A Wild Time

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Sans POV

'nonononononono how! how could the player have gotten to [Y/N]?!' In my panic I teleported us to Judgement Hall. She chuckled again. "Just like old times, huh comedian?"
"give [Y/N] back!" I snarled. There once beautiful [E/C] eyes flashed red. "Nuh-uh. [Y/N] is mine now~" They said in a sing-song voice. It made me bristle. "I wonder.. Can you kill me? Now that I'm in your girlfriends body~" They sneered. I growled lowly. They were agging me on and it was working. 'well.. if they want a bad time..' I reached into my pocket. 'i'll give them a bad time.' I pulled out a bronze key. 'its not [Y/N] anymore..' I bared my cuffs. 'please.. forgive me..' I unlocked them, one by one. The Player's eyes went wide. "Y-you wouldn't!" 'I would.'
"it's a beautiful day outside. the monsters are playing, the air is fragrant..." I closed my sockets as I got to the last lock. "on days like these..." My magic flared as the cuff dropped and they knew I was up to something. Something I'd never bothered to show them since the first genocide. "runts like you..." I opened my sockets. One stayed a golden slit while the other flashed with a mix of blue and gold, the center was a slit. "are gonna have a wild time!" I threw out a multitude of bone attacks. They dodged them all with ease. This one was experienced in my technique. That could be a problem.. A gripped they're soul with blue magic and threw more attacks. Still they dodged. I sent blasters after them. That time I got some hits. But I knew they'd be back..

56 times. I've killed her, no no, them 56 times now. It aches. It's still her body. Her image, but it's NOT her. I wish, stars I wish that it was her.. I threw them into the wall and attempted to impale them for the umpteenth time. It was a no go. They charged me and swung a broken attack at me. I dodged them and teleported behind them to gain an upper hand but I had to duck away last second. They were fast. I sent more blasters after them. More complicated attacks. They dodged or healed. 'Damn hp items! Just reset and give [Y/N] back!' More swings more dodges. Until I finally got them with my tail. It was.. Traumatizing.. The way she, NO, they looked at me as my tail pierced through her, THEIR, chest.

Sweat was dripping down my skull. I wanted to sleep, but I wanted [Y/N] back more. 'please.. just stop.. i don't wanna do this anymore.. [Y/N].. fight back! player.. reset.. do something other than make me hurt you!' I teleported out of the attacks way. "after.. after this next attack.. i'll show you.. i'll show you my.. my special attack.." I panted. They gave me that unsettling grin of theirs. I grinned back, though I was anything but happy. I grabbed their soul and lifted them to the ceiling in an attempt to spear them through. Than the floor. Than the wall. When that failed I created a curve pattern and flung them through it, trying to spear the through with other barrage attacks. They were still alive. I slammed them in the other wall. Nada. I used teleportation in an attempt to gain the upper hand. Got a few more hp off of them. I've only go two more tricks up my sleeve. I circled them with blasters. Their red eyes went wide. "get dunked on.." They ran barely ahead of the blasters, sometimes getting burned by them. More of their hp going down. It still wasn't enough. One more trick. I once again grabbed their soul and whipped them around. I closed my eyes so I couldn't hold back. I didn't want to see her in pain. 'so.... tired....' I dropped her to the floor and held her there. 'now it's just a waiting game..' "reset........ it's............the only..........thing you............you can do..........."

'so.... tired.. i-i can't........ I can't hold her...........fate sucks.....' There was only one thing I wanted to do before I died though. "[Y/N].... I don't know.. if you can hear me.... but... here goes nothin..." They narrowed their eyes at me. "[Y/N].. i love you... i'll always love you... I know..... I know this isn't you..." Their eyes widened a bit, but it could be my exhausted brain hoping for the best. My eyes were closing, my magic fading, their smile widening. I waited for the slice of the attack through my chest. I felt.. Nothing.. But I heard a pained gasp. 'what?' I cracked a socket open. '[Y/N]!' "......W-hat..?" The attack pierced through her chest, blood dripped down her mouth. "I-i had c....con-control....." Their eyes flickered from red to [E/C]. "I... Won't... Let... You... Kill..........him...." She gasped. '[Y/N]..' I fell to my knees, tears flowing down my face. "Love... You...........too...................S-San-s...." We both fell to the floor. I couldn't hold my eyes open anymore. But I heard it. The sound of her soul breaking into pieces.



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