Unknown prisoner

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Just when I was about to turn to leave, The door behind me slam shut!

As soon as it shut, the room darkened. It darkened a lot.

I literally can't see a thing!

I figured that the only source of light to this prison cell was the entry door, considering how dramatically the room darkened.

It was just like absolute darkness, expanding in an unseen vacuum

I didn't really have enough time to register the contents of the cell before it darkened. So I have absolutely no Idea what to do.

top things off.......

Someone's here....

Someone's definitely here!

I can feel it!

A presence.....

It feels somewhat like when Aria is around...... But magnified dramatically on the scale of fear.

And why..........? Why does this presence scare me so much?

I've been with Aria before, but this is different........ This feels more dangerous.

It feels like I've been locked in a dark room with Aria.
No. More like 'locked in a room with hundred Aria's'

It feels like I will not get just a LITTLE hurt in here....

My warning bells are going insane.

3rd person pov.

You tried to look for something that would calm you down. But, no matter where you turned to, It was just extending darkness.

A silent and dark void, filled with sounds your own accelerated breathing.  

You were scared to your wits........ More than when you had the nightmare this morning.

Scared what kind of monster was hiding in the darkness.

Hell, was the monster even hiding?

You highly doubted that. Because to you, it felt like you just walked straight into the monster's den.

If something were to happen to you right now, You literally wouldn't see that coming.

You took a few deep breathes, trying to calm yourself down.
And it actually worked.......... A little.

Sure, You didn't know the contents of cell. But you did know one thing ...... ....... ........ The door to exit..... Was right behind you.

You lifted up your trembling leg, which was glued to the ground.

You took a step backwards, And you could feel the strong friction on the ground.

Then you took another step, and another, and another, and another.

You were now steadily moving backwards, and you were sure the door was just a few steps behind you.
Few more steps and you will be out!

But, you stop dead in your tracks as sounds of someone breathing from behind you pierce your ears. 

A chill runs down your spine when the warm breath hits your nape.

Whatever you were trying to run away from, was now right behind you.

You had no idea what was running through its mind, and you didn't want to know either.

Beads of cold sweat trickled down your body.
Your legs quivered and you could hear your heart beat.

You weren't sure anymore. You didn't know weather to step back or step away.
You just couldn't get an idea on how to escape the dead lock you were in.

You can't fight, nor can you flee. So your body choose to freeze.

You heard the thing behind you step forward. The sounds of feet rubbing against the floor got closer and closer and closer....... Until they stopped.

You felt a hand press against your back.

The touch felt so cold, literally.

It was like a corpse had just laid its hand on you.

"We....... Finally meet"
The person spoke up, with a voice feminine yet deep.

You didn't know what to say, or weather to say anything at all.
So you just remained silent.

"I've been waiting........... Ever since I heard rumors about you...."
You had no idea why the girl was speaking so slowly, but you weren't going to say anything.

"I thought..... We had something in common....."
She said as you felt both her hands move and lay on your shoulders. And you felt her forehead touch you back, making you come to the conclusion she was shorter than you.

"I thought........ You'd make a good friend........ So i was looking forward to meeting you...... But."
She dead paned as her grip on your shoulders tightened, making you more scared and nervous.
"But why.........? Why didn't you meet me?"
She asked as her tone got more serious.

'what the hell am i supposed to do!?'
You internally screamed.

"Why......? Why did you have to hurt me?"
She questioned, her grip almost hurting you.

You suddenly heard her gasp.
'What now?' you asked to yourself while you swallowed a lump in your throat.

"Eh? why....? Why......?! Why do you reek of Aria!?" she yelled. Her voice with a piercing anger.

You were nearly paralysed in fear due to the sudden outburst.

"Could that be it!? Was she the reason you couldn't visit me!? Did she keep you busy!?...... Aaaaaaahhhhh!!! I hate her! I hate Aria!! She's always a bossy bitch!! Her very presence annoys me, and now she marked her presence on my first friend!!! Aaahh! Aahhhhh!! This is so annoying!!!"
She yelled while rocking you back and forth ,making you tremble in fear.

'This girl....... She's mad!' you realized.

"Why!? Why!? ......... Why...........?"
Suddenly you noticed her voice crack.
She wasn't yelling anymore.
Instead, you heard sounds of few silent sobs.

'Is she crying? Coz the one who should be is me!' you thought.

Then, you felt her hands leave your shoulders. Before you could feel relieved, you felt her wrap her arms around your torso and embrace you from behind.

"Its so lonely in here....... Nobody ever understands me....... There's no one to talk to...... Nobody to share your pain with...." she spoke as the sounds of sobbing became more evident.

"I thought that since we both have slightly similar past's, I thought we could understand each other and become good friends...... Yet..... You had to go and get tainted by that bitch!"
She said as she break down crying.

You were seriously starting to get freaked out.
You wanted to run out of the room this very instant.

So you made your move.

You quickly unlatched her arms from around you and stepped to the side. You started walking towards where you concluded the door was.


Like as if she could see in the dark, she grabbed your neck and pinned you to the floor.
And she twisted your arms from behind and got on top of you.

"why....? Why would you try to run from me, your friend?" whispered darkly in your ears.

"I knew it!" she yelled as you felt her place her hand over your shoulder.
"Aria has tainted you!"

'Someone help!'

"But don't worry, it can be removed."
She said while slightly scratching your shoulder with her nail.
"The corruption shouldn't have gone past your skin, so all I have to do is rip it off"

Your eyes widen by realizing what she meant.
She was gonna skin you!

"No! Please stop it!!" you begged, using your voice for the first time since entering the cell.

"Shh shh shh. It's okay, You're friend is here. There's nothing to worry about." she said and buried almost half of her nails on your shoulder.

"Gahhh! Help! Somebody help!" you screamed in pain. Hoping someone would hear your plea.

Suddenly, she stopped.

Her movement became solid.

Before questioning to yourself what happened, you heard footsteps from outside.

They got closer and closer until they stopped for a moment. And then the door burst open, flooding the cell room with light.

It was the woman from before. She had her leg raised up, indicating she had kicked the door open.

"Good grief, how much trouble does one get into in a single day?"
The woman spoke up.

She walked over to you and swung her leg above your head. A loud thud was heard and the weight above you was lifted.

You looked up and realized that she had kicked the girl off you.

"Guess I saved you for the second time" the woman said as she lifted you up and offered you a smile.

"Guess you just did" you smiled back and got back to your feet. 

You and the woman came out of the cell, with the woman lending you a hand.

Before you both walked away, you turned around to get one last look at the nightmare fueled cell room, and got shivers down your spine.

There, inside the cell, you saw her. The girl...... She was standing in the dark, but a light ray entering through opened doorway illuminated her torso, making you able to see how she looked like.

You didn't really pay attention to her cloths. But,what you did notice, was slight burn marks on her shoulders and her head covered in bandages, except for her right eye, her bright crimson eye, through which she was giving off a scary glare.

"For now lets head get your wound patched up." the woman said.
You nodded and walked off to the infirmary with the woman who saved you two times in a row.

"Umm..... What's your name?" the woman asked while on the way.
"(Y/N)...." you replied.
"Oh. I'm Elena by the way" The woman now known as Elena introduced herself.

"I see....." you said. "Thanks for saving me"

Elena let out an awkward laugh, slightly confusing you.
"You see" she spoke up "The one you should be thanking isn't me"

"Huh? Then who should i thank?" you asked.

"well..." Elena spoke up "Thank Alice"

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