•Chapter 22

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16 December

"NO YOU ATE UP ALL THE CARAMEL POPCORN! YOU UGLY DEMON!!" Jeongin shouted to Seungmin as he threw pillows towards the direction of the puppy boy. Frozen was playing on the tv, but no body was actually watching the movie.

"Its not that deep dude, chill." Changbin said as Jeongin stared daggers at him.

"Demon is correct, although I'm not sure about the ugly part." Hyunjin said as he threw buttered popcorn in his mouth.

"Eww." Seungmin said, rejecting hyunjin's direct compliment as the puppy boy visibly blushed.

"I'll go make some more popcorn." Minho said standing up and grabbing the now empty bowl. Felix pushed Jisung towards Minho and made him walk with Minho towards the kitchen. The squirrel boy nearly stumbled and tripped as he was pushed forwards, but he had regained his balance.

For the first few minutes of Minho getting the ingredients for the caramel popcorn, Jisung was watching the elder.

Minho had tried to get a pot from the cabinet before gaining all of Jisung's attention. "I know I'm pretty to look at, but do you mind helping?" The elder asked, making Jisung burn pink.

"Uhh oh y-yeah." Jisung moved towards Minho and did what Minho had instructed him to do.

As they had nearly finished in the kitchen, Minho boiled the kettle to make all 8 some warm hot chocolate. Jisung sat on one of the bar stools by the island, watching Minho move around in the kitchen.

As the elder poured some hot water into 8 mugs, he accidentally poured some on his hand, burning himself.

"Shit, ahh" Minho said as he quickly put the kettle down. Jisung had rushed to his side and pulled him to the sink to run his hand under cold water.

"Be more careful hyung." Jisung blew on the elders hand, trying to cool down the burn.

"Hmm... You smell nice. Like honey." Minho said, ignoring Jisung's previous words. Blushed creeped up onto jisungs face, going up from his neck, all the way to the tips of his ears. Minho smiled at the cute, squirrel guy.

"Hey Minho whats taking so long with the popcorn?" Chan's voice had disrupted their moment.

Will they ever get a cute moment alone together?

"Oh Minho burned his hand." Jisung explained, holding up Minho's hand as proof.

"Ah how irresponsible from our hyung-y."Chan said chuckling as he knew he annoyed Minho. Minho sent him a jokingly disgusted look as Jisung held his hand.

The three finished making the 8 mugs of hot chocolate, and then brought them to the lounge

"Oooh yum! Oh by the way, we're ordering pizza for lunch. We're forcing you all to stay here for a sleepover." Felix said as he happily drank his hot chocolate.


"No! We're not playing one more match of uno!!" Felix groaned as everyone laughed at him. He kept on loosing to chan when the two of them remained to be the last one left in the round. Chan was a pro when it came to uno.

"Lets play jenga!" Minho suggested, taking out their large jenga set. They placed the blocks and began the game.

After the 8 boys played a few rounds of jenga, they wanted to do something else. Jeongin had won most of the jenga rounds.

"Hey why don't we do those dance challenges??" Hyunjin suggested, knowing Felix would love the idea.

"Yess! Lets start with twice!" Felix said in excitement. He played the dance practice video on the tv while he danced with Minho and hyunjin being his back up dances. The others joining in where they knew the dance moves. Every danced during the chorus.

"YOU AND ME IN THE MOONLIGHT. AH AH AH AHH" Felix sang along, holding the mic that was connected by the speakers.

"LETS DANCE THE NIGHT AWAYY" They all sang along and danced their hearts out.



As the song came to an end and everyone took a breath from screaming their lungs out while dancing, Changbin went up to choose a song.

Everyone had taken a seat on the couch while Changbin had started dancing to queencard. As the chorus came on, chan got up from the couch and started dancing alongside Changbin.


Felix started taking photos of the two and acting like paparazzi. Seungmin threw popcorn at the two as jeongin ate some of the popcorn in Seungmins bowl while he nearly choked from laughing. Jisung's stomach hurt so bad from laughing and he fell off the couch. Minho recorded the entire thing to possibly blackmail chan and to send to the group chat. Hyunjin was beside jisung on the floor, in tears because of how hard he was laughing.

Changbin had chosen another song and immediately started to sing along.

"GET UP. GET UP. GET UP" Changbin shouted at the 7 as he dragged them up from the floor and couch.

"NINETY TWO FOUR KICK THAT DRUM, MY EGO IN THE SHOW." They all shouted as they tried to dance together without falling over the blankets and popcorn on the fluffy mat.

"AHHH WOOYOUNG ATE TOO HARD. HE LEFT NO CRUMBS. MY FAIRY DEVOUREDD." Changbin shouted when his close friend appeared on the tv. The seven others laughed until their stomachs ached and they were on the floor.

After a few more songs were played and them dancing along, they all were exhausted. Half of them were sprawled out on the floor, and the rest were spread out on the couch

They sang along to a few songs while they sat down by the couch.

"I just want you call my phone right now. I just wanna hear you're mine~" Jisung sang into the mic while Changbin had given to the microphone to Minho so that he could go to the centre to dance.

"Cause I~ know what you like boy. You're myy~ chemical hype boy~" Minho sang into the mic.

A few of the others were dancing in the centre while the two sang.

They all laughed and joked along until their stomachs were sore.


It was nearly 6pm. The sun was dipping into the horizon. The sunset was beautiful, as the weak sunlight shined throughout the sky and made the white snow glisten.

Minho was in his room, looking outside his large, bedroom window. He had walked to his room to get a few more blankets, as Felix had claimed that they apparently had not enough blankets.

The brunette walked towards the balcony door, and opened it. The air was cold and fresh. It was a nice break from the chaotic, but fun, atmosphere that was taking place in the lounge.

Minho was lost in countless thoughts as he heard a voice behind him.

"Are you alright min?"

Minho didn't have to look behind him to know who it was.

"Ah yeah, don't worry." The elder replied, slowly turning around towards the younger.

Jisung's cheeks were a light pink, due to the cold, evening air.

"Do you wanna take a walk with me? Or maybe take a drive since its literally freezing." Minho looked towards Jisung. The tips of his ears and neck were dusted with a pink tint from the frozen temperatures.

"Ah sure!" Jisung happily agreed.

The two made their way inside the apartment, walking towards the front door to slip on their shoes.

"We're just going to the convenience store that's nearby. We'll be back in 30." Minho said as he slipped on his right shoe.

"Okayy! Ooh wait please bring us some drinks and snacks!" Felix said before continuing. "Be safe and don't freeze to death!!" Minho grabbed his car keys and walked out the door.

"Thank you lix!" Jisung replied as he slipped on his shoes.

"Bye!" The two heard the other 6 say as they walked out the door.

Minho and Jisung had walked towards the apartment lobby and parking.

As they got into the sports car, Minho had immediately switched the car on to put the heater on.

Jisung had gotten in on the passenger seat next to Minho.

The radio had switched on and it was softly playing a song by day6.

Minho had started driving the car as Jisung started humming along.



I'm extremely sorry for my 2 week absence in updating. My 2 chapters were unfortunately deleted so i had to rewrite this one

I'll be going on a 1-3 week hiatus so that i can focus on my studies and mental health, since both are not in a good state.

I'll most likely be back within 2 weeks. I'll have atleast 2 chapters ready for you.

I hope you're all doing well!! If you ever need to talk to me, even when I'm on my hiatus, you don't need to hesitate to do so.

Thank you all for supporting me reading this!!
I love you all and I'm soo proud of you!

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