༆20 - No way...

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Yn POV...

She is standing in front of the restaurant where his dad had told...

She took a look breath and Went inside...
Looking for him... after a while As she say him sitting on the corner table she went towards him...

Yn. Mr. Lee dong suk...???
Stand in front of him

He slightly nodded she take seat in front of him... He was focussing in his phone scrolling through it

She sit there with out saying anything she is also not even interested... He call waiter After a while waiter came...

Waiter. How can I help you sir

LDS. What would you like to eat...
Turn towards Yn

Yn. Me..?? Think for a while Tteok-bokki...

LDS. Okay 2 Tteok-bokki plz...
To waiter

Then waiter Went to take what we ordered...

LDS. Hello Miss. Yn
Offering hand for hand shake

Yn. Hello...
Accept it with a bit hesitating feel... And forced smile

LDS. Nice to meet you

Yn. Me to
Pull hand back which he is holding tightly...

Again silence... take place...

After a while waiter came...

Waiter. Here is your order sir...
Keep it on table and left after bow 90°

He took chopp sticks and spoon from the table drower for both of us keep 1 pair in front of me and another in front of him...

LDS. Plz enjoy your meal...

Telling her to start
She slightly nodded and start eating




After eating...

LDS. Would you like to have something light after eating what about icecream or soft drink...???

Yn. It's okay... I didn't want---

LDS. Okay let me bring soft drink for you...

Went to bring soft drinks...

After a while came with soft drink in both hand's keep one in front of Yn and sit back on his place

LDS. What are you thinking about you didn't like it...???

Yn. No nothing like that...
Pick it and start drinking




After drinking...

Yn. I think I have to go now...
Stand from her place

LDS may I drop you??

Yn. No it's okay

But he came out of restaurant to leave her...

LDS. I am asking you again may I drop you Miss. Yn...

Yn. No it's okay... I have bring my car to it's okay... Bye... Have a nice day
Bow him and

Went towards her car but suddenly everything went black in front of her eyes with every passing second... she slowly lose her balance feld on hard rocky group with a thub...








Tae POV...

I did the presentation with so much struggle but finally it is over it's really hard not to have some one who help you when ever you are in trouble but finally it went well...
He came out of conference room while thinking about it...

Then his eyes fell on Yn's cabin...

Tae. Did she came back may be or may be not...
He went towards her cabin But the door was open and she wants them

Tae. May be she is busy somewhere...

He was talking to him self then suddenly his phone rang...


Jimin... Is video calling him...

He went to his cabin and pick up the call

Tae. Jiminaaaa~~~-----
Wave hand to him.....

Jim. Hey did you forget you have to handle this office to...
Cut his words

Tae. Oh I didn't but jk have told me so what else can I do...

Jimin is holding tae's work from the time jk have told tae to look over Yn... But jimin is also missing tae now so he decided to call him back (soulmate things)... So that he can meet him...

Jim. Taehyungaa... Just come back now... You was having leave from there for week but you didn't came to meet me...

Tae. Sorry I forgot abo-----

Jim. What aigooo.... You forget about your brother... OmO Taehyungaa... just say my ears list something wrong or I will gonna end up my life right now...

Make angry face... Still cute...

Tae chuckle looking towards him...

Jim. Are you laughing on me...

Tae. No... Okay wait I am coming... Right now... Okay

Jim. Better you understand... Bye...

Tae. Okay by---
Jimin cut the call

He sigh and came out of his cabin and went to meet jimin...


He came to jk's office park car in parking lot and went towards lift....

He came to jimin's cabin...

Knock knock...

Jim. Come in...
Looking deeply into his files and computer screen

Tae clear his throat to gain his attention...

Jim. Oh Taehyungaa....
Stand from his place and went towards him hugged him tightly...
Tae lift him and swing around... Like a small kid

Jim. Finally you remember me...
Break the hug

Tae. Come on... How can I forgot you

Jim. I will not even let it happen

Tae. I know...

They both were talking and laughing with each other...

Then jimin's secretary come in handling him some files... And went from there

Jim. Oh I think I have to go now
Looking towards files

Tae. Huh..??!!

Jim. Come with me he will be happy after seeing you here...

Pull tae by arm and take with him to jk's cabin...



They went inside...

Jim. Jungkookaaaaaa.... See who is here...

Jk Took towards Tae...

Jk. Hey Taehyungaa...

Took him in hug he hug him back...

Jk. You here...
Break hug

Jim. Actually he came to meet me...

Jk. You not me...
Make pout

Tae. Oh this kid...
In mind

Tae. No I came to meet both of you...

Jim. But you say you came to meet me
Blink to jk...

Tae. Are you both are teasing me...
3 of them were sharing happy moments

Them Jimin remember about the files...

Jim. Oh jungkookaa..... Here are the remaining files keeping them on tablet then he noticed

Jim. Where is your computer...

Jk. For repairing it is not working so much that...

Then a person came in... Bow Jk

Man. Sir that computer with take some long time to get repair...

Jk. What how much don't you know my all work is depend on it...

Man. Sorry sir but it will take max 2 days to get repair...

Jk. What 2 days...????


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