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The Avengers

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"What's the story upstairs?" Steve asked Thor.

"The powers surrounding the cube is impenetrable." Thor explained.

"Thor is right," Tony said. Everyone heard him over the ear comm. "We gotta deal with these guys." Ana cast a glance toward Clint and Natasha with a small frown.

"How do we do this?" Natasha asked as she flicked her eyes at Steve.

"As a team." Steve said.

"I have unfinished business with Loki." Thor said.

"Yeah? Get in line." Clint said, as he fixed himself a new set of arrows. Ana looked sideways at Clint, and looked at him impassively.

"Hey, he shot me multiple times. So, you're after me." Ana said with a grin on her face, arms crossed over her chest. Loki seemed as if shooting her with the blue energy was his new favourite hobby. That's something she didn't like.

"Alright enough." Steve said, walking in between his teammates. He turned his back around to face the city, already giving them directions. Natasha, Thor, Clint, and Ana followed him.

"Loki's gonna keep the fight on us and that's what we need. Without him, these things could run wild. We got Stark up top, he's gunna need us..." Steve said, but then stalled slowly when he heard the sound of a motor running behind him. Ana glanced behind Steve, and couldn't help but smile once she saw Bruce.

Bruce kicked the bike's kickstand down, and pulled himself off the bike, joining the team not a moment later. Sirens raged in the background, as Bruce glanced around his grim surroundings as though it were the end times. Natasha walked closer to Bruce and Steve, as Ana hung back with Clint.

"So," Bruce said dryly. "This all seems...horrible."

"I've seen worse," Natasha said.

"Sorry," Bruce said a little bit sheepishly.

"No," Natasha said. "We could use a little worse."

"Stark? We got him," Steve said. "Just like you said."

"Then tell him to suit up," Tony said. "I'm bringing the party to you."

Ana turned to face downtown Manhattan, and spotted the leviathan as it zoomed around the corner. The mouth opened up and roared loudly. She winced and felt the roar vibrate through her as the creature zoomed back and forth, hitting every single parked car down the street, heading straight towards them.

Tony flew ahead as fast as he could, bringing the leviathan and many Chitauri aliens behind him.

Thor let out a grunted growl, as he twirled his hammer in his hand, and Ana widened her eyes at the monstrous creature getting closer and closer. She took a step backwards with Clint.

"I don't see how that's a party." Natasha stammered, shaking her head.

"Yeah, the parties I go to have more tequila." Ana said, trying to humour the moment. Clint nodded and hit her shoulder with a look that clearly said he agreed.

As the leviathan drew closer, Ana's heart hammered against her chest. She was so not ready for this. And what exactly was Bruce doing right now? Not suiting up that's what.

"Dr. Banner," Steve said, catching Bruce's attention as he headed to face the leviathan head first. "Now would be a really good time for you to get angry."

Bruce turned to face him, "That's my secret, Captain, I'm always angry." he said, and morphed into the Hulk, bigger than any of them could imagine up close and personal. The green muscles puckered out of Bruce's shirt, and his clothes fell to the ground. Thank god for his pants.

Ana watched in complete awe as the Hulk threw a mean and hefty punch to the top of the leviathan's head, forcing it down on the ground. The creature's tail ripped into the air, high above them. Bits and pieces of metal fell on top of the group as everyone took cover.

"Hold on." Tony said, and in mid-flight, extends his arm out and has a rocket ready to shoot. Iron Man fired, the rocket hitting a soft spot and the leviathan blew to pieces, the rest of it's body falling limp on the highway.

Thor used his hammer to shield the fiery pieces away, while Steve and Natasha hid underneath his shield.

Clint tugged on Ana's shoulder. He pulled her out of harm's way and took cover beside a cab. Clint covered his body and arm, protecting her from the burning pieces of metal that sprinkled down like molten rain.

Ana and Clint stood up with the rest of the team, looking at the dead creature. A weapon fell down in front of Ana's feet, her already sensing it as she took a step back so it didn't hit her. She looked at it before looking up, seeing the large number of Chitauri fly over them.

She then grinned, picking it up and fumbling with it, trying to spot the trigger. She hummed, finding a trigger and pulling it aimlessly. It shot out a blue beam of energy and Clint jumped back, the beam just missing him. He glared at her as she shrugged her shoulders innocently.

Thor chuckled deeply, having seen the scene. "You must be careful with that, Lady Ana." He called out. Ana smiled at him and aimed at the Chitauri, making their way to her team. She shot at them, feeling victorious when she hit three of them out of the sky.

"Call it, Cap." Tony said.

"Alright, listen up," Steve started. "Until we can close that portal up there, we're gonna use containment. Barton, I want you on that roof, eyes on everything. Call out patterns and strays. Stark, you got the perimeter. Anything gets more than three blocks out, you turn it back or your turn it to ash."

"Wanna give me a lift?" Clint asked Tony.

Tony walked over to him and wrapped his arm around Clint. "Right. Better clench up, Legolas." Tony picked Clint up, and flew up in the sky away from the group. Ana watched them disappear, and glanced back at the remaining team members.

"Thor, you've gotta try and bottleneck that portal. Slow them down. You've got the lightning. Light the bastards up." Steve continued. Thor swung his hammer and flew up in the sky, leaving Ana, Steve and Natasha left remaining on the streets. "Romanoff, Michaels. You two are with me. We stay here on the ground, keep the fighting here. And Hulk?"

The Hulk turned to Steve with a grunt.

"Smash." Steve said with a pointed finger.

The Hulk smiled a magnificent grin, and jumped up high above them in the skies, and started smashing the Chitauri aliens that had lined themselves up among the buildings. One by one the Hulk barrelled down, killing them instantly.

On top of the empire state building, Thor raised his hammer in the air, channeling the lightning from the skies. Lightning strikes, Thor directing it to the portal and blasting the incoming Chitauri back in a massive shockwave.

Ana, using the energy rifle, was taken off her feet by a Chitauri soldier. She tiresomely took it down by using her strength and snapping it's neck. She grabbed the energy rifle and turned to attack when she sensed another one. But it was just Steve standing there, holding his SHIELD. She slumped back, tired as Natasha clutched her stomach and breathed in heavily. The girls had enough.

"Captain," Natasha said. "None of this is gonna mean a damn thing if we don't close that portal."

"Our biggest guns couldn't touch it." Ana said, glancing up at the blue beam of light penetrating the portal, keeping it open from the machine on Stark's rooftop.

"Well, maybe it's not about guns." Natasha said, looking up at the Chitauri's flying chariots above them as Clint tried to take out the majority of them from his place on the top of the building.

"You wanna get up there," Steve said. "You gonna need a ride."

"I got a ride," Natasha said, backing up slowly. "I could use a lift though."

"You're going to fly one of those things?" Ana asked as she looked at Natasha. "Good luck with that, Nat." She chuckled.

Natasha had her eye on one and smirked at Ana, giving her a wink. Steve grinned and took his shield, and angled it just right.

"You sure about this?" Steve asked.

"Yeah." Natasha said, as she backed up to give herself enough running space. "It's gonna be fun."

Natasha took off into a run, jumped up onto the side of the car, and onto Steve's shield. Steve pushed his shield up, giving her a boost with his super strength and she landed on the Chitauri chariot. Ana whistled,

"I wanna try that."

"Let's not."

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Hey guys! I hope you enjoyed this chapter, sorry for the long wait. The next one will wrap up the avengers phase and then it's going to be a surprise! ;)

Q- Do you watch Agent Carter, if so who's your favourite character? (apart from my main peggy)

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