Chapter 1- New Beginning

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The early morning sun peaks through your bedroom window, the bright light waking you from your sleep. You rub the sleep from your eyes and groan as you sit up and stretch before getting out of bed to get ready for the day ahead. 

Today would be your first day at UA and you were super excited to begin training. You head to the bathroom to brush your teeth and comb your hair before returning to your room to put on your new uniform. 

You spin around in front of your bedroom mirror to make sure that your skirt wasn't too short and double checked your blouse buttons were all done right before finally adjusting your tie. 

Happy with your appearance you head down stairs to grab breakfast. The delicious smell of pancakes wafts through the air as you approach the kitchen, you enter as your mother places a large stack of fluffy pancakes on the table. 

Realising you had entered the room she looks up and smiles at you."Oh sweetie you look so cute in your new uniform, give me twirl"

You giggle and oblige, turning on the spot so your mother can get a good look at you.

"Are you all set for your first day?" your mom said while passing you a big helping of pancakes.

You sit down & reach for the syrup before nodding "Yeah, but I'm a bit nervous."

"Don't be" your mother smiles at you and comes around to give you a hug "You'll do great sweetie I know you'll be fine, You are your father's daughter after all"

You squeeze your mothers arm gently before letting go and digging into the delicious pancakes in front of you. You wish your father could be here but he was on a mission and wouldn't be back for a few weeks.

Once you were done with breakfast you said goodbye to your mother and slipped on your shoes before heading down the street towards the train station. 

You pop your earbuds in and play your favourite song as you walk along not really paying attention and just letting your legs take you to where you need to go, you had walked the route a good few times since you moved so it was like second nature to you now. 

You start reading articles on you phone of recent hero activity rarely glancing up. Oblivious to your surroundings you hadn't noticed that the lights had changed and you were about to walk out into moving traffic when someone grabbed you by the scruff of the neck and dragged you back to the sidewalk and reality. You look around realising what had almost happened and turned to thank the person who had saved you.

A boy with red and white hair stood behind you "You should really pay more attention to your surroundings,," He didn't sound angry, it was more of a bored stoic tone in his voice.

"Um yeah sorry,,, thank you for saving me,," You bow slightly and as you look back up you instantly realise who he is but you don't want to make things weird. 

"Are you going to UA too?" I asked a little excited to meet a fellow student.

The boy nods and turns back to pay attention to the street. When the lights change he nods at you again before crossing the street. You trot along beside him putting your earbuds away and switching off your phone.

"My name is Y/N L/N, todays my first day in UA and if it wasn't for you I'd never have even made it there, so um, thanks again." You rub the back of your neck.

The boy only glances at you as he continues towards the station "Nice to meet you I'm Shoto Todoroki."

You smile at him as the two of you take a seat on the train. It was a short and slightly awkward journey as he didn't seem to be the chattiest of people. What were the chances of running into another UA student on your way to your new school. You were transferring into the second year which was unusual but you had heard great things about the place and looked forward to meeting everyone.

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