~Chapter Nineteen~

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~Brendon's POV~

I gasped up in confusion. What had happened!? Where was I?.. I looked around the room I was currently in. It had a light, thank god, and I found myself surrounded by the our missing group members and Ryan. I slid my finger to his throat to feel for a pulse. It was there.

"Thank you..." I sighed. I looked around more and saw one of the doctors that I'd had to deal with since our first day.


She was sitting against the wall, staring sadly into the distance. I scrambled to my feet and she turned.

"Oh...Gerard's fear came true..." She said dully.

"What fear?" I asked, getting into a weak fighting stance.

She rested her cheek in her hand, "Fear that his powers would falter in some way...He may not be here, but I can feel it..." She sighed.

I gave her a confused look. "Why are you...So dull?.." I asked hesitantly, looking around the room. There was no one else awake, but I did notice a red headed boy that I didn't know.

"What's the point?.." She asked, "Doctor Lite has loosened his influence on me to focus on that Stump kid..."

"Patrick?" I asked, turning back to her.

She nodded, "I've been left in the dust for him...I can almost feel like who I used to be...But I have no purpose now."

"I don't understand..." I lowered my arms, relaxing slightly.

"I've been with Lite for years." She snapped over at me, "I thought I was special!.. But I was abandoned for some new comer because he's 'interesting'." She did dull air quotes before sighing.

"So that's your thing?" I asked, "You're having abandonment issues?"

"You don't get it." She looked darkly at me.

"I think I get that you're having issues with your powers because you're being slowly forgotten."

"SHUT UP!" She stood and stared at me. I was surprised to see tears in her eyes.

"So much of my life was wasted here..." She said lowly, "The fog is slowly lifting and I'm finally seeing how much of my life has been taken..."

So the doctor was dropping his influence on her? I bit my lip. There had to be a way to convince her to join our idea to escape. If she was already feeling this...

"Take it back then." I said.

"What?" Her eyes softened from their anger.

"Take it back. Doctor Lite's biggest fear has to be failure. If you can find that, can't you make it reality?.." I encouraged, planting the idea in her head.

She looked hesitant now. As if she was considering my words. "He's been all I've known..."

"But he took you from what you had known." I egged on.

She bit her lip and looked down, her red hair falling into her face. She was quiet. I just hoped she was at least considering what I had said. I honestly had no idea how to save my friends.

~Pete's POV~

Patrick tilted his head at me. I didn't know what to do. My side was burning me, but I couldn't just stand here defenseless. I took my hand away from my side and balled it into a fist, wincing just slightly.

"Aw, Pete..." Patrick took a step towards me, "You look really hurt...I had hoped you would be dead by now..."

"What's the point?" I gritted my teeth together as I said it.

Patrick laughed, his darker tone speaking for him. "At this point, you know far too much. Plus, for some reason, I can't get very far into your head..."

Another step closer.

"People will look..."

"Did people look the whole time you were in my domain here?" He questioned, "Did anyone bother to look for you before? You were all alone when you were caught, well, except for that Brendon Urie."

"Where is he?" I asked, twisting my foot slightly so I was standing in a more stable position.

"Not dead, quite yet." Patrick shrugged, "Unless he'll crack as easily as some of my pets, he will be..."

Lite. He was completely controlling Patrick. Patrick would never call his friends pets. We were human beings. What mutation of, I wasn't exactly sure.

"Do you want to know how I broke Stump into submitting to my will?" Patrick's head tilted to the other side, "Because you played a big part of it!"

"Why continue this shit when people on the outside are finding out?" I tried to push the conversation off of Patrick. He was just trying to break me like he had broken Gerard. I couldn't...

"He saw you hurt." Patrick continued, another step forward. "His abilities were very connected to emotion. Seeing you in pain caused his telekinetic abilities to rise up and try to defend you. It's always been like that...That coffee shop-"

I remembered Patrick telling me about that. The coffee shop where he had been discovered.

'I don't know what triggered my loss of control, but I know it's usually when I lose control of some emotion...'

"-where we finally detected this lovely little gift." Patrick had a creepy grin on his face. It was nothing like the small smile I would rarely see on his lips. "I had Leslie exhibit her gift to flush anyone out. Do you know his fear? At that time, it was being different from everyone around him." Patrick laughed, "No emotion needed there! But with you..."

I took a slight step back. There was nothing I could really do, just let Lite continue to stall.

"That was part of the reason I moved you together. To let your bond grow and use it against you. Because that's all bonds are."

"You're wrong..." I shook my head, "Bonds aren't a weakness..."

"But they are!" Patrick laughed, "You shared one with him and look where we are now!" He gestured down to himself.

I shook my head again, "No. United, we're so much stronger than apart..."

"You know he's screaming." Patrick said suddenly. He stared straight at me as he said it, "He's inside, just begging me not to hurt you. Just begging to hold you."

'It's okay, Patrick." I said without thinking. If all I could do was comfort Patrick, my Patrick, then that's what I would do. "No matter what happens, it'll be okay."

Patrick laughed again, "And what makes you think that?"

I looked straight at Patrick's eyes, trying to look past the yellow filter to find my Patrick. "Because I love him...I care more about Patrick than anything in the world."

~Patrick's POV~

If I had any control over my body, I'm positive my heart would of fluttered. Pete said he loved me. Me? Why would he care about me?

I wasn't even me right now.

My body took another step forward, but I fought against it. I couldn't hurt him. My feelings for him were the same as his feelings for me.

You can't fight me, Stump

But I could try. I couldn't bear what the doctor intended for Pete.

"Oh, if you could only hear what he's thinking after that!" I heard a darker version of my voice laugh.

Another step towards Pete.

"I don't care." Pete said, bringing his fists higher as I got closer, "You won't crack me..." He smirked, "Because now I really know he's alive in there."

Yes, Pete! He knows...If I could only say something to you myself...

I felt a growl in the back of my throat. Lite didn't appreciate being outwitted. His anger made his hold on me falter just slightly. Just enough for some memories to leak through. Some of the experiments... Some of the times with friends.

I was in control for just a second.

I took a step back with a gasp.

"Patrick?" Pete stayed planted where he was.

"Sorry..." My voice was still lost to the doctor, "Technical difficulties..."


~Brendon's POV~

"Leslie, please." I was closer to her now, but still slightly skiddish. I didn't want her gift getting a grip on me, "Can you? Or just something..."

She looked at me with a mixture of confusion and fear. "If it doesn't work, he'll know!.. He'll take it out on all of us."

"But if we don't, it may be worse." I insisted. I looked back at Ryan and the others on the ground, "And more people could end up dead..."

Her blue eyes looked into mine. They then darted over to a door on the other side of the room that I hadn't noticed before.

"That's where he is..." She whispered, "He's focused in mainly on the Stump..."

I looked at the door and began to walk over. There was a strange feeling surrounding the door. It made me feel dizzy.

"No!" Her hand grabbed my wrist and pulled me back, taking the dizziness away.

"He might get to you..." She trailed off, stepping forward herself.

"What about you?" I asked.

"I was already there..." She replied quietly, "He shouldn't notice..." She was at the door before she looked back at me, "I'll use my gift...and I'll try to make sure he can't hurt anyone again."

I looked at her a bit confused. What was that supposed to mean? I tried to ask, but she had quickly slipped inside the door.

I didn't know what to do. I sat down next to Ryan, pulling him into my arms.

"I hope things can be okay..." I whispered silently, running my fingers through his hair.

~Pete's POV~

Patrick had taken control, for just a second. It was actually him. He was in there...it would be okay.

Not at the moment, however.

He was back out of control, and Lite was making him move closer. The light of energy covering my arms flaired brighter than before, slowly beginning to cover my whole body.

"Lit up like a Christmas tree." Patrick taunted.

I just grinned at him. It wasn't the most appropriate thought to have, but I thought I looked pretty damn cool in that instant.

He was standing just in front of me, my red glow turning those yellow eyes a fiery orange. I felt my energy manifesting in my hand as I stared at him.

"Touch me and see what happens." I taunted him.

"Now, Pete..." Patrick laughed darkly.

I didn't understand until I felt a pressure on my throat. I gasped as the air was getting harder and harder to make it into my lungs.

"I still have the upper hand..." Patrick took a step back and raised his hands, shaking them slightly. "Literally! Your boy toy has perfect powers for this!"

I choked on what little air was making it into my lungs. He was using Patrick's gift?.. My vision was becoming spotty.

"Oh this kid...Kid had potential! He can do so much more than move objects...He can move the air particles close enough together to choke you." He laughed darkly.

My hands went up to my throat, grasping at the nothingness to try and get the force restricting my air to go away.

"AAH!" through my blurring vision I saw something happening to Patrick. He was moving back and forth before falling to the ground.

I felt my own legs buckling. I was close to falling. My eyes were beginning to roll back.

I heard a gasping in front of me. The pressure from my throat lifted and I gasped in air before falling to the ground, nearly unconscious.

"Pete!" It was faint, but I knew that voice. That voice was my Patrick. I felt his hands on my face and through my darkening haze, I could see his blue outline.

"Pete!..Pete, please stay with me!.. I love you too..."

I smiled before I passed out.

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