You Will Be The Death of Me ( Draco Malfoy Fanfiction) Ch 45

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I woke to light pouring into my room, beaming directly into my eyes. God was it midday or something, that was the only time light shone in my room that brightly.

I close my eyes out of instinct, trying to dim the brightness. I lift my hand to block and just as I did I felt someone shift beside me.

My eyes automatically open and I found myself wrapped all up with Draco.

I incline my neck upwards and see he was still fast asleep. I knew because his breathing was still slow and rhythmic. I could even feel his heartbeat, slow and steady.

Memories of last night conjure up inside my head causing me to quickly heat up. The thought alone brought color to my cheeks and I bury my face back into his side.

He moves slightly and turns on his side. His hand that had been loosely thrown over me tightens and pulls me closer.

I suck in a breath as my body is plastered against his and held in place.

More heat courses through my body. For one because of our closeness, I felt if we were any closer you couldn't where one of us begin and ended.

I suck in a breath, trying to control my breathing. I didn't want to wake him.

"What are you doing?" He mumbles still with his eyes closed.

I let the breath out, and gasp for more air.

"I was seeing how long I could hold my breath," I reply still a little shaky, "How long have you been awake?"

Now his eyes open and he looks at me thoughtfully.

"When you buried your face in my side," he replies smiling, "It tickled."

I laugh at him, "It tickled?" I ask, "Seriously Draco."

He smirks, "Yeah, it did." He stops running his hand up and down my back, instead he slides it over my side and up my ribcage to rest on the jaw line.

He leans in the same time I lift myself forward and our lips meet in a sweet and soft kiss.

I felt my body start to heat as my heart began to beat rapidly again. Amazing, after all that had happened last night my body still wanted more of him.

However, before anything could progress I hear a faint knock on my door causing the heat to be replaced with sheer terror.

We both froze in place, apparently, he was just as fearful as me.

"Leianna," I hear my mother say softly.

I try to speak but no words would form on my lips.

She knocks again, "Leianna."

I take a deep breath and let it out, "Mum."

"Honey, you and Draco missed breakfast," she states causing me to be even more nervous. I look at Draco with wide eyes.

Did she know he was in here?

"Oh sorry," I say out loud.

"It's quite all right," she replies, "When you get up go wake him and you both come on down," she adds causing my body to relax a little.

"Okay," I reply shortly.

I hear her walk away and I relax completely, "I thought she knew," I say breathless as I put my hand against my chest.

"I did too."

I turn over and lay flat on my back, "You think we need to go?" I ask while staring at the ceiling.

I hear him shuffle beside me. I turn my head to glance at him, he was leaning on his arm.

"You want to?" he asks me.

I smile, "Truthfully no,"

He smirks, "Me either."


I giggled as I made my way down the staircase almost an hour later.

"Stop," I say as I shield myself from him. He had been picking at me the whole way down.

He laughs, "Sorry love, you're just easy to mess with."

I roll my eyes and smile like an idiot.

"There you two are," My mother says sounding annoyed, "I had the elves to cook you two something almost 2 hours ago."

"Sorry," I say, still fighting back a smile.

"Yeah sorry Ann," Draco says too. My mother's eyes light up as if she had been waiting for him to call her by name directly.

"Oh it's quiet all right," she state fanning at Draco, "I'll get the food prepared, you two head on to the dining area."

I watch as she walks away from us. Once she was out of sight I look over at Draco, "It's quite alright," I mock her even fanning at him also, "I would be all right if you hit me in the face, as long as you call me by my name," I add taking it even further.

"Stop it Leianna," Draco says fighting a smile, "She's your mother."

"Come on, I'm sure you need to replace your energy."

I shake my head and turn trying not to blush. He reaches out and grabs my hand taking it firmly in his.

He leads me through the entrance way into the dining room and we take a seat beside each other.

One of the house elves walks over and pours us some juice.

"Thank you," I say politely causing the elf to smile.

"You are welcome," he replies. He then turns to Draco, "Juice sir?" he asks.


The elf nods and pours Draco's glass full.

"Thank you," Draco says afterwards.

I look at him shocked. He looks at me a smirk appearing on his face, "What?"

"Nothing," I say shaking my head, "I'm just shocked you had it in you to be nice."

That causes him to roll his eyes, "I am capable of being nice, I just choose not to most of the time."

"I know."

Before he could reply my step father walks in.

I glance at him as he takes a seat across from me. He looked a little shaken and out of it.

"John," I say to him softly. He looks up at me with wide eyes, "Leianna," he says as if he had just remembered me being here, "So glad to see you again, sorry about not being here yesterday," he adds.

"Mum said you were busy with work," I state, "You must be tired working so much."

He looks at me oddly, "Yes." He then directs his attention to Draco, "Nice to see you again Draco."

"Likewise," Draco replies as he picks up his glass.

"How have you been since I last saw you?" John asks.

"I've been good," he replies looking uneasy with the question.

I looked from one to the other, when have they seen each other?

"When have you two seen each other?" I ask. I couldn't stop myself, I was too curious.

My step father looked from Draco to me, "Leianna, we did stay with the Malfoy's over Christmas."

I look from him to Draco. I could tell Draco was anxious about my question.

"Yeah I had forgotten," I state shortly, "Must have slipped my mind."

The conversation was dropped and we all three fell into silence.

The food was placed on the table and we began setting our plates.

"So hows..." My mother says coming in but stops mid-sentence.

"John, when did you get home?" she asks looking at my stepfather.

"Not long ago."

"I thought you weren't supposed to be back until..." her words die off as she glances over to me.

"Sorry you all are eating," she finally says, "We'll talk later," she says to John before leaving the room.

I was left even more confused now. There was something that was purposely being kept from me, and now I was one hundred percent sure Draco was a part of it.


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