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Minho created a new group chat!

Minho added 7 user(s)

Minho named the group chat "✨Abandoned Childern✨"!

Minho saved they're name as "ItsMinhoBitch"

ItsMinhoBitch changed 7 user(s) names!

ItsMinhoBitch: welcome hoes😍❗

🅱️abie: wtf is this-

Jisus: where are we-

Dramakween: ?

Flex 💪 tape 📼: what in the fu-

Changaroo: 🤠🤠

ItsMinhoBitch: okay, I know y'all are confused-

ItsMinhoBitch: so let me explain.

ItsMinhoBitch: in this group chat we have Felix and his besties and me and my besties

Dramakween: you're acting like you and Felix are the main characters🗿

ItsMinhoBitch: that's cause we are, now shut up

Dramakween: eye-🗿

TrashBin: 🗿🗿🗿

ItsMinhoBitch: let me introduce y'all to each other😍❗

ItsMinhoBitch: as y'all know I'm Minho

Changaroo: no shit sherlock

Dramakween: whattt no wayyy😲

ItsMinhoBitch: ahjajaajaj shut uP

ItsMinhoBitch: Dramakween here is Hyunjin

Dramakween: ello mates

Changaroo: are you Aussie too?

Dramakween: hell yea😩👊

Flex 💪 tape 📼: nah, he's just copying me

Dramakween: no I'm not, I'm a true Aussie😤

Flex 💪 tape 📼: ey Chan, wanna grap a bite from maccas?

Changaroo: not rn mate, Its too late in the arvo

Flex 💪 tape 📼: aight

TrashBin: what are they saying...^

Jisus: shush, They're communicating.

Dramakween: gejjww don't gotta exPOse me like that bRo😤👊

Flex 💪 tape 📼: sorry fam, it has to be done tho🤷

ItsMinhoBitch: okay moving on...

ItsMinhoBitch: Hyunjin send them a picture of you

Dramakween: why?

ItsMinhoBitch: so they can see what you look like, what else dumbass

Dramakween: oh okay🤠

Dramakween: prepare to bless you're eyes~

ItsMinhoBitch: -with bleach

Dramakween: do you know I hate you?

ItsMinhoBitch: yes😍❗

Dramakween: I'll ignore you're dumbass, anywho here's me:

🅱️abie: omfg how are you so hot-|
omfg how are y|
omfg h|

TrashBin: damn you're actually kinda pretty-

🅱️abie: yes, yes he is.

Dramakween: thank you, i know, I'm fabulous 💅✨

ItsMinhoBitch: ew🤢

Dramakween: who you 'ew'ing bitch🗿

ItsMinhoBitch: you🤠

Dramakween: 🗿🗿

Flex 💪 tape 📼: wait jinnie, I'm coming to the practice room. I need help this new choreo, are you there?

Dramakween: yup I'm here

TrashBin: wait- Minho said you were at Felix' place?

Dramakween: y'all talk about us-

TrashBin: don't question it-🤡

Dramakween: well i was, but I had to leave half an hour ago cause well, it's my job🤡

TrashBin: oh okay🤡🤡

Flex 💪 tape 📼: otay, I'll be there in 10 mins (or maybe 20 depending on the traffic)

Dramakween: see ya😗✌️

Flex 💪 tape 📼 is offline

Day6Fanatic: uhmm... Who are you all ...?

ItsMinhoBitch: what do you mean, Seungmin?

Day6Fanatic: who's Seungmin?

ItsMinhoBitch: wait... Who are you then?

Day6Fanatic: I'm Jung hoseok

Dramakween: omg hosEOK-

Dramakween: that's why you're on your phone rn-

Dramakween: hey bestieeee

Day6Fanatic: is that you jinnie^?

Dramakween: yeaa

ItsMinhoBitch added 1 user(s)

ItsMinhoBitch changed 2 user(s) name(s)!

Day6Fanatic: I actually can't belive you snakes almost forgot about me.

Dramakween: we're sorry-🤡

ItsMinhoBitch: both of you have similar numbers okay-

Day6Fanatic: 🗿🗿🗿

Seokie: yea

Seokie: awww seokieee, that's cute :3

Day6Fanatic: I like you seokie guy. You don't seem like a crackhead unlike these bitches

Seokie: tyyy✨

Jisus: hsjana r00d😤💅

ItsMinhoBitch: we're not crackheads?

Changaroo: we're normal🙄

TrashBin: oh yea? Want me to share the pictures here as well?

Day6Fanatic: don't your daRE-


ItsMinhoBitch: I'll make you do the dishes for a whole week.

TrashBin: i already do the dishes🗿

ItsMinhoBitch: -and the laundry.

TrashBin: the disresPECT-🗿

🅱️abie: wait, who is this Jung hoseok/ seokie?

Dramakween: omg lemme spill the tea🍵

Changaroo: 🍵🍵🍵

ItsMinhoBitch: 🍵🍵🍵🍵🍵

Dramakween: sO- today I was minding my own business, ya know, dancing as usual

Dramakween: then jypapi calls me to his office and goes,, Hyunjin, this is Jung hoseok. He is going is the new dance instructor for twice. Please show his around the buliding, especially the dance practice room.

Dramakween: and I was like (a new friend? Sign me the fuck up-)

Dramakween: so I said,, sure sir.

TrashBin: kinky

Day6Fanatic is offline

Dramakween: whoever Day6Fanatic is, is an intellectual

Changaroo: lmao Seungmin bolted-🤡

TrashBin: what? It's true😔

Seokie: 🗿🗿

Dramakween: also, idk who you are TrashBin, but I hate you

TrashBin: damn does everyone hate me😔

ItsMinhoBitch: yes.

Changaroo: yes.

Changaroo: yes.

TrashBin: why 2 yes'-

Changaroo: I said one extra one on seungmins behalf 😇

TrashBin: he doesn't hate me😤

Day6Fanatic is online

Day6Fanatic: I hate you.

Day6Fanatic is offline



TrashBin: I-

TrashBin: I hate y'all🗿

Jisus: idk who you are, but I hate you too😗✌️

🅱️abie: I don't uwu

TrashBin: 🅱️abie, ily<3

Day6Fanatic: 🗿

Dramakween: 🗿🗿🗿

🅱️abie: uwu

Jisus:  I love you to innie<3

Jisus: but, do I really...?|
But, do|

🅱️abie: <3

Dramakween: anywAY- now were hanging out in practice room and bonding over our love for twice😍❗

Day6Fanatic is online

Day6Fanatic: sorry I had take a break so i wouldn't have a breakdown cause of changbins dumbass

Day6Fanatic: omg y'all are streaming twice- your minds

ItsMinhoBitch: as you should💅

TrashBin: kajqjkqjsvhw I hate you Seung😔

Day6Fanatic: likewise

Dramakween: oop- lixxie is here, I'll ttyl y'all✌️

Dramakween is offline

Seokie: bye bye you all~ <3

Seokie if offline

ItsMinhoBitch: aight

TrashBin: do y'all want to get know each other?

🅱️abie: sure😇

TrashBin: so let's go in turns telling our names/ ages/ and maybe a picture of yourself if y'all are a comfortable with that

Jisus: sounds good to me

Jisus: since you pitched the idea you go first😇

TrashBin: damn really hate me huh😔

Jisus: yea.

Day6Fanatic: yes.

🅱️abie: no😇

Dramakween is online

Dramakween: yes.

Dramakween is offline

TrashBin: ...

TrashBin: 🗿

Changaroo: ^🤡🤡

Changaroo: also yes-

TrashBin: alrigHT I GET IT-

TrashBin: I hate yall😔

Changaroo: likewise 😗

TrashBin: anygays, I'm Seo Changbin.
20. And here me~

Jisus: wow you have silver hair-

TrashBin: I wish, i dyed it again🤡

TrashBin: that was my old hair😔 i love it sm😔😔

🅱️abie: why'd you change it then?

TrashBin: cause jyo said it's too 'distracting'🤡

ItsMinhoBitch: sounds like schools dress code-🤡🤡

Jisus: it does lmao🤡🤡🤡🤡

Changaroo: wait Changbin turn this way for a sec

TrashBin: huh-

TrashBin: why-?

Changaroo: just do it hOE

TrashBin: ugh fine chill-

Changaroo: omg y'all look at this😍❗

TrashBin: damn I do be fine tho💅

Jisus: fax-

Changaroo: am I not fine😔

Jisus: ew no🤢

🅱️abie: you sure about that jiji🤡

Jisus: shuSH- didn't expose me-

TrashBin: no no, keep going👀🍵

Changaroo: 👀🍵🍵


🅱️ower 🅱️ottoms😈✊💯

🅱️abie took a screenshot!


🅱️abie: oh but I did ;)



✨Abandoned children✨

🅱️abie: [Screenshot]

🅱️abie: 😇😇


TrashBin: .......

TrashBin: 🤡🤡🤡

Day6Fanatic: 🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡

ItsMinhoBitch: oh, so you think he's smoking hot, huh pretty boy?

Jisus: nO

Jisus: i do NOT-

TrashBin: the screenshots say otherwise-🤡🤡

Changaroo: I'm honoured😇

Jisus: IxkqjjqjqjqjISKAMNANA🗿

ItsMinhoBitch: i see, i see.

Jisus: Sijqjjw I SAID NO-

TrashBin: is Minho jealous 👀👀

Changaroo: don't worry min, i dont like Jisung🤠

Day6Fanatic: that's cause you're in love with Felix, bitch


Changaroo: I'm nOt In lo** with him🗿

TrashBin: you are🤡🤡

Changaroo: remember Jisung thinks I'm hot?


Changaroo: 😚😚

Jisus: 🗿🗿


Jisus: chan is in love with Felix

Changaroo: this ain't about me-

Jisus: yes it is, shut up.

Changaroo: 🗿🗿🗿

ItsMinhoBitch: i can confirm chan is in love with Felix

ItsMinhoBitch: ziajajxkbq also, you're mind pretty boy😍❗

Changaroo: pretty boy eye- udksnwjjwjw

TrashBin: ew that's gay🤢

ItsMinhoBitch: you're gay

TrashBin: acktchually- I'm ace💅

ItsMinhoBitch: omg you're mind😍❗

TrashBin: I know hehe💅

ItsMinhoBitch: but you still prefer guys don't you

TrashBin: don't gotta call me out like that😔 but yes😔✊🍆

Jisus: wait, but you're asexual?

TrashBin: uhm, yes?

Jisus: then how do you have a preference?

TrashBin: asexual people can still have preferences, they just don't have "sexual desires"

Jisus: ohh okay, ty for letting me know

TrashBin: np!

ItsMinhoBitch: but you were horknee when I showed you Wi Ha-Joon🤡

TrashBin: gjbzhaiqnw I was jokINg🗿

ItsMinhoBitch: sure🤡

TrashBin: 🗿

Jisus: we're straying away from the point-

Jisus: chan simps for Felix

Changaroo: nO-🗿

ItsMinhoBitch: yes you do🤡🤡

Jisus: 🤡🤡

Day6Fanatic: 🤡🤡🤡

Changaroo: I do nOt

Day6Fanatic: you do

ItsMinhoBitch: you do

Changaroo: 🗿🗿

TrashBin: you do

🅱️abie: you kinda do-🤡


🅱️abie: I'm just stating the truth🤷‍♀️

ItsMinhoBitch: ^pffft-

🅱️abie: now that's it's confirmed chan loves Felix

Changaroo: 🗿🗿

Jisus: 🤡🤡🤡🤡

🅱️abie: now that that's Outta the way-

🅱️abie: can we like, continue getting to know each other better or not?

Changaroo: sure, I'll go next

🅱️abie: otay( ◜‿◝ )

Changaroo: you're cute hehe

ItsMinhoBitch: don't betray my brother like that😔

Jisus: ^yes, don't hurt my bestie😔😔

Changaroo: all I said is that he's cuTE-

Jisus: 🤷‍♀️

ItsMinhoBitch: still😔😔😔😔

Changaroo: Im-🗿

🅱️abie: eye- just continue

Changaroo: okay, hi I'm Bang chan/ Christopher bang. You can call me chan! I'm currently 21 And my pronouns are he/ them

Jisus: he really said: 🤠🤙

Changaroo: 🗿

Day6Fanatic: wait chan aren't you blonde-

Changaroo: it's an old picture🤠

Day6Fanatic: ohh, okay🤡

Jisus: 🤡🤡🤡

TrashBin: wait chan take a picture of us✨

Changaroo: why-

TrashBin: I'm looking like a snack rn

Changaroo: what about me-

TrashBin: you look like a roach as always😍❗

🅱️abie: PFFT-

ItsMinhoBitch: PLEASE-

Jisus: it's true tho🤡

Changaroo: jxjsnsnjs fucK YALL-

TrashBin: now take a picture of us hoe

Changaroo: ugh fine, stupid bitch🙄

TrashBin: love you too😚💛

Changaroo: 🙄💛💛


Jisus: damn, y'all cute or whatever

ItsMinhoBitch: I never though I'd say this but- chan your mind😍❗

Changaroo: is that a compliment or insult-

ItsMinhoBitch: both😍❗

Changaroo: eh, good enough💁

ItsMinhoBitch: okayyy my turnn
Yo, I'm Lee Minho. You can call me Minho. I'm felix' bro. (pop off rap skills😍❗) and I'm also 20
Bless you're eyes with me:


🅱️abie: aww you're so cute hyungie

ItsMinhoBitch: I know, ty innie💁💅

Jisus: you're hot

ItsMinhoBitch: sijsnwmwkkwhebwj

Jisus: ^is he good-

🅱️abie: oh damn he's chocking-

Jisus: oh, okay☺️

Day6Fanatic: 🤡🤡

ItsMinhoBitch: aheM- Anyway, chan look here for a sec

Jisus: wait, are y'all together?

Changaroo: yea, were at work rn

Jisus: lmao rip, we chillin at home🤡

Changaroo: it sucks here😔✊

TrashBin: truly✊😔✊

TrashBin: especially since I'm here with this Peppa pig lookin mf✊😔✊

TrashBin: says you, Kiley kangaroo

Jisus: stan Peppa and Kiley hoes💅

TrashBin: isjakwkwje

Day6Fanatic: ???

TrashBin: jypapi told us to get off of ours phones and work cjkanwiw we'll talk later-

Jisus: okie, bye<3

TrashBin: ty for the heart<3

Jisus: ew no, the heart was for minho hyung🤢

TrashBin: he's not even leaving- he's with you🗿


🅱️abie: y'all better go before you get fired-

Changaroo: xikaja okay bye-

Jisus: ba- bye<3
Read 7:18 pm


"Yooo sup hyun, I wanted to get you sum to eat, but I did know what you wanted so I got ramen and a sandwic-"


"Of hi Felix! This here is hos-"



The screen shot innie sent was a when in chapter 3, where Jisung called chan hot🤠🤠


How does Felix know hobi?👀

I wonderrr 👀👀

Meme(s) of the day:

🤡The resemblance is uncanny🤡

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