can rest after showing us all what you got.

RM: In between us this box contains 100 pieces of folded paper with the numbers 1-50 on them.

Mino: Whoever you grab the same piece of paper as is your roommate for the duration of the show there will be the opportunity to switch later down the line but for at least the next month they will be your roommate.

RM: You may be wondering why only a month with the roommate you draw and the answer is quite simple after a month the first elimination will happen so we will call you 1 by 1 to pick a piece of paper after you all have 1 we you will be guided to your rooms and then later called for dinner and after that we will reveal the first mission to you all.

As people were getting their roommates I couldn't be more focused on the last part of what the had told us the first mission what will it be is all I can think about. As I went up to grab my number and show it to the staff so they could set some graphic up for everyone I still wonder about the mission and want to find out what it is.

RM: Ok everyone please look at the screen to find who your roommate is we are all ready to show you now.

As I was trying to find room number 36 on the list I was suddenly hugged and lifted into the air.


well that solves my question of who i'm with.

Y/n: please put me down Jinwoo I think you are breaking my ribs.

As I was put back down I had never realised just how easily Jinwoo could kill me if he wanted he was about 188 cm and clearly knew what the gym was where as I was only 176 cm (at this point in the story you will grow to 183cm). As me and Jinwoo got to the room Jinwoo requested to be closer to the door due to a weak bladder which meant I was further from the door as the rooms were simple boxes with closet space and no windows our luggage's were at least placed there the staff had labelled them with contestants names and then their room number. After we had packed and were called for dinner we sat at a table in a corner away from everyone else a mix of my low social skills and Jinwoo sticking to me like a lost puppy decided that. We were surprised when more people sat down well we were more surprised by who sat down.

Mino: Hey boys how are you? Settling in ok?

Seulgi: you sound like their mum.

RM: I think its cute he's looking out for them.

Jihyo: I'm sorry we are sitting here but there isn't really any other places free.

Jinwoo: Don't worry about it sunbae you can always sit next to us no worries maybe we should make this table for the 6 of us and no one else?

Mino: well I will speak for the others here and say we will take you up on that offer.

As I was lost in my thoughts I hadn't realised who exactly had sat next to me I knew the mentors were on the table with us but I didn't think past that. I was broken from these thoughts when some more food was shifted to my tray.

Seulgi: You will need the energy for the mission.

Y/n: thank you sunbae.

Seulgi: The 6 of us will probably meet often so call me noona.

Mino: Call us hyung as well we should get comfortable with you i'm already planning songs in the future for us 6, I can see the headlines now most legendary performance in kpop history ahh sounds good.

As we finished the meal the head of companies began to announce the first mission.

JYP: For your first mission here you will be split into groups of 25 and put under the care of 1 of the 4 of our companies to prepare 2 group performances, a duo performance and a solo performance.

SM: You may have realised but having 25 team members is an odd number which means that there isn't a guarantee that you will be with your new roommate which could proved you some comfort.

YG: We will now show you the teams.

As I tried to look for my name in the teams I was broken away by a voice who had already found both me and Jinwoo.

Mino: Ooh looks like I get to start my plans for the 2 of you early i'm excited to be working with you so soon.

Seulgi: You better look after them treat the other trainees in your group fair as well.

Mino: Of course I will but now There is no debate over who does a duo performance in YGs team we got the best 2 rappers here.

RM: Remember you might not have them be a duo YG has to agree to it as well.

Mino: well if that's the case 1 will be the solo and the other part of the duo it will help them to show off more.

Seulgi: Good luck both of you.

As we were about to leave for bed for the night Seulgi patted my head before heading and it gave me a sense of comfort and relief for what's to come. As day came and me and Jinwoo headed to the hall registered for YG.

YG: Alright everyone now we are here I would like to get straight to business and I will start by announcing the solo and duo performers for our team. So to begin with in a duo is Jinwoo and Hyunjin and the solo performance will be Y/n. Something we didn't tell you yesterday is that the solo performance will also have a feature of up to 2 artists under the company so Y/n for this performance you will have both Ju-ne and Jennie feature with you I believe they can help you to achieve great things with this performance over the week I hope that the 3 of you can work hard speaking of your features they will arrive after lunch for now Mino will help you with writing the lyrics until they arrive as well as this Mino will be producing the beat for you. Mino please take Y/n to the corner there and start helping him with ideas.

Mino: Of course lets go Y/n!  

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