Chapter 27

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When we walked into the great hall, my jaw dropped. All of the tables had been removed, and the room was decorated extravagantly. The hall looked as if it was covered in snow and as if everything was made of ice, giving it a beautifully clean look. Everything in the room was either white or a shade of light blue, and the air sparkled as it looked as if snow was falling from the ceiling, and there were a few large and snow covered pine trees scattered about. It was a truly magical sight, and I had the brightest smile on my face as we walked in.

Most people spent the beginning of the dance mingling and snacking on the schools provided food, all of the girls complimenting each other's dresses and gossiping about their dates.

Apart from our dates, I looked around the room to see who else had gone together. Neville had taken Luna, Dean and Seamus had taken these two Ravenclaw girls who were really close friends, but it seemed like the two boys were more interested in each other just as the girls were themselves. Draco had gone with some Slytherin girl, Blaise had gone with Pansy, and a few other people that I knew had gone with dates of their own. It seemed as if everybody was paired up.

Once a few more people made their way to the dance floor, Harry came over and held out his hand to ask me to dance. I took his hand and agreed, and we made our way to the middle of the dance floor. He placed his hands on my waist and I looped my arms around his neck, still keeping a pretty comfortable distance from each other as the song started.

"Sorry, I'm not a very good dancer," He said sheepishly as we danced across the floor, his feet stumbling a bit every once and a while.

"You're fine," I said with a laugh. I looked down at our feet and began to direct him. "Here, step, step, step, there you go, you got it," I encouraged.

When I looked up, that's when I saw Fred and George walk in. My mouth fell open and I missed a step of the dance, stumbling over Harry's foot.

"You alright?" He asked.

"Yeah, sorry," I said and led us back into the dance.

It wasn't just Fred and George who had walked in, no; they both entered the ball with one of the patil sisters on their arm. Padma and Parvati looked breathtaking, I had to admit. They each wore a different colored satin sari with beautiful stitching stretching over the entire dress, and their long, black hair cascaded over their shoulders.

Seeing them walk in with the two girls had filled me with more anger than I had felt in awhile. I knew that I had absolutely no right to be upset in any way at their presence of dates (who they had slept with), but I couldn't help the jealousy that took over my entire body at the sight.

"Y/n, you sure you're alright?" Harry asked as the song stopped and we pulled away from each other.

I shook off whatever I was feeling towards the twins at the moment. I was here with Harry and with my friends, and I couldn't just focus on Fred and George the whole night.

"Yeah, I'm sure. Let's go find the others," I said with a reassuring smile before pulling him over to where Hermione and Ginny had both left the dance floor with their dates.

We spent the rest of the evening doing pretty much the same things. Hermione, Ginny, Ron, Harry and me were usually standing in a group and chatting, laughing hysterically at whatever the hell we were talking about. Oliver had ditched us at some point during the night, and I felt horrible for Ginny because of how much she had been looking forward to this night, but by the looks of it, she didn't really care. Even though I could tell she was trying to hide it, her eyes were always on Harry.

Ron and Hermione seemed really close, apparently the few study dates that they had had made them a lot closer than I had realized. He was leaning on her and whispering things in her ear the whole night, normally causing her to blush and whack him on the chest. Weasley boys had a way of doing that to you.

Throughout the night, I couldn't help but let my eyes drift over to the twins a few times. Padma and Parvati were normally leant over, brushing the boys arms and saying something that looked to be flirty, but I was comforted by the fact that Fred and George usually looked as if they wished they could be any other place. They even removed one of the girls hands a few times.

Harry and I shared a few more dances. They were never awkward or anything, I actually had quite a lot of fun talking to him as we danced along the floor, it just wasn't flirty. I was happy to have him with me as my date that night, I just hoped he didn't actually see it as a 'date'.

We stayed at the dance until most people started to leave, and then we made our way to the Gryffindor common room where the party would take place.


When we walked in, the party was already in full swing. The school turned a blind eye to parties after the ball, mostly because the younger students weren't allowed and we were leaving the school the next day, so each of the houses threw their own party, no one worrying about noise.

There was loud music playing, and the room was full to capacity of Gryffindors, everyone still in their outfits from the ball. Most of the boys had taken their jackets off and rolled up their sleeves and most of the girls had put their hair up. There was a suspiciously abundant amount of alcohol, and I assumed that a bunch seventh years must have bought some because there wasn't anybody that I knew that could gain access to this much alcohol.

"Let's go get drinks!" Ginny yelled to us, already making her way over to the drink table. I laughed and followed along behind her, trying to keep up through all of the people that were moving about the room.

She handed me a drink in a red cup and I took a sip of it, the liquid burning as it traveled down my throat and leaving a warm sensation in my chest and stomach.

"What the hell is this?" I asked her.

"Dunno, just drink it," She said and poured herself a cup.

We made our way back over to our friends, bringing them each a drink, and we all switched between dancing and talking, sipping our drinks and getting more and more tipsy as the night went on.

"Y/n," I heard from behind me, also feeling an arm grasping mine.

"Hm?" I asked, turning around to see Harry.

"Can I talk to you for a minute?" He asked, obviously having a bit more to drink than I had.

I nodded and followed him into the quiet hallway right outside the common room, the sound of muffled music filling the space. I leant my back against the cool wall and watched him, waiting for him to say something.

He took me by surprise and leant forward and kissed me in a desperate kiss, which I returned for a moment but pushed him off of me.

"Harry," I said sympathetically.

He looked at me and sighed. "I know," he said in a defeated voice before leaning his back on the stone wall next to me.

I turned my head to look at him as he looked at the other wall in the hallway. "I'm really sorry. It's just- I have feelings for someone else".

He turned his head to look at me, both of the sides of our faces pressed against the cool wall that was vibrating from the loud music and dancing inside. He let out another sigh. "Fred and George, right?".

"I- what- how did you-" I muttered out.

He turned his head so that he was looking at the opposite wall again. "I mean I always had a hunch, and I was positive that they liked you, but I could see how you were looking at them tonight. It was kind of obvious," he said, slurring his words a bit. "Sorry, I think I might be a bit drunk right now". He let out a little hiccup, proving his point.

I giggled. "That's okay, I think I am too".

I turned my head to look at the opposite wall with him, and we sat in a comfortable silence, still being able to hear all the muffled words to the song that played inside.

"You're such a great guy," I started again.

"Y/n, you don't need to".

"No, I mean it. I'm really sorry that I don't feel for you in that way, but I wish I did. You're so sweet and I truly mean it, such a great guy". I wasn't lying one bit. I knew that he could get so many other girls. I mean, we were talking about the chosen one here.

He scoffed.

"And, you're a really good kisser," I teased. Well, mostly teased. I wasn't lying.

"I'll take that one," He said with a smile.

He turned his head back again so that we were both looking at each other with smiles on our faces.

"Hey," I said. "How do you feel about Ginny?".

"What do you mean?" He asked.

"I mean, like, would you ever see yourself with her? In that way?".

"Are you kidding? She would never go for me," He said. I gave him a look that told him that he was wrong. "Are you serious?" He asked with a smile.

"I didn't say anything," I said with a smile.

"Huh," He said quietly, looking away from me and looking as he was thinking hard about something.

"Come on," I said, interrupting his thoughts. "Let's go back in".

I danced with Hermione and Ginny for a little while longer, not drinking any more and feeling myself start to sober up just a little bit. We danced, laughed at how stupid we looked while dancing in our heels, and then danced some more.

After a little while I had to pee, so I told the girls that I was going to the bathroom and left to go back to our room.

I stumbled just a bit walking down the hall, but I think it was mostly because I was wearing heels and my feet hurt, not because I was too drunk.

As I walked away from the room the noise of the music diminished, and when I walked into our room and into the bathroom, the silence was almost deafening. My ears had been full with so much noise throughout the entire night, so the newfound silence was odd.

I quickly went to the bathroom and washed my hands, and once I had dried them off I looked at myself in the mirror. My cheeks were a bit flushed, I didn't know if it was from the alcohol, dancing, the heat of the common room or a combination.

Now that I was along and undistracted again, my thoughts went back to Fred and George.

Come to think of it, I hadn't seen them that night at the party. I was pretty sure that I would have seen them because I had made my way around the small room a few times.

I wondered where they must have gone.

Their room, duh. I thought to myself, letting out a little giggle to myself.

Or to Padma and Parvatis.

The familiar feeling of jealousy found its way to my brain again, and I couldn't help but frown at the idea that I put into my head.

Now that I had let myself think about it again, my need for Fred and George increased tenfold. It was a combination of the leftover alcohol running through my body, the jealousy that I felt as well as the lust for them that had been pent up in my stubborn brain for so long being released all at once.

I craved them.

I didn't know what was going through me, but my feet were carrying me out of my room to theirs. It was like I was a magnet being drawn to them.

I walked down the hall, telling myself to turn back around with every step that I took, but I didn't listen.

I stood in front of their door, a million thoughts running through my mind.

I normally was never this impulsive, and I normally would never do something like this. Especially when there was so much on the line.

I wasn't quite sure what I was planning to do after I knocked on the door, but I knew that we were leaving tomorrow and that I probably wouldn't have the chance to do anything for a while. There was lust, jealousy and impulsivity rushing through my veins, and that was not a good combination for rational behavior.

I knocked on the door and waited, the door eventually opening to reveal George, who looked unfairly hot in his white dress shirt that had the sleeves rolled up and a few buttons popped open.

"Hey, Y/n," He said in a confused voice while opening the door to let me in. I walked in without saying anything and Fred stood up and walked over from where he was sitting on his bed, looking just as breath-takingly hot as his brother did.

George walked up to me, still with a bit of a confused look on his face. "What are you doing here?".

"I, um, I," I stuttered. I realized that I didn't really know how to say why I was here, and actions always spoke louder than words.

I reached up and grabbed his face, and my lips met his in a passionate kiss that I hoped told both of them everything that needed to be said.

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