chapter 16

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Eddie's P.O.V

As I slowly slid the curtain of the window inside the shower open I peeked out but saw nobody, but then richie popped up to the window giving me a heart attack as I slip and fall right out of the shower ,"OH FUCK. ARE YOU OK EDS", richie says  while opening the window, I was completely naked, "RICHIE GET OUT", I scream throwing a towel at his face in embarrassment, " SHIT ITS OK IM HALF BLIND ANYWAY",richie says while slipping and falling over the toilet, "RICHIE IM FUCKING NAKED", I shout throwing more stuff at him, " CALM DOWN ITS JUST A DICK", richie says while dodging the stuff, "FUCKING LEAVE NOWWW", I shout while grabbing a hand cloth and covering my self , " look eds, just calm down I know what male parts look like you don't have to go all ape shit  over me!", he said slowly getting up from the ground, "what the fuck do you want from me richie, you can't just pop threw my window while I'm naked!, and expect me to play a card game with you!!",I say hiding myself as much as I could, " that's not why I'm here you gynophobe",richie said while slowly walking up to me, "I'm not a gynophobe!! And why did you burst threw my window", I say while mostly getting annoyed about richie calling me a gynophobe, because a gynophobe is a phobia of having the same gender  see you naked and well I'm scared of everybody seeing me naked, especially richie!, " well my plan wasn't to burst threw your window until you went crazy and smashed your whole body onto the floor", he said while handing a towel to me, "just tell me why you were at my window in the first place", I say while sitting next to him, " look something really bad happened and it may or may not be one hundred percent my fault",richie said while making a nervous face, "what the fuck did you do this time richie", I say also getting nervous because whenever richie says stuff like that its usually really bad and something really fucking stupid and it would make you question gods plan for richie, " ok ya know how you always have your fanny pack", he said while getting more than nervous ,"WHAT", I shout while jumping up and looking in the pile of my clothes and realize that my fanny pack wasn't there, "WHERE IS IT RICHIE", I scream while panicking ," CALM DOWN EDS YOU CANT HAVE A FUCKING ASTHMA ATTACK WITHOUT YOUR FREAKING INHALER SO CALM DOWN",richie shouts while grabbing me, "look when we were in the ditch you didn't pick up your fanny pack so I did and when I got to my house I realized that I didn't give it to you but by the time I realized it was gone", he said while trying to calm me down ," WELL WHERE THE FUCK IS IT RICHIE IM GONNA DIE WITHOUT THAT THING WHY WOULDN'T YOU HAVE-", I say freaking out but as I was talking richie interupted me, "look its fine lets just go and find it", he said while holding me from going crazy , " WHA- AT TWELVE O'CLOCK AT NIGHT, ARE YOU KIDDING THATS WAYY PAST MY CURFEW AND BEDTIME", I say still going crazy, "fine I'll go by myself", richie said while climbing up the window, as much as I didn't want to go, I didn't want richie to go alone, who knows what could happen to him, " wait, I'll go put some clothes on",I say annoyed.

Richies P.O.V

as I waited outside of the window I heard to slide open as eddie came out, and this time he wasn't naked. Me and eddie jumped off the roof and started biking , "let's look by the river", I say turning towards the direction of the river, " why the hell would it be by the river", eddie said in a confused but stressed voice, "because I went there for a bit", I say trying to get him to forget the subject, " why would you go to the river at night. Alone", he said more curious than ever, "look I forgot my glasses at bills so I went there but then he wanted to show me something down by the river", I say with no emotion, " what did he want to show", eddie said getting scared ,"look he told me not to tell anybody ",I say trying to get over this topic, " why", eddie said getting even more curious, its not that bill didn't want anybody to know its just that I didn't, "forget about it and look for your dumb grandma purse", I say as we bike down a dark and lonely trail leading to the river, " ok first of all its not a grandma pures okay , its a very important bag that usually holds very important things in it that's why its always supposed to be around the person, and second of all how am I supposed to find my black! Fanny pack in this dark forest", he said while getting carried away, "fine let's split up", I say as we get up to the river , eddie nodded as we jumped off are bikes and walked in different directions, I looked by the spot me and bill where at ," richie!", eddie screamed from the other side of the river catching my full attention, "ya eds! Are you ok", I shout hopping  up from the ground, " ya just making sure your still here", he said making me smile,"hey, have you found your bum bag yet!", I shout waiting for an answer, but as I stood there I never got one, "eds!, are you deaf", I shout getting nervous ,at this point all I wanted was a response, " eddie!, are you alive",I scream as I start cautiously walking towards the other side of the river, my heart started pounding as I got more and more desperate for an answer, "eddi-....EDDDIE!!",  I scream as I looked in the river and saw eddies body floating upsidedown, " EDDIE!!!", I scream even louder as I jumped into the deep water I could barely see as eddies body started floating away with the river current, "EDDIE WAKE UP", I shout as my mouth filled up with water as the strong current pulled me under , all I could think in this moment was that if eddie died it would be all my fault, as I pulled myself over the water eddies body crashed onto mine  as we both dipped into a under water gap, as water filled my body I grabbed eddie as hard as I could and swam up as the current pushed me and eddie onto a fallen tree, I threw eddies body onto it as I forced my body onto it, I lifted eddies body onto the ground and layed him in the grass, I could barely breath from all the water that made its way into my lungs, " e-eddie wake up y-your not d-dead!", I say coughing as a tear fell down my face , the one thought that went threw my mind was mouth to mouth, as I put my face towards him I opened his mouth and blew, tears were streaming down my face as I kept doing it but nothing happened , "COME ON", I say doing it over and over ,as tears made there way down my face I was starting to get impatient, " FUCKING WAKE UP!!", I scream crying as I blew even harder, I could barely breath from the stress and water which made  it ten times harder to give him air, "EDDIE YOUR NOT FUCKING DEAD WAKE UP!!", I scream at this point I could barely see from the tears , as I kept doing it until I had no more air. I fell to the ground and couldn't breath, Ive never wanted to hear eddies voice so much In my life.

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