You Will Be The Death of Me ( Draco Malfoy Fanfiction) Ch 49

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"So what happened to make you want to leave?" George asks me as soon as we were a good distance from my house.

"I.. I can't tell you exactly," I reply glancing over at him.

He furrows his brows confused, "What do you mean by you can't tell me exactly? I just drove over an hour to get you," he states as he shifts the car into another gear.

"It means I had been forced to keep my mouth shut," I reply trying to hint to him. I couldn't come right out and say it, that is if I wanted to live.

"Forced?" he asks as he obviously was thinking about it. Then I hear him gasp, "Did they make you vow it?" he asks, "Wait don't reply to that."

I sigh and direct my attention out the window, "I couldn't stay there, if only you knew," I say but it came out more as a whisper.

"Well at least you are safe from whatever it was," he assures me.

I then feel a hand on mine, I glance down and he squeezes it.

I turn my hand around and grasp his. I then look up at him, "Thank you George."

A smile appears on his face, "You're welcome, I told you a long time ago I would always be there for you."

I laugh lightly and look away, "I know, but I don't deserve it."

"Leianna look at me," he says softly.

I listen to him and look back up, "I know things didn't work out between us ... like I had hoped it would, but that doesn't mean I resent you for it. I still care about you."

"I know but its different now," I go to explain but he cut me off.

"Don't do that, don't start bringing up things that will only make you feel worse. I told you I forgive you, after all we did kind of jump into a relationship."

"But it was wrong nevertheless, and I am truly sorry for it."

"And I accepted your apology, the first time you gave it," he says teasingly, "Now stop bringing it up."

I couldn't help but smile at him, "You're too nice, you know that?"

He lets my hand go and fist bumps my shoulder, "Yes another admirable trait I have."

I shake my head at him and look out the window, "Are we close to your house?"

"It's about another thirty minutes," he replies.

"Are they going to be mad, you parents?" I ask him. I had never thought about it. Now that I did it made me feel nervous, I never thought as to what they would think if he brought home a strange girl they had never met before.

"My parents, mad about me bringing a girl home? No I think they would be thrilled," he replies again jokingly.

"I being serious George," I state sternly, "I don't want to be a bother."

He looks at me skeptically, "Why on earth do you think you would be a bother?" he asks, "They won't mind I promise."

I sigh in relief.

"However we might need to come up with a reason as to why you left," he tells me.

"And what did you have in mind?" I ask him.

He smiles at me and I couldn't help but wonder what crazy ideas were running through his head.



I had to go for a walk, to cool off.

I tried to think of how she managed to slip away with George, if that is who was brave enough to come and get her.

"Draco," I hear John call out from the porch.

"I'm right here," I reply coming back I view.

He walks down the steps towards me.

"What is it?" I ask irritated.

"I was going to as you on any ideas you might have came and got her?" he asks me, "We need to know, just to be on the safe side."

"I have one person in mind," I state, "Her ex-boyfriend, George."

John's eyes widen, "The Weasley boy?"

"The one, but how he managed to get her is what has me stumped. She couldn't have just walked out, we would have seen her," I explain to him.

"Well," he says clearly thinking, "I know his father has a car that can fly, that would explain how the got away so fast."

" I never thought of that," I tell him, "Her window was shattered but she was nowhere, that is what had to have happened."

He shifts his position and tucks his hands in his pockets, "Do you think this will be a problem? Her being with him?" he asks me.

I run it through my mind before I respond, "Honestly no, she can't tell him anything so I don't know why it would be a problem."

John lets out a breath of relief, "Good, that's good... now we need to come up with something to tell the Dark Lord."

I snap my head up at him, "We will tell him nothing," I warn him, "He doesn't need to know, it would only result in more problems."

"I agree, but what do you think your father would say about it, you know he reports everything to the Dark Lord."

"I'll talk to my father, don't worry about it," I tell him as I walk past him back towards the house.



It was nearly dawn by the time we got back to George's house.

I loved the look of his home, simple and inviting.

I take only a brief moment to admire the house and the landscape surrounding it.

"Come one lets go get you acquainted with the family," he states.

He reaches in the back and takes out Mya's cage .

I grab my bag and sling it over my shoulder, "Don't I already know your siblings?" I ask him.

He laughs, "Only Fred, Ron and Ginny," he states.


He reaches out with his free hand and places it on my waist, "Come on Lieanna, and don't get all nervous."

I allow him to push me forward towards the door.

He opens it up and immediately I was overwhelmed by the smell of cooking.

"Take a seat, I'm going to try and locate everyone," he tells me as he ushers me over to a dining table.

I pull out a chair and take a seat letting my bag slide to the floor. I watch him set the cage down on the floor and take off into another part of the house.

"George is that you, mum said she was going to kill you when...." I hear a familiar voice say as they came through another arch way.

Ginny stood in front of me, "Leianna?" she asks confused, "Why are you here?"

"George came and got me, I had some trouble at home," I explain to her.

"Oh, well where is he now?"

"He went through there," I reply as I point in the direction that George had went.

She glances that way, "Well he is in for a treat then," she states as a smile appears on her face, "You might want to come with me."

I nod and get up, "Is he really in a lot of trouble?" I ask her worried for George's sake.

"Yeah, that's why I'm going to bring you in there, perhaps she won't yell as much."

I nod yet again and follow her.

"George Weasley I told you the first time you ever took that bloody car without asking that I was going to kill you!" I see an older woman with the same red hair yelling at him.

"But mum," George goes to explain but she cuts him off.

"No excuses, you march up to your room and don't dare come out until I say you can," she barks.

"Mum," Ginny speaks up.

"Not now Ginny dear, I'm..." her voice trails off as she looks at me.

A shocked expression crosses her face, "Who this?" sh

" I'm Leianna, Leianna Sweary and I'm sorry to cause you trouble Mrs. Weasley," I state.

Her features soften, "Oh your no trouble," she says as she starts brushing her hair down.

"Mum, I took the car to get Leianna, she was having trouble at home," George explains.

"Yes, it's my fault Mrs. Weasley, I asked him to come and get me," I say backing him up.

She looks from me to her son, "Very well, I'll let it slide for now, but don't you dare leave again without telling me or your father," she warns him.

"Now, you said your name is Leianna Sweary?" she asks me.

"Yes ma'am," I reply putting on my best smile.

"Oh you can call me Molly dear," she says, "And tell me, are you Ryan Sweary's daughter?" she asks causing a lump to form in my throat.

"Yes, that was my father," I reply as I fidget with my hands. She knew my father and at the moment I didn't know if that was a good or bad thing.

"Sweet man, never knew why he was placed in Slytherin," she says as she comes towards me, "You look like him."

I smile and let out a breath of relief, "Thank you."

She smiles warmly at me, "So what brings you to our home?"

The smile I had on my face vanishes and I look at George.

"Leianna had a disagreement with her Stepfather mum," George replies for me.

Molly looks at her son that was now walking over to me.

"Really, you poor dear, he didn't do anything to you?"

"No, but I wanted to leave just in case things got a little more intense," I reply, "And your son was nice enough to come and get me."

"Oh..well that's good then," she says as she reaches out and touches Georges shoulder in admiration.

"What's burning?" I hear a man's voice ask.

"Oh dear, the bacon," Molly says as she takes off towards the kitchen, "Ginny come help me in the kitchen and George be a dear and introduce Leianna to your father," she calls out just as she disappears into the kitchen with Ginny right behind her.

Just then a man with the same red hair appears from the staircase. He looked sleepy and had a cup in his hand.

"Dad," George says causing the man to look at us.

His eyes widen as he looks at me, "Dad this is Leianna, one of my friends from school," George introduces me.

Georges father sets his cup down on the nearest table, " Leianna, I'm Georges father, Arthur," he says as he extends his hand.

"Nice to meet you," I reply as I take it firmly.

He smiles and nods a greeting then diverts his attention behind us, "I see your mother forgot she was cooking again," he states to George.

George laughs lightly, "Yeah, again."

"Well I better go help her, why don't you go wake up your brothers and Harry," he states, "And Leianna, you care for a cup of tea?"

I nod, "That sound lovely," I reply.

Arthur walks past us to the kitchen where his wife was.

"They're nice," I state once we were alone.

"Yeah, that's mum and dad," he replies.

Silence falls between us.

He runs his hands through his hair, "Well I guess I better," he says as he motions towards the stairs.

"Yeah, I guess I will," I say in response as I motion awkwardly to the kitchen.

"Yeah," he says as a smile appears on his face.

He takes off towards the staircase and I turn and walk back towards the kitchen.

I walk inside and find George's father sitting at the table with the Daily Prophet in hand.

Molly was fanning a pan with Ginny right beside her.

Molly looks my way and smiles, "Oh there you are dear, Ginny get Leianna a cup of tea," she says.

"Would you like some help?" I ask her as I walk over to where she was.

"Oh, but you're the guest, you go ahead and take a seat dear."

"I don't mind,."

"Well in that case," she says as she back away, "If you want, can you please set the table?"

I nod and walk over to where she had already set out the dishes.

I couldn't help but smile and feel relieved. I had never felt so at home like I did now, not even at my home did I feel this relaxed.

It was addicting, the feeling of being welcomed, it was something I could find myself getting real use to.

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