Chapter 7

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"Yes home, now stop squirming or I'll make you."

This made you scared, a little confused, but mostly you were pissed off. What makes him think he can talk to you that way?!?! What makes him think your going anywhere with him.

"Not until you put me down, you ignorant asshole!!!!!"

Your statement made him stop dead in his tracks, and throw you up against a tree. Both of his clawed hands on each side of your head, blocking any chance of escape. He growled making it clear that you were pissing him off.

"Why are you being so difficult?"

"Difficult? You want to know why I'm being 'difficult'?" By this point you were crying."You kidnapped me, tried to kill the kid I was babysitting, and took me away from my mother! Do you know how hard it's gonna be for her? She doesn't have my father, and you want to know why? He's in jail for beating us! It all started when daddy discovered late night drinking. And mommy thought she got it bad. Oh but I got it worse because I would get I the way every time. I would protect her. And I was only 12."

You slide down the tree and buried your face into your knees as you hugged them. LJ just stood there completely dumb folded, not knowing what to do. He was not expecting that.

"I'm sorry. I never exploded like that before. I never talk about my problems let alone to other people. I don't like to do it, I feel like such an attention whore right now. please don't pity me."

"What is wrong with you?"


You looked up to see him kneeing in front on you.

"Your so concerned for other people. You risked your life for a kid? I kidnapped you and Your Worried about your mother getting lonely? Even though she didn't protect you or try to stop your father from beating you? Don't you care about yourself?"

You picked up the sleeve of your sweater and showed him the cigarette burns your "loving" father gave you.

"Clearly not".

Next thing you know you were brought into a warm embrace. You were in such shock. This was not the psychotic clown you despised.


"Yes (y/n)?"

"What are you doing?"

"Comforting my new playmate, we can't have you being sad when we play my games, now can we?"

Before you could reply he picked you up bridal style. The unexpected made you yelp.

"Now lets head home."

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