03. Win-win

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The next day it was the same, my mom drived me to school, I went to all my classes and was anxious for the end of my classes because I'll have to walk home again.

The only difference was that I didn't eat lunch with the trio, I didn't saw them in the cafeteria, only a few times in the halls. But that's fine, I mean I wasn't expecting them to be near me everyday. I don't expect them or anyone else to be near me at all. Everyone leaves soon or later.

Even my best friend ever left me, Aiden. He was like a brother to me, and he still is, although he doesn't care about me anymore.

We used to play soccer all the time, watch our favorite soccer teams every weekend and we even spent mostly everyday together.

That all changed as soon as we entered high school. In freshman year he start getting popular, made a ton new friends and had a lot of girls in his dms. By sophomore year he didn't talked to me anymore, we didn't play or watch soccer together anymore, and we definitely didn't spend all day together anymore.

But I get it tho, he doesn't have time for me anymore, and I mean look at me, he probably was embarrassed his new friends will see him hanging out with me. I would be embarrassed too.

As I was walking through the scary neighborhood I kept thinking and thinking. Getting my mind distracted helped me from being all paranoid.

"The hell you doing here?" I hear a voice behind me, making me jump and turn around quickly to see who is it.

"Jordan? Hey!" My voice shaky, still scared it could have been a random person trying to kidnap me. But I'm glad to see his tall figure in front of me.

"Are you new here or just stupid enough to be in this dangerous streets all alone?" He says glaring at me. Well this is my only way home, what am I supposed to do.

"Well I'm kinda both tho, but I'm not new here, well actually I am, but it's different.. let's just say I'm stupid." I say trying to explain myself, which didn't worked at all. I'm new at this but not new here.

He doesn't says anything so I continue talking. "What do you mean dangerous? This place seems...nice. I mean look at that art in the walls, it looks cool doesn't it?" he just looks at me as if I'm crazy.

"And- and look at the destroyed wall, it allow us to see the sky better. Also, there's this nice smell, I can't figure it out. You see, it's not that bad." I say mostly trying to convince myself.

"That smell is weed." He says and my eyes widen. Of course it is, oh god what am I doing in this place.

"Oh. Well I'll stay away from that smell then." I say and he goes back to his blank expression.

"Stay away from here. It's dangerous for girls like you." The typical 'girls like you' making me somewhat mad, I know I'm a scaredy cat but don't underestimate me.

"Girls like me? Nothing happened to me yesterday, I will be ok today too." I say, again trying to reassure myself. I don't have another option.

Again he doesn't says anything, this time I just start walking away. It will get dark soon, I have no time to lose.

"The fuck are you going?" His mad voice stops me. I'm confused on what does he even wants.

"Um, I'm heading home?" I say confused on what he was expecting. "Look, thank you for warning me, but I gotta go." I start walking as I say that.

"I'll walk you home." My eyes widen at his response. Why would he even do that.

"You don't have to, I can manage myself." I say and he rolls his eyes.

"Don't flatter yourself, Im only doing it because if something happens to you I will be the last person that saw you, and I don't have time for all that shit. Not tryna be near jail again." Again? Ok, I'm now wondering if I should actually stay away from him instead of this place.

On the other hand, his way of thinking is smart, to be honest. For a second I really thought he cared. Embarrassing.

"Fine, I don't get kidnapped and you don't get in jail. Seems like a win-win to me." Said that we started our way to my house.

We have been silently walking for about ten minutes. I've seen a few people walking by, but this time they would stop looking at me the second they see Jordan next to me.

I'm glad he is walking me home, even though it's just so he doesn't end up in jail, I still feel more relaxed walking with him.

He just followed my directions, since he obviously doesn't know where I live. When we finally reach my house I saw my parents' cars weren't there, thank god because if they saw me with a boy they would start questioning me.

"Thank you so much for walking me, Jordan." I say genuinely thankful.

"Just stay away from that place." He says going away before I could say anything.

I wish I could stay away from that place, but I can't. It's my only way home.

That night I couldn't help but think about him. Literally if someone ever does something nice for me or compliment me, I'll think about it for at least the rest of the week. I'm not used to be treated nicely.


"Adira, wake up." I hear my dad's voice and I immediately open my eyes.

"Yes dad?" I say rubbing my eyes and sitting up while he gets closer to me.

"Adira, I'm sorry. I was so hard with you. I'll still pick you up if you want to." He says and I'm not even surprised. It's always this same story: he messes up, I suffer, then he asks me to forgive him and I do, then he mess up again, and the story repeats.

He says sorry but does nothing to change, I don't understand. I still forgive him every time, he is my dad after all, and if I act mad he will get mad again so it's better to just end that.

"I forgive you dad. I understand your irritation, you got a lot of work to do. And no, I don't want you to pick me up anymore, I wanna learn to manage on my own." I say and he looks at me confused.

He probably thought I would want him to pick me up but no. I'm sure one day this whole thing will happen again, so it's better if I get used to it already. I'm 17 already anyways.

"Ok, as you wish doll. Have a good day." He says and leaves my room. I didn't noticed how tense my body was till he left and it started relaxing.

6:54 a.m. I guess I'm not being late today.

I started to look for an outfit after I took a shower. I really wish I could dress up really nice but I'm too lazy and scared for that. I can play dressing up in my room but never go out with that.

I just grabbed some mom jeans and a beautiful sweatshirt I love so much. I combed my hair in a ponytail and just put on a little bit of mascara.

After a boring English class I headed to my sports class. A class I share with Aiden, it would be so much fun if we were still friends.

I went into the girls locker room, where everyone was changing of clothes, and I changed as well to my sport leggings and a jersey of my favorite soccer team, Monte Fc.

After we changed of clothes, we waited for the coach to give us instructions. I hope we do something fun today.

"Everybody come here." The coach says and we all walk to him forming a circle around him.

"From now on we will work in couples in this class, hoping your partner motivates you to work hard and viceversa." Some people start gathering in couples and the teacher laughs a little bit in a creepy way.

"I'm making the pairs, and there are not changes unless it is really necessary." He says and everyone seems to be annoyed. I prefer the teacher arranging the couples because I have no one to work with.

Hopefully my partner isn't that annoying.

"Kara and Brandon."

"Susan and Fernando." the teacher starts making the couples and I feel my anxiety rising.

"Kaycee and Andrew."

"Adira and Aiden." Of course this is happening. This will be awkward as heck.

The teacher kept calling names until he finished and told us what we are doing today. CrossFit. Ew.

Everyone gathers with their couples and I don't know what to do. Should I go there with him and pretend nothing ever happened? Should I wait for him to talk first? Should I just skip this class from now on?

A sudden tap in my back told me I didn't had to decide anymore. I turn around and face him.

Seeing him right here and right now make me realize how much I miss him. I have been through a lot, It would have been easier with him by my side. He was the only one with who I was comfortable enough to be myself. Now that he left me I felt like that part left me too. I'm not myself anymore.

"Should we get started?" I say trying to break that awkward silence.

"Yes. I'll go grab the supplies." He says and I just nod. This will be so awkward, I just know it.

"Ok so we need to do 30 squats, 20 burpees and then run around the court two times." He says coming back with just two towels since we won't need any supplies.

"Bet. Thanks." I say taking the towel he was handing me.

We start the routine and do all the exercises at the same pace. Even though I'm not in the soccer team and train all day anymore, I have a good condition.

We finished and some couples are still missing so everyone that finished has to wait for a bit.

"Good job." He extend his hand for a high five and I give it to him.

"You too." I say and he gives me a little smile.

This is probably like the second time we ever talk to each other since sophomore year. Even if it was just for this activity, it was nice.

I took a quick shower and headed to the cafeteria, I'm not hungry but I have some homework to finish.

I heard how someone approached me and sat in my table. My eyes meeting a familiar chocolate ones, the eye contact sending shivers down my spine for some reason.

I looked away and met with the always smirking boy. "Hey guys." I say shyly as they all sit down.

"Why is your hair wet?" Roman asks.

"Well I took a shower after my gym class."

"Who even goes to gym class?" Roman asks incredulously. Me, duh. I get it, it's really annoying sometimes but I love it, it helps my mind wonder off.

"I like it." I say and they all look at me curiously.

"Do you practice something?" Blake asks and I nod. "Yes, I used to practice soccer, now I only play it sometimes or watch it."

"I used to practice a lot of sports when I was younger, I feel your pain." Blake says and I smile at that. Not at the mention that he is in pain too, but at the fact he understands me.

"We all play soccer sometimes, you should play with us." Roman says and my eyes light up in amusement.

"We barely ever play, and Roman is so bad," Roman glares at Blake and I can't help it but laugh at the whole scene. "Even Jordan is better and he doesn't even tries." Blake adds and Jordan just rolls his eyes.

"I'm not interested in that stupid sport, but I can still destroy y'all." What did he said? Stupid sport? He did not.

"That's so disrespectful." I say. I don't even know why I'm feeling mad.

"He isn't lying tho, he always beats us. I admit it." Roman admits to us.

"I'm talking about how he said it's a stupid sport-"

"That's because it is." Jordan cuts me off. "Whatever you say." I say giving up, slightly upset at what a jerk he is.

I grabbed my things and stood up before saying good bye. "See you later guys." It's not that im petty or something, I just wasn't in the mood for fighting.

"Bye Adi." Blake says and I walk away.


Well Jordan walked Adira home, what do you think about that?;)

Also, Aiden made and appearance:0 what do you think of him so far?

Published: April 24 2021

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