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Breakfast at Hogwarts next morning was a subdued affair, until Hermione walked in, that is. On cue, Parvati and Lavender started whispering, talking about why Hermione sat beside Ginny, instead of her usual place between Ron and Harry.

Draco had been seated at the Slytherin table beside Pansy Parkinson who was trying to coax him into eating treacle tart out of her spoon. "Ugh. Woman, I hate that stuff. How many times do I need to say it?" he said pushing away her hand, disgusted.

"Drakie poo, don't you love me?" she said pouting.

Unfortunately for them, Peeves just happened to pass by and worse yet, he noticed.

"Oooooooooooooo...", he cried with excitement and began to sing:

"Drakie poo, drakie poo,
The pansy, he will woo,
He has no choice to raise his voice,
She sticks to him like gluuuuuue..." and cackled with laughter, joined by sniggers from the other three tables.

"Shut it Peeves, or the Bloody Baron will hear of this", hissed Draco, glaring at the poltergeist.

"Oooooooo, lookie here.. Drakie poo's a snitchy witchy.. See what he says?" Peeves sang, while doing the chicken dance:

I'll tell me daddy
I'll tell me mom
I'm a snitch
So I will bitch
To every Dick and Tom

"But Bloody Baron doesn't like drakie poo, does he? Coz Drakie has been a baaaad boy", the poltergeist taunted the ex-Death Eater.

"Peeves..." echoed the Bloody Baron's voice, and Peeves swooshed away faster than one could say "P".

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