Chapter 6

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No one pov:
It didn't take Quackity long for him to die Willow's wings back to forest green, it also didn't take long before everyone learn that a new resident was here who was the child of Schlatt

When word of this got out no one knew how to fell about the situation because no one like Schlatt at all so they didn't know how they would fell about his kid being in L'manberg after everything Schlatt did

However non of that bothered Quackity or Willow the slightest because all they were worried about was how they were going to hide Willow from Philza

Willow pov:
After Papa/Quackity had finally finished dieing my wings green again we went outside for a walk to help the dry

"Now make sure not to get them wet or else-" puting a pice of fruit in Papa's mouth I finish what I knew what he was about to say "the die will wash out"

Walking over to door I grabbed an umbrella Incase it rained "I know Papa now let's go" opening the door I spread out my wings before I went outside

"Hey wait for me" turning around I watch as Papa have trouble putting on his shoes 'I wonder if he's really an adult or just a man child'

When Papa finely got his shoes on we started to walk around L'manberg with him telling me how he and a few other people were going to go kill Techno after all the laws he had broken in L'manberg/Manberg

"Huh, I guess if Techno doesn't come willingly then what will you do" looking at Papa he looked like he was thinking for a moment before answering my question

"Then we will take him by force if he's not coming nicely" looking at Papa he didn't look that confident with his plan "I think you will easily be able to take him out with enough people"

Looking at Papa he looked relieved that I believe his plan would work "Let's keep walking" nodding my head in agreement we continue our walk around L'manberg

Philza pov:
Siting out on my balcony I saw Quackity walking next to a teen age girl who had blond hair and green wings 'Whos that-'

before I could even realize what was going on I found my self flying over to them despite being on house arrest "PHILZA YOUR ON HOUSE ARREST" as Quackity kept yelling at me I was now in front of the teen

"Philza go back to your house" not listening to Quackity I looked at the girls wings that looked to be dripping with green die 'It can't be...'

Reaching my hand out I tried to wipe the paint off only to be stopped by Quackity and Tubbo who were dragging me back to my house "Wait stop there wing-"

"Philza they aren't your child they are Schlatt's kid-" looking at Quackity I could tell he was lieing about them not being my kid "And mine"

Looking at Quackity I saw as he handed me an envelope that was sealed shut looking at I watch as Tubbo run after Quackity after he went straight to the door with his wings pulled in

Opening the envelope I saw that there were two papas in it one was adoption papers that made Schlatt Willow's dad by law, the other shows that Quackity is also another guardian with him being Schlatt's husband

"This has to be fake" looking at the paper over and over I try to see something that would show that they were fake documents but everything added up "I fuked up"

Putting the paper on my coffee table I walked up stairs and pulled out a family album "I was there for all of my kids..." Flipping through the pages I saw how happy Techno, Wilbur and Tommy but if Willow was in them they were sad

"Except for my only daughter" closing the book I put it back on the shelf 'I need to fix this'

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