~Chapter Twelve~

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~Brendon's POV~

I woke up slowly. Something felt wrong. I couldn't sleep anymore, the tiredness I had felt earlier had vanished.

"Spence?" I mumbled, rubbing my eye. I turned over and looked over at Spencer's bed.

He was asleep. His knee was bent up in the air and one arm was lying across his chest. His slow breathing was visible by an small icy fog. I laughed lightly and stretched.

It was still quiet. Unnervingly quiet. I sat up and looked around.

"This isn't funny..." I muttered, not sure who I was talking to with Spencer asleep.

I was going to lay back down when I heard a slamming sound from outside the room. I shot back up and felt my heart start pounding in my chest.

"Spencer." I said quietly.

Another 'bang' from the hall.

"SPENCER!" I grabbed my pillow and threw it at him.

"Whathe fuck..." Spencer groaned, moving slowly.

Another 'bang' and he shot up.

"What was that?" He asked with wide eyes. We looked at each other as another loud 'bang' shot through the hall.

Spencer shivered violently. "Brendon..." He looked between the door and me.

Yet another 'bang' rang out.

"This isn't normal..." I said, looking at the door, "Something's wrong...Something's really wrong."

Just then, our door burst open. Spencer and I cringed back as a smoke filled the air. There was a fresh chill in the room that came with it, which I assumed was from Spencer.

"Hello?" A soft voice called out. The smoke was clearing slowly. A figure stepped through the doorway and stopped just before where the smoke was already clearing.

"Who are you?" I called out, sliding off my bed and standing my ground in front of him.

The smoke was clearing further and the figure stepped into view. A boy around my own age was standing in front of me. He had short and slightly wavy brown hair. His eyes were a perfectly matching brown as he looked straight into mine. He had an amazed look on his face as he stared at me.

I couldn't take my eyes off of him. He seemed so familiar... His face was buried somewhere in my memories, I could feel it. I knew this boy.

"Ryan?.." My voice spoke the words without any instructions from my lips.

I saw tears welding in the boys soft brown eyes. His delicate bottom lip was quivering.

"Brendon..." He continued to look me straight in the eye, "I know I made you forget...But I know I could never really make you forget..."

The memories hit me like a titlewave. Ryan. Ryan Ross. The boy I watched die in my arms. The boy who I spent countless nights with, just enjoying his touch. The day we met when I was in tears, begging to forget my ability... Begging for an escape route.

My Ryan Ross.

I stumbled a bit, but he ran over to me, wrapping his arms around me. I couldn't comprehend what was happening. I held him back, feeling tears forming in my own eyes.

"Ryan?.." I questioned. It felt weird to say his name after so long of it being completely gone from my memories.

"It's me, baby." Ryan said through tears, "Baby I'm so fucking sorry...My baby." He buried his face in my shoulder and I held him tighter.

"I'm so lost..." Spencer shivered from his bed, unsure what to do.

"So am I..." I mumbled, going through all my forgotten memories of and with Ryan. "Ryan...I...I don't..."

He pulled away and looked at me with those brown eyes I had always thought impossible to forget.

"I was dead." He told me, "But I wasn't dead long enough that I couldn't be brought back..." He turned to the doorway. Another figure stepped inside. This one had similar dark hair like Ryan, but the sides were short and his few curls fell into his face. He wore a blow dart shooter on his belt.

"This is David. He saved me." Ryan explained, "He and his two friends, Louis and Søren. But his ability is that he can bring people back if it's been under a certain amount of time."

"Hello." He waved.

I looked at him and just shook my head. "Thank you..." Was all I could get out. I couldn't control the tears falling from my eyes.

Ryan wiped them away with his thumb. "Baby..." He held my cheek for a second before pulling my lips onto his. More memories flooded back, making my tears fall more frequently. This couldn't be real, how was this real?

"Um...boys?" Ryan pulled away at the sound of a voice unfamiliar to my ears. It was a guy with long blond hair leaning into the doorway. Another guy popped his head around as well, this one with short black hair and light stubble.

"Hi, Søren." The blond one introduced quickly. He was immediately to Ryan, "We can't find lightning boy's room We could use some of your scanning."

The one with the stubble around his face, who I assumed to be Louis, nodded in agreement. Ryan turned back to me. His hand had never left my cheek.

"Do you know where Brendon?" He asked lightly.

I nodded, "I can take you to it." I turned to Spencer, who was already turning a light shade of blue, "C'mon, they're friends."

Spencer nodded and stood with a shiver. Ryan smiled at Spencer and he smiled back. Ryan turned back to me and finally, sadly, took his hand away from my cheek.

"Lead the way, baby." Ryan instructed, "We're going to get all of you out."


~Pete's POV~

I woke with a start, yet again. That wasn't a good way to wake up here. I groaned at the pain that was stinging my sides dully. I let my head drop on my shoulders. I felt weak. I had to of lost a good portion of blood since the last time I had been awoken. I fought to lift my head and look around.

There was no one in the room around me. When I looked at the floor, I could see the white tile stained red. That had to be from me...

The pains from my scars was nothing compared to the pain in my heart I felt for Patrick. He was lost. I knew he was in there, but the doctor's influence was strong...I hoped not too strong.

I heard footsteps behind me once again. I stayed still, fearing what shell of a friend would appear in front of me. When I heard the footsteps stop is when I raised my head.

It was the same boy I was just thinking about. I couldn't stand seeing his eyes so empty.

"Patrick..." I called out to him sadly. His head tilted as those empty eyes kept their gaze on me.

"Please Patrick..." I pleaded quietly, "You have to be in there somewhere... Where's my color loving Patrick?.."

My head dropped again, unable to hold it up any longer. I felt dizzy from holding it up that long to speak to him, just on the tiniest possibility that the Patrick I knew could hear me.

~Patrick's POV~

That face...He was the boy I knew...Why couldn't I remember his name??

I wondered why I was being let out of my darkness to view his face. That familiar face that gave me a butterfly feeling in my stomach.

I know you...Why can't I remember you?..

I want so hard just to remember your name...

I felt the veil around me closing once again, plummeting me back into the darkness.

I reached out where I had seen him. I needed him. I knew that much. His face was the one I could remember best. It was one of the only ones I had left.

Even he was slowly fading.

~Brendon's POV~

I lead the way to Frank and Gerard's room with Ryan's hand held tightly in mine. Now that he was back in my memories, I didn't want to let him go. I was afraid to lose him for a second time.

"Here." I stopped the group at one of the metal doors.

Louis reached forward and gripped the doorknob. He shook as electricity flaired off of it and up his arm.

"F-f-fuc-ck!" He cried out, somehow getting his grip off the knob and falling back onto the ground. He shook as we heard a laugh from inside the room.

"It's about time!" Frank yelled through the door.

"Frank, you ass!" I yelled, "We're trying to help you!"

It was quiet for a moment. "Brendon?" He finally called out.

I rolled my eyes, "No, it's the tooth fairy. Now stand back and stop electrocuting things!"

"Gotchya!" He yelled back.

Spencer was helping Louis to his feet. Louis shivered.

"Geez, you're freezing." He shook from both the cold and the voltage bolt.

"I have that effect." Spencer apologized.

Louis shook his head and loosened his arms. "Look out." He instructed us. He walked up to the door, wary of the knob this time, and pressed his hands flat against it. Smoke began to rise from where his palms were connected to it. "Fire in the hole!" He called out. The door swung open with the large 'boom' and smoke one again filled the air.

Frank stepped out of the smoke, flashing electricity over his eyes. He looked over the group and relaxed when he saw Spencer and I in the mix.

"What's going on?" He asked. The electricity over his eyes began to lessen, but their presence was still there.

"Prison break." I grinned mischievously.

Frank looked around the group again. "I assume you four are from the outside?" He said to Ryan and his group.

"You'd be correct." Ryan nodded, "We've been watching this place and the things they've done...We've finally found our opportunity to get in."

"Why so long?" Frank asked.

"We had to be sure it was safe and we wouldn't be captured ourselves." Søren spoke up, "We'd be of no use then."

Frank looked like he wanted to say something, but he kept his mouth shut. I could imagine what he wanted to say. He wanted to argue for Gerard. He was angry that Gerard had to suffer this whole time we were being watched.

"Now," Ryan spoke again, "we have to find the labs. That's where Pete and the others are."

"You know Pete?" Frank asked.

Ryan nodded, "From before here. I've already talked to him and seen him... It's not good." He spoke the last part quietly. I squeezed his hand.

Frank bit his lip. "...Did you see Gerard?.." He asked quietly.

Ryan was quiet. I could feel him tense with that question. He had to of, and it couldn't of been good for him to stay so quiet.

"Anyone?" Frank looked around the group.

Ryan finally sighed. "Frank...He's not completely okay..."

"What's that supposed to mean!?" The volts over his eyes intensified. They sparked slightly with a tear that rolled down his cheek.

"He's still alive." Ryan assured, "The thing is...He's not in control." Ryan bit his lip. I turned to him. What was that supposed to mean?

"He's under the influence of Dr. Lite...Same with some others..."

"Others?" I questioned, "Pete included?"

Ryan shook his head, "No, Pete's being..."

"Tested?" Spencer asked uncertainly.

"Tortured." Frank said darkly.

Ryan nodded. "This is why we need to get you guys out."

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