Chapter Four : Chaos Theory

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Making our way back to the visitor center's lobby, we descend the stairs to the main floor. I trail behind everyone, keeping some distance between John and I. Dr. Grant, Ellie, and Gennero are trailing behind John as Ian and I are walking together in silence. This feels odd, especially for how Ian has been the entire time on the island. He normally seems like he will never shut up, but he seems to be contemplating something.

"You know," He finally says "he can't be upset with you. You gave your honest opinion. That's what he brought you here for, right? Your expertise?" I look over to him, surprised by his genuine attempt to make me feel better. I stay silent for a moment, contemplating his point carefully.

"You're right. He shouldn't be upset for me voicing my concerns" I say, a kind smile on my face, feeling a bit better with the situation. Ian chuckles a bit to himself.

"Can't tell you how many times I have heard that." He replies, bumping my shoulder with his arm in a playful manner. I shake my head at his comment, smile still plastered on my lips.

"Heard what?" I ask confused

"That I'm right." He snarkishly replies followed by a wink.

"Wow. I actually was actually starting to like you, but that comment ruined it. Friendship officially over." I state in a faux serious tone, playfully crossing my arms to exaggerate my words.

"Ow." He says while also feigning a serious attitude, putting his palm over his heart as if struck with sudden pain, "You're breaking my heart, Kenya. You're breaking my heart."

"Out of all the nicknames in the world, you're going to call me Kenya?" I ask, amused.

"I'll stop calling you that once you stop talking about it." He replies.

"You will all have a spot of the company out in the park," John says loudly to the group, making Ian and I stop messing around and pay attention once more, "get to spend a little time with our target audience! Maybe they'll help you get the spirit of this place."

"What does he mean by 'target audience'?" I hear Dr. Grant whisper to Ellie.

"Grandpa!" Two young voices shout, drawing everyone's attention to two kids standing in the doorway, both of which break into broad smiles. I recognize both kids as John's grandchildren: Tim, the boy, and Lex, his sister. They had visited many of the wildlife preserves that I run, especially when they first opened. The kids were usually some of the first people to see the parks once they were completed. Despite knowing both of the kids, it took a moment to recognize them, as they both have grown up a lot since I last saw them.

"Kids!" John shouts, extending his arms out for them. Both kids tackle him in a hug, knocking him back onto the staircase, "Oh wait! Careful with the old man!" The children talk over each other to their grandfather, making it hard to understand the two of them. I smile at the sight, appreciating the admiration and love both of the kids had for their grandfather. Ian leans over to me.

"Gotta love kids, right?" He asks. I eye him up and down quickly realizing he is holding a gentle smile nearly identical to mine.

"I didn't expect you to be a fan of children." I state, looking back at the kids and John interacting.

"You'll find that I am full of surprises." He replies, the smile very prevalent in his voice. I chuckle a bit under my breath before John is finally able to stand up, leading the group, now including the children, outside. Two modified Ford Explorers leap up out of an underground garage beneath the visitor's center. They move quietly, with a faint electronic hum, and straddle a partially buried metal rail is the middle of the road. They pull to a stop right in front of us.

"Now, kids, come away. Not too close to the cars." John warns the children who have suddenly run off towards the first Jeep. He then turns his attention to us, a proud look on his face, "Aren't they lovely? Aren't they glorious though? These will be your transports for the afternoon."

"No drivers?" Gennero asks, leaning his head inside the vehicle in aww.

"No. No drivers. They're electric. They run on this track in the middle of the roadway here." John points out the metal bars with the bottom of his cane, "Totally non-polluting. Top of the line. Spared no expense." I chuckle at John, repeating what seems to be his new catchphrase for the dozenth time today. He looks at me as I do and gives a smile, the same smile he normally does. 'He doesn't seem upset anymore' I tell myself 'He's just good old John again'.

"It's an interactive CD-ROM!" I hear Lex shout from inside the first Jeep. I laugh a bit at her enthusiasm. Kids and their technology.

"Lex, you're all right in there." John shouts back to the girl, before looking between Dr. Sattler and I, "Dr. Sattler, come with me. Dr. Williams, come in the second car." We follow as he makes his way to the other car when Ellie turns her attention towards me.

"So, you and Dr. Malcolm seem to be getting pretty close." She states with a playful smirk, looking over at me.

"What do you mean?" I play dumb. Despite the butterflies bouncing around in my stomach, I manage to keep a straight face.

"I saw the way you were looking at him during lunch. You're interested in him aren't you?" She asks, bumping her elbow against my arm, as if we were still in grade school. We hold the discussion for a moment as John opens the driver and passenger door for each of us. We thank him quickly before the doors are closed, leaving the two of us alone.

"I find his points interesting, and they happen to align with my own views. It was just purely academic and scientific interest, nothing else." I say, knowing that I am lying to myself. I defiantly was interested in Ian, but nobody needed to know that until I could sort my feelings out for myself.

"Well, even so," Ellie replies, clearly not believing my words "I've seen the way he looks at you. It defiantly isn't just 'academic interest' on his end."

"So like the way that Dr. Grant looks at you?" I shoot back, a mischievous smile forming at the change in subject. Ellie looks surprised, "Why aren't you two an item yet? There is obvious attraction between the two of you." Before Ellie is able to reply, the rear passenger side door opens. The two of us look back at it as Dr. Grant slides in, followed by Tim who is already chatting his ear off.

"and that's where they all went?" Tim finishes, having asked a question before entering the car.

"A few species may have evolved along those lines." Dr. Grant replies, somewhat annoyed. Tim slams the car door behind him as he sits at Dr. Grant's side. Ellie and I sit backwards in our seats, amused at the whole situation.

"Because they sure don't look like birds to me." Tim says with a slight laugh in his words as Dr. Grant looks at him. Looking exasperated, Dr. Grant begins to get out the other side of the car, Tim close behind him, "I heard that there was this meteor, hit the earth someplace down in Mexico, and made this big crater."

"Listen, uh.."


"Tim, which car were you planning on?"

"Whichever one you are." Tim states, the cutest crooked grin plastered on his face. As Dr. Grant begins walking to the other car, he chats his ear off more. Ian and Lex make their way to our car, when I see Ellie whispering something into the young girl's ear. Lex then makes her way over to Dr. Grant as he has just slammed the door on Tim, who is now inside the first car. Ian takes his seat behind Ellie, his eyes catching mine. He grins a bit before winking, then looking out the windshield to watch Alan and Lex now interact. I follow his eyes, and see that Alan has shot a death glare in Ellie's direction before he talks with the girl.

"Not a fan of kids then?" I ask Ellie, in regards to Dr. Grant. She just chuckles and shakes her head. As soon as Dr. Grant is able to convince Lex to get into the first Jeep with her brother, he makes his way to the seat behind me, slamming the door.

"Very funny, Ellie." He states in a monotone voice, slightly annoyed at the situation. Ellie and I laugh a bit at his response, but it soon falls quiet.

"What do you think will be on the tour?" I ask, trying to make conversation.

"Dinosaurs probably." Ian replies, scratching his ear in an innocent fashion. Ellie lets out a snort at his reply, as I just roll my eyes.

"Very clever, Dr. Malcolm." I tease, using his professional name in retaliation. We all begins to just chat about our thoughts on the park so far as well as dinosaurs in general, which I was thankful for as I knew very little about them. The cars then jump into motion, a recording playing as soon as we begin to move.

"During your tour, the appropriate information will be automatically selected and displayed for you. Touch the area of the screen displaying the appropriate icon. Welcome to Jurassic Park." The voice says as we pass through two enormous, primitive gates, torches blazing on either side 'Jurassic Park' written above the gate in large red lettering.

"The voice you're now hearing is Richard Kiley." John speaks over the radio, "We spared no expense." As we enter the park, the fences and retaining walls are covered with greenery and growth, to heighten the illusion of moving through a jungle. The cars come to the top of a low rise, where a break in the foliage gives them a view down a sloping field that is broken by a river. The tour voice continues.

"If you look to the right, you'll see a herd of the first dinosaurs on our tour, called Dilophosaurus."

"Dilophosaurus!" Dr. Grant exclaims, all of us pressing against each other to look through the windows. As we look down into the river bank there are a lot of beautiful plants, but no sign of anything. The tour voice continues anyways.

"One of the earliest carnivores, we now know Dilophosaurus is actually poisonous spitting its venom at its prey, causing blindness and paralysis, allowing the carnivore to eat at its leisure. This makes Dilophosaurus a beautiful but deadly addition to Jurassic Park."

"Alan? Where?" Ellie asks, confused. The three doctors sit back in disappointment, but I sit back and smile slightly to myself. Despite my reservations about this park, animals not showing up on schedule is a positive aspect. This means that they aren't confined as much as I had previously though, allowing enough space for them to feel free and fulfilled.

"Damn." Dr. Grant mutters behind me, clearly much more disappointed than the rest of the group. We continue the down the tour path when the two tour vehicles come to a stop outside the massive fence. Looking around, I see a small sign reading 'Tyrannosaurus Rex'. My heart stops. I know this dinosaur...

"The mighty tyrannosaurus arose late in the dinosaur history. Dinosaurs ruled the earth for hundred and fifty million years, but it wasn't until the last-" the recorded voice carries on.

"Will you turn that thing off?" Dr. Grant asks, clearly sick of the recording. Ellie flips a switch and we all wait in silence, except for Ian, who looks at the ceiling, thinking aloud.

"God creates dinosaurs. God destroys dinosaurs. God creates man. Man destroys God. Man creates dinosaurs." He mutters, barely loud enough for everyone in the car to hear.

"Dinosaurs eat man." Ellie says in the same tone of voice, "Woman inherits the earth." Dr. Grant and Ian stare at Ellie for a moment while I look at her in amusement trying not to laugh, then we all return our attention to the paddock. However, there's no sign of the tyrannosaurus, just like the last time.

"We'll try to tempt the Rex now. Keep watching the fence." An unfamiliar voice says into the intercoms. Just after this is said a cage raises in the paddock, bringing a goat with it. The goat is tethered to a post, as the cage lowers around it, leaving it trapped and exposed. An easy meal for a hungry dinosaur. I huff in disgust at the sight.

"T-Rex doesn't want to be fed, he wants to hunt." Dr. Grant whispers, sharing my same thought process, if only with less attitude than I would have used, "Can't just suppress sixty-five million years of gut instinct." We all continue to wait, and wait, and wait when finally - the goat lays down. The T-Rex seems to be a no-show. We all sit back in disappointment again as the vehicles move forward on once more. As we are moving, Ian stands up and puts his face directly into the camera that is watching us from the roof of the Jeep's.

"Eventually you do plan on having dinosaurs on your dinosaur tour, right? Hello? H-Hello? Yes?" he teases into the camera, exhaling and tapping on the lens. Ian then sits back in his seat, but continues to talk, "The Tyrannosaur doesn't obey any set patterns or park schedules. The essence of chaos."

"I'm still not clear on chaos." Ellie states, glancing back at Ian.

"It simply deals with unpredictability in complex systems." He explains, as if it were so simple, "The shorthand is the Butterfly Effect. A butterfly can flap its wings in Peking, and in Central Park, you get rain instead of sunshine." Ellie waves her hand over her head with a laugh, indicating that explanation didn't make sense at all to her. Ian laughs at her.

"Did I go too fast?" He asks, "I did a fly-by."

"I missed it." Ellie says quietly.

"Here. Give me your glass of water. We'll perform an experiment. Dr. Williams, as we were going to have this conversation earlier, would you be my assistant? It will help you understand better as well." I nod my head at him as I see Dr. Grant's attention is not on the three of us. I look back at Ian as Ellie hands Ian the glass of water, "The car should be still, but that's okay. It's just an example. Dr. Wiliams, put your hand flat like a hieroglyphic. Lets say a drop of water falls on your hand. Which way will the drop roll off? Which finger?" Ian asks, looking between Ellie and I as I have my hand out.

"Thumb, I'd say." Ellie says, pointing at my thumb.

"Ring finger." I reply after her. Ian places the drop of water on my hand. The three of us watch as it rolls off the back of my hand, not off a finger as we had originally thought.

"Ah ha. Okay, freeze your hand. Don't move." Ian instructs, "I'll do the same thing, start with the same place again. Which way now?"

"Let's say back the same way." Ellie states. I nod in agreement. Ian drops the water once again, and gasps as it runs down a different way than the previous drop.

"It changed. Why?" Ian asks, rhetorically, "Because tiny variations... The orientation of the hairs on your hand, the amount of blood distending your vessels... Imperfections in the skin..." I look at him with a raised eyebrow, while Ellie contains a laugh.

"'Imperfections in the skin'?" She asks, pretty much reading my mind.

"Oh, just microscopic... Microscopic..." Ian says to Ellie, gently rubbing the water away from the top of my hand despite most of it evaporating already. His touch feels hot on my hand as he does so, "That never repeat and vastly effect that outcome. That's... what?"

"Unpredictability." I state, catching his attention. He nods, a look of pride in his eye. I am about to turn back to the tour, but my attention is caught when Dr. Grant opens the door of the vehicle and jumps out. I look in the direction that his eyes were trained, and see a dinosaur in the distance that looks injured. My instincts quickly kick into action as I follow Dr. Grant out of the car and into the park.

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