Chapter 14

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Thank you guys for so much love on this story :)

The rest of the week went by quickly. I had finally gotten back into a routine after not having one over summer break, and it was nice to have things to do every day. I would wake up and go to class - which I had finally realized that I actually needed to try in - do my homework, eat dinner, and then sometimes hang out with either Fred and George or Hermione and Ginny. It was really fun and I was enjoying my free time that I had before the NEWTs started and all I would do all day would be study.

It was now Friday, and Hermione and I were headed over towards the quidditch field to watch the match.

"So explain it to me again," I said as we were walking outside and approaching the field. "Why are we playing Hufflepuff if they already lost to Slytherin last week?".

"Because if they win against us today they could still have a chance to win all of it".

"What? How?" I asked. If you lose a game, I thought that that meant you couldn't win. That's how my old soccer tournaments used to work.

"Because there's more than just three matches per season. It's not just we win one, another house wins one and then they playoff. I'm not exactly sure how many matches we play but there's room to lose at least one game and still win," She informed me. We were climbing up to the stands to sit in our usual spot - three rows up in the middle. Hermione said that that spot had the best view of the field.

"I mean, it still doesn't really make sense to me but okay," I said.

She laughed. "You'll figure it out".

The teams practiced for a little longer, warming up their flying and shooting practice shots into the goal posts. After about ten minutes of that, the game began.

It started just as it had last time, everyone in their respective positions then turning into a blur of fast moving color once the quaffle, bludgers and snitch were released. I had tried to follow the movements to tell what was going on, but it was moving so fast that all I could do was shout a couple "Go Gin!"s and "Go Fred"s and "Go George"s. My shouts were drowned out by the cheering of the crowd, which always had a reason to cheer because Gryffindor kept winning points

It was obvious that we would win easily, the players never having moved from the end of the field with the Gryffindor goal posts.

The announcer never had a break to breathe, always having to report on what things were happening.

"Ginny Weasley makes a goal, ten points for Gryffindor!".

"Fred aims the quaffle at Ethan and... he scores! That looked like it had to hurt!".

"Another goal from Ginny! Ten points for Gryffindor!".

Announcements continued to ring out over the stadiums, informing the crowd that Gryffindor was whipping Hufflepuffs ass. It was almost boring how little action there was, but I knew that it was basically free house points, so I dealt with it.

"And that's 150 points! Gryffindor wins!".

The crowd went wild, even though we all knew who would win the game. Hermione and I got off of our seats and headed down the steps to go congratulate our friends for winning another game.

"Gin!" I yelled once I was in hearing distance. She turned away from a teammate that she was talking to to look at me and smiled. I ran up to her and hugged her, not caring how sweaty she was. "Oh my god! You practically won the whole game!" I said.

She laughed. "Thank you, but other people helped. The Hufflepuff keeper was absolute rubbish, so it wasn't a very hard task".

"Still!" I said. "Seriously, you were amazing. Again".

Everyone stayed on the field for a few more minutes celebrating their easy win before we all decided to head back to the castle.

"Hey," I said after walking over towards Fred and George.

"Hey!" George said. "Did you watch the game?".

"And actually understand it?" Fred added in.

I smiled. "Uh, kind of," I said unsure. They both opened their mouths to tease me. "It was all moving so fast! I couldn't even see where anyone was! I swear I remember the rules you told me. Mostly". They both chuckled and nudged me on the shoulder.

"Hey, do you want to go learn how to fly tomorrow?" Fred asked. Thoughts of flying when I was younger and having no control of the damn broom came to my mind.

I looked up at him with uneasiness. "I feel like that's just a recipe for disaster. You've seen me fly before".

"Yeah, but that was in your first year. Plus, Mrs. Hooch isn't the best teacher. She kind of just yells instructions at you and hopes you get it," he said.

George added, "And the school brooms are rubbish. You can use one of our good ones".

"I don't know..." I said, still not understanding why I even had to learn.

"I promise that we won't let you get hurt," George said. I looked over at him to see him looking at me with a look that I couldn't help but trust.

"Okay, fine," I said reluctantly.

"Okay, great! I promise it will be fun. And you won't get hurt," Fred said.

Ginny walked over to us and squeezed her way in between Fred and me, locking her arm with mine. "I'm going to go shower, which you guys should do," she said while looking at her sweaty brothers with a look of disgust. "And then we're all going to hangout in the common room".

"Okay, sounds good," I said with a smile.

We all walked back to the castle with smiles on our faces, happy to have another win under our belt.


Once all of the quidditch players had showered, we all met up in the common room.

"No drinking this time," Hermione had said, which was quite hypocritical considering she was the drunkest out of everyone the last time.

I knew almost everyone that was there, but there were a few people that I hadn't gotten to know yet, even though it was our fifth year at the school together. I felt bad that I didn't know everyone's names, but most of the people that I didn't know were either a grade above us or a grade below, so I didn't have any classes with them.

Ginny and I started a game of exploding snap, and a few others joined in. We played a few rounds for fun, and then Ginny decided to 'play for real' and get all competitive. After only a few more rounds she was winning, and the mood at the table had become less cheerful. Sometimes when she really got into a game, she could get a little brutal.

"Let's play truth or dare!" Seamus yelled to the whole room.

"Yes!" I said and quickly stood up from my chair. I didn't care what game Seamus had said, I just wanted to save the rest of the players from the torture that was losing to Ginny. I could handle her cockiness and borderline bullying, but I wasn't sure if the others would be able to.

"What?" Ginny asked angrily. "I was winning!".

"Exactly," I said while patting her on the shoulder. "Let's go play".

She huffed and stood up from her chair before walking over and plopping herself down on the couch. I rolled my eyes and moved to sit next to her.

Most of the people in the room came to sit around the coffee table that rested in front of the fireplace, some squished on the couches, some on chairs or the arms of said chairs, and the ones that couldn't fit on the furniture were sitting on the ground. There were a few other kids that left, claiming to be tired, but I just assumed that they were all earlier years and didn't want to play with the older kids.

"Okay," Seamus started, apparently having become the leader of the game. "Someone asks truth or dare, the person they asked does the dare or says the truth, then that person asks next. Got it?". Everyone in the room nodded, some with looks of excitement in their eyes and some with dread.

"How many chickens?" Hermione asked from where she was currently seated next to Ron on one of the cushioned chairs.

"None," Seamus said. This resulted in almost everyone in the room beginning to speak out about the number of passes, so he raised his hands and said, "Alright, fine! Everyone gets one!" loudly to shut the people up. Everyone nodded their heads again. "Okay, who wants to go first?".

The game started with innocent truths and dares. A few people asked about favorite foods and other boring things, a few dares to do stupid dances flew around. It was pretty boring.

"Chad," A younger blonde girl who I didn't know asked another younger boy that I didn't know. "Who do you like?".

Most of the people in the circle rolled their eyes. It was obvious that the girl liked him and wouldn't just outright say it, which was annoying to sit through. I however smiled at this because it was something that I would have done a few years ago and it reminded me of my earlier years and my silly crushes during that time.

"Ummm," The boy replied. "I don't know". He obviously liked her back.

Ginny, being the blunt and cruel person that she was, interrupted and said. "Okay! Chad, Maria likes you. Maria, Chad likes you back. Now, anyone who is younger than a fourth year leave. We're playing with the big kids now".

The girl (apparently Maria) huffed and rose from the circle to leave, obviously very embarrassed. A few other kids got up and left, leaving just fourth years and up in the circle.

"Gin," I scolded and smacked her on the arm.

"What?" She asked while faking an innocent look. I shook my head with disappointment. "Anyways... Nick," She said while looking at Nick who was sitting on the ground on the other side of the coffee table. "Truth or dare?".

"Uh," He said with nervousness laced in his voice. "Truth?".

Ginny smiled. "How big is your dick?".

The game continued on, questions getting more personal and dares becoming dirtier.

Ron had to admit that he was uncircumcised, Hermione that she was wearing pink panties, and Neville that he had a crush on Luna from Ravenclaw. A few people had to give lap dances (including Fred, who decided to give it to a very angry Hermione), and I was getting nervous at the fact that I hadn't gone yet. It was going to be soon that someone realized I hadn't had a turn, and the truths and dares were getting worse and worse.

It was Seamus' turn to pick (who had just admitted that he had kissed a guy before), and my heart sped up while he searched the room for his next victim. I had always gotten the feeling that he didn't like me very much, and this was the perfect opportunity to pick on me.

"Harry," He said, causing me to let out a breath of relief. "Truth or dare?".

"Dare," Harry said, not appearing nervous. I mean, I guess if you fought off giant snakes and dragons and bald, noseless men, a dare wasn't very scary in comparison.

"I dare you to kiss Y/n".

My eyes bulged out and my jaw fell open. If I had a mouthful of liquid at the time, it would have been spit out.

"With tongue!" Dean added from beside Seamus. I glared at him.

Harry also looked a bit shocked, but also was looking at Seamus with a look of betrayal. He was sitting in a chair that was right next to where I was seated on the couch, and he looked at me with a look that basically asked if that was okay. I reluctantly nodded, not wanting him to have to use one of his chickens.

He stood up from his chair and walked over to me, and almost everyone at the circle cheered as he bent down and kissed me.

The kiss started off a bit soft and light, his lips tenderly brushing against mine while his hand gently cradled my cheek, but it soon became a bit quicker (causing our classmates to cheer us on a bit louder), his mouth moving against mine a little faster and firmer and his tongue slipping out of his mouth to softly brush my lips. I had to admit, it was a really good kiss. I didn't have a crush on Harry or anything, but I wasn't going to lie and say that I didn't enjoy it. I did however know that Harry had a bit of a crush on me, so I gently placed my hand on his chest and pushed lightly to signal for him to back away. He pulled off of me and opened his eyes with a smile set on his lips, and I smiled back at him while panting a bit, gently pushing him back in his seat.

I looked at the other people in the room, and most were clapping and cheering Harry on. I assumed that they knew of his little crush and were happy for him.

I then looked at Fred and George, who both had looks of hurt on their faces. Fred was looking at Harry with a sort of blank face, and George was looking at me with a look that I couldn't really place, which he quickly covered up with suggestive eyebrows and a nod. When Fred noticed that I was looking at him, he switched his blank stare into a smile.

Harry then asked Ron the question, and the game was started again.

I turned to my side to look at ginny and tell her about how crazy that all was, but she was busy looking down at her lap with a sad look. I decided not to worry about it and ask her about it later because she wouldn't want to talk about anything in front of the rest of the people. I turned back to the game and watched as Ron stuttered about what his type was. It was apparently curly hair, medium height and smart. No one had to wonder about who he was talking about.

The questions and dares continued, me still not having gone. I hoped that kissing Harry was enough for the night and that I could just continue watching the entertainment of Gryffindors making fools of themselves.

I was looking down at my hands and fiddling with one of my rings when I heard "Y/n," called across the room by Oliver. I looked up at him, a feeling of dread sitting in my stomach. "Truth or dare?".

I needed to take the easy way out. "Truth". I held my breath while waiting for him to think of a question.

"Are you a virgin?" he asked with a coy smile.

My mouth fell open. Should I answer? Use a chicken? I thought to myself. I didn't really want to use my chicken, not knowing how long this game would go on for and not wanting to get stuck having to do some dare.

"Um," I said while blushing. "No".

Half of the room looked at me with a shocked look and half of the room whooped. I could feel my face heat up and I looked down in an attempt to hide it. I also didn't want to look at anyone else in the room, at least until the attention was off of me.

"With who?" Seamus asked. So much for losing the room's attention.

"That wasn't the question," I said smugly.

He rolled his eyes. I then remembered that it was now my turn to ask a question.

"Um," I said while searching the room. "Angelina. Truth or dare?".

"Ummm... Truth," She said.

I thought for a moment about what to ask her. I didn't want to ask her anything too mean, but I couldn't just ask 'what's your favorite color?'.

"If you had to kiss someone in this room right now, who would it be?" I finally asked. A couple of 'oooh's were heard.

"Uh," She started with a blush. "I guess George".

A few more sounds of intrigue were spoken. Fred just chuckled a bit and looked at her with a cheesy look as if to say 'thank you very much'.

For some reason, I was happy that he wasn't blushing or looking at her with flirty eyes. I was happy that he just took it as a compliment.

Angelina next asked Dean what kind of underwear he wore, which rewarded us all to know that Dean wore boxer briefs.

Now it was Dean's turn to ask. He turned towards the twins and said, "George".

"Truth," George said with a cocky smile.

Dean smiled and asked him the same question that was asked of me. "Are you a virgin?". I was curious about his answer and turned to look at him as he answered.

For some reason, he glanced at me before saying, "Uh, no".

A few of the guys in the room let out cheers, just as they had done me.

"What about Fred?" Someone asked. Fred smiled as he looked at his lap and shook his head.

I wasn't surprised that they both weren't virgins. I mean, they were a year older than me and I wasn't one, so I wasn't really in any place to judge.

"Ew," Both Ginny and Ron said at the same time.

Everyone laughed and continued playing the game.

There were only a few more questions and dares, everyone had gone at least once and it was getting kind of late. It was a successful game, there was a lot of entertainment and there wasn't anything all that horrific.

"You ready to go up to bed?" Ginny asked me. I nodded and stood up from the couch.

"Mione?" I asked. She looked up at me from where she was talking to Ron and stood up to walk with us back to our dorm.

"Night everyone!" I yelled while we left the room.

I got a couple 'goodnight's back and we all went walked back to our room, tiredly talking and giggling about everything that had happened that night.

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