Chapter Fifteen: Cheater

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I open the door and all joy I just had dissipates, leaving me with only confusion and anger.

Right in front of me, I see something that I wouldn't have expected in a million years. Once I get over the shock, I shout the first thing that comes to my head.


What have I just witnessed?


"What am I going to say to her, Cole? She'll be so upset." A solitary tear slides down my face when I think of the pain my best friend is going to endure.

"WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING?" The same exact girl who was kissing Cole only the other day has her legs wrapped around Josh's waist. I'm not one to slut-shame but...

He doesn't even look worried that he was caught, it's like he didn't even care we found him like this. He wipes her nude lipstick off from his face and neck. Gross. I think I'm going to be sick. I storm over to him and once he pushes whoever the hell she is off of him, I shove him.

"How could you do that to her, huh?" He keeps his head down looking at the floor, "Come on then! Speak up because I'm pretty sure no one forced you together so give me your 'reason'. You fucking promised, Josh! What was it I said to you when I found out you two were together?" I shout at him.

I start to think he isn't going to reply, but then he does. "That if I hurt her you wouldn't hesitate on kicking my ass." He mutters, almost as if he were saying it to himself.

"Exactly, that's why I'm gonna beat the crap out of you. She's my best friend." I growl, lunging forward to throw as strong of a punch as I can. I wouldn't describe myself as strong but I'm so livid I wouldn't be surprised if I can pack a punch right now.

Before I can hit him, I feel Cole's hands slide around my waist as he lifts me up. I start kicking my feet, trying to break free. "Get off of me!" I protest.

Once I'm further away from someone who I don't want to call my cousin right now, Cole finally loosens his grip.

That's when I take the opportunity to run for him again. But once again, Cole's hands are around my waist before I can get there.

If I wasn't so angry I'd have time to react to Coles touch on my body.

"He's not worth it, princess." I turn around and look at him. His green eyes staring deeply into mine and for a second, just for a second, the anger is gone and it's like there is only us in the room.

"He's not worth it." He repeats and the way we're both still staring at each other makes me melt like putty in his hands. Knowing that he can do that to me scares me incredibly.

Only you, Cole Jones. Only you can make me feel like I'm the only one you look at this way. Only you can make me feel so many unfamiliar emotions at once that I don't know how to deal with them. Only you can make me fa—

"Let's leave it." I nod and look at the girl who's caked in makeup and then at Josh, giving him a disgusted look.

I turn back to Cole, "But he knew, Cole, I told him not to hurt her." My voice cracks, I want to cry. It's going to kill her when she finds out.

"So you're with Cole now?" I'm shocked by his small burst of confidence.

Now he speaks.

"You don't get to talk. You say all these terrible things about Cole but you're worse. He doesn't get with someone, his cousin's best friend, to then cheat on her like she was nothing." I growl, lunging forward for what is the third time.

"Okay..." Cole says, dragging me towards him. Goddammit. Just let me hit him already! "We're going to leave because if we don't, I think I might save Andie a job and punch you myself." He says dangerously low and we head out.

I don't spare Josh another look. What do I do now?

"You'll have to tell her, but do it after school. Not now." I nod and the bell finally goes. We have health after our break meaning I'm going to see Mia any minute now.

"You can go if you want, go see the others," I say and he shakes his head.

"No it's okay, I'll stay here with you."

"It's fine honestly, I'll probably come to find you guys after I see Mia anyway." He runs his fingers through his hair. Holy crap, how can someone look so good just doing that?

"Only if you're sure." I nod,

"I'm sure."

He walks away after saying bye and I shove all the stuff I don't need in my locker. I jump slightly as I hear a knock on the locker next to me.

Mia is stood there with a smile, "Hey Ands," she begins to frown instead, a concerned expression consuming her face. "you okay? You look a little upset."

"I'm fine, just tired." The lump forming in my throat says otherwise. I don't miss the look on her face which tells me she isn't all that convinced.

"You know you can tell me anything, right? I wouldn't be a good best friend if I wasn't there to help you." Guilt bubbles inside me and before I can say anything, Josh comes up behind her and kisses her on the cheek.

He can't be fucking serious right now.

I smile at Mia, "I'll see you later, okay?" All I want to do is rip Josh's hands off of her but I know telling Mia during school is way worse than letting her spend lunch with Josh just for today.

"What, where are you going?"

"I'm going to find Cole and the rest of his friends."

"I can't believe you're still hanging around with
him." He mutters and I glare at him.

"I don't think you have much of a say right now, do you?" I snarl and spin around, stalking off.

What the hell has gotten into Josh? I thought I knew my cousin pretty well, but at the moment, he seems like a stranger.

I decide to just walk around school instead of finding Cole. It's only now that I've been able to process the fact that we kissed.

There were two things stopping me from acting on my feelings towards Cole; his reputation and Josh's thoughts about him. Seems like there's only one thing standing in my way now because I couldn't care less about what Josh thinks.

The more I speak and hang around with Cole, the more intrigued I am to know him better. The more I want to spend time with him. The more I like him.

I just wish there was a switch so I could turn all these feelings off. It would make things a hell of a lot easier.

Lunch ends and I groan grabbing my bag, walking as slow as I possibly can.

Great, I have to sit right next to Cole while thinking about the kiss and decide how I'm going to tell Mia if Josh hasn't told her already. Which, I doubt he has.

I sit down and rest my chin on the palm of my hand. "Hey, princess." I just sit, now resting my head in my hands. "Princess," he nudges me gently with his elbow, "are you okay?" I lift my head and weakly nod.

"Yes, it's just josh was all over Mia like nothing happened. I need to tell her today, Cole because I know that he isn't planning on doing it."

He gives me a sympathetic smile and puts his arm over my shoulder, pulling me closer. Oh boy...

I take in a sharp breath and after a minute I pull away, automatically missing us being so close. I decide to rest my head on his shoulder and I start to settle again. I feel Cole's eyes on me but I don't look, I just try and listen to what the teacher is saying.

I get distracted and start thinking about what my mum would say to me if she was here to help me.

I close my eyes, trying to picture her and her voice. Memories of what happened around two years ago start coming back. It was when Jess' boyfriend asked me out.

"What do I do, mum? She's going to hate me if I tell her but then if I don't tell her she's going to hate me even more." My mum walks closer to me and rests her hands on my shoulders.

"Mandy, honey, calm down. It's not your fault but what I will say is tell her for goodness sake. Don't make the mistake of not telling her because not only is she stuck with a boyfriend who doesn't respect her, she'll be left thinking she's best friends with someone who doesn't care enough to tell her and you and I both know that isn't the case."

I nod and she pulls me into a hug. "Now tell me, what are you going to say?"

I open my eyes and the image of my mum is gone within a flash. I notice that I've shed a few tears so I wipe them away quickly before anyone notices.

The teacher stops whatever the hell she is saying, I haven't really been paying attention, and she stares in my direction.

"Is there a problem over there you two? I'm sure the purpose of there being two chairs is so you have space not to lounge on each other." I lift me head off of Cole's shoulder, missing his touch, and look at him while he mutters something along the lines of "bitch" and dishes her a dirty look.

The class is staring at the both of us, the boys are smirking at Cole-pigs-while the girls are glaring at me. All probably wishing Satan would come down from hell to pay me a visit. All girls but Mia might I add, she's just sat there giggling.

Once the lessons finished I think I might be the only one who isn't celebrating the end of the day.

Woop Woop, now I have to tell Mia that her boyfriend, my cousin, is a cheating bastard.

"I see you tomorrow." Cole whispers and once I'm outside the class ready to meet Mia, he disappears.

"Hey, Ands." She pulls the strap of her bag properly on her shoulder to stop it from falling.

"Hey, Mee..." I draw out, "I was thinking we could go to this diner I've been to a few times. I need to tell you something." She agrees instantly and we head out.

She deserves to know...


13,000 reads omfg!🥺 Thank you all so much <3

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P.S: I have a instagram account where I post edits (usually after, tvdu, obx etc) and occasionally book edits. It's @aftertvd so if you're interested, be sure to check it out! You can dm on there if you want aswell ❤️

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