Nightmares of Another Reality

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Shiloh stared up in horror, his heart thundering inside his chest as he clutched the rough leather fastened around his neck. He gulped for breath as sweat dripped down his spine. The hot air swirling heavily around him. He could hear the swish of the trees above his head. Sticks stabbing into his bare hands and legs. Tears welled up inside his eyes.

Eve stood before him with a menacing smile, gripping a thick leather leash tightly. She tossed her head back releasing a maniac laughter. Her hair wildly tangled as the faded sun lit her bloodshot eyes. A thick black fabric has been wrapped tightly over her torso before spreading out into a long skirt. Her long sleeves drooped at the cuffs and her thick hood pushed back.

Shiloh's eyes trailed to his right to find Adrien down on his knees, blood dripping from his cracked lips. Adrien slowly turned to Shiloh with broken eyes before bursting into a violent coughing fit. Suddenly he drops onto his side, clutching his side in pain as blood poured from the wound.

Gideon cried out from Shiloh's left side. Shiloh whipped his head around to find Eve kneeling down in front of Gideon. She giggled as she lifted his chin with a cruel smile spread across her face. Gideon's eyes widened as he sat on his knees. Bloody rags have been tightly wrapped around his hands, or rather the stubs which remain.

"My precious pets," she cooed with adoring eyes.

Adrien shook violently from another cough before choking out, "This was a mistake. We should have never taken her back here."

Shiloh sucks in a sharp breath as Eve plants a quick kiss on Gideon's lips. She giggled once again before bringing herself to her feet. She turned with Shiloh with a dark gleam in her eyes. Her lips curled into a malicious smile as her grip tightened on the leash, "Come along boys, we have business with the so-called prince of this world."

She yanked sharply on the leash causing Shiloh to fall forward. He gagged before collapsing on the ground before her. His body weak from what seems like weeks of exhaustion and pain. He struggled to pull himself up only to have her yank him forward again.

"Soon, soon we can escape," Gideon croaks silently as he glared up at Eve. "I'll kill her with my own two hands."

"Better yet, she becomes our pet," Adrien whispered shakily, his body continuing to shudder.


Shiloh's neck was choked before he is forcefully dragged further. He cries out as he fights with the collar around his neck. His dirty fingernails dragging uselessly across the leather. He thrashes against her tight grip and tosses himself back, nearly screaming for his honorary brothers to fight back.

No! No, this can't be happening! This isn't right! Eve isn't like this! She's not! I know Eve and she would never do this to us! This isn't Eve!

Another sharp yank of pain lances around his neck.

Shiloh cries out as her hands begin to violently shake him by the shoulders. He forced back the tears of sheer rage and betrayal. Eve would never... do this...


He tossed himself backward, letting out a clenched scream as he kicked at the ground. Let me go! This isn't like you! Let, me, go! But the shaking continued as his throat tightened from the collar. He twisted around only to feel the collar yank harder and pinch his skin. Adrien mumbled another vow to end her life the moment Eve turned her back as Gideon agreed wholeheartedly.

But Eve... she's not like this. I may not know her very well but she would never do this. She seems more mature than others and kind to us even during our tests. She hasn't cracked under pressure and only snaps when we push too far. Even I know we push too far... but that isn't her fault. She made the decision to stay with us. She won't leave us. She cares about us, just as Tressa did.

Except she's stronger than Tressa was. She adapted quicker than Tressa and is trying her best to understand us. Tressa tried her best, but it was never truly enough. Gideon loves Eve... Adrien even has taken a liking to her which is extremely rare. She isn't like the others. And she could never do this...

"Shiloh wake up!" Gideon hissed into his ear.

Shiloh inhales sharply letting out a strangled gasp just as his heart leaped from his chest. His eyes flew open just as his body jerked sharply. Rough hands gripped his shoulders tightly forcing his body to regain full consciousness. Shiloh let out a quiet whimper as he whipped his head back and forth, his arms still jerking from the scene played before him.

"Hey, hey it's okay..." Gideon whispered softly, "it's just another bad dream, Shy."

Shiloh gulped loudly as his eyes slowly adjusted to the darkness of the fort. The air hot and lacking oxygen from being enclosed. Slowly, his body relaxed leaving him limp on the floor. A blanket dangerously tied around his neck causing the vivid choking sensation from his dream. His heart still thudding loudly in Shiloh's chest, he slowly drew a breath and closed his eyes allowing himself a moment to breathe.

Gideon's hands remained on his shoulders for a brief moment. "Are you alright?" Gideon asked worriedly.

Shiloh shook his head slowly, beginning to untangled the blankets from around his neck. "No," he whispered, "they're getting worse."

"I can tell," Gideon grimaced in the darkness. "Do you need more of Adrien's sleeping tea? I could run and get some if you'd like..."

Shiloh slowly sat up, his head brushing under the blankets hanging over his head. He rubbed his eyes sleepily as he continues to take deep breaths. "Maybe." He ran his hand through his damp hair realizing he is covered with a thin layer of sweat. Shiloh shuddered before slowly making his way towards the exit of the fort. "I think I need some air."

"Okay," Gideon replied with a short nod, beginning to crawl out after him.

The two boys emerged from the fort and stepped out into the dark bedroom. Shiloh paused in front of what should be his bed finding Eve sleeping peacefully atop it.

He froze.

Gideon noticed immediately and cast her a wary look. "Another one of her?"

Shiloh slowly nodded.

Gideon cursed under his breath before giving her a warning look. "She really has been causing problems ever since she's come here."

"I think we need to push her a little harder," Shiloh whispered anxiously. "I... I want to be sure she's..."

"She's what? What was she this time?" Gideon asked cautiously. He turned to Shiloh with narrowed eyes. His wild hair spiked up from his typical bedhead. His golden eyes glinting in the darkness like an animal hunting their prey in the dead of night.

Shiloh gulped as he stood over the bed. His eyes caught by the way she clutched her hands in front of her chest as if she were praying. Her face slack from all emotion with her lips turned into a soft frown as she slept silently. "We were her pets this time. I think she wanted to use us to kill Alexius."

Gideon glared at her for a moment, "Do you... do you think this one is a prediction or...?"

"Just another reality?" Shiloh finishes gravely as he rubbed his eyes. "God, I hope so."

"We can't continue on like this," Gideon shook his head, "we can't keep testing her and tiptoeing around her every action. We have to come to a decision."

"I know... but we can't give up on her," Shiloh argued gently. "I had nightmares with Tressa as well, may I remind you."

Gideon shuddered, "Just hearing about those gave me goosebumps. Though sometimes I wonder... could your dreams simply be dreams?"

Shiloh sighed thinking over the same doubts he has had for years. "It would be nice that way, wouldn't it?" He began walking toward the door, dragging his feet on the ground with every step. "But I don't think so. I mean, they predicted meeting Eve when crossing border down to the last detail. Even before that, it predicted Adrien leaving to save Tressa on his own."

"That's true..." Gideon trailed off, pausing in front of the bed to study Eve. "I guess we'll have to wait and see. Though Adrien's not going to like that."

"I don't care," Shiloh muttered, "we have to be careful."

"We also need to make a decision," Gideon retorted gently, giving him a knowing look. "We can't do this forever."

"You wanted her to stay as well," Shiloh argued beginning to feel defensive. "If you wanted a decision now you would have made it. You know we listen to anything you say..."

Gideon shook his head coming up to Shiloh's side. He slings his arm around Shiloh's narrow figure before giving him a worried look. "I'm not saying anything because this is your decision. I could care less... I could care less if she turns out good or evil. Neither path inconveniences me since I know we can take her."

"But you do care for her," Shiloh argued, "you said it yourself."

Gideon shrugged indifferently, "It's a bit complicated at the moment. I guess you could say I don't know what to think. But we're not talking about me right now." Gideon flashed Shiloh a worried look. "This is about what you think about Eve. You met her first meaning you had the first impression. Adrien met Tressa first and he got to make the decision about her. Now it's your turn. Go with your gut, Shiloh. It's never wrong."
Shiloh continued walking toward the door with Gideon still hanging on him. "I would except my gut appears to be malfunctioning at the moment. I want to trust her... but I think I'm not thinking things through as I should be."

"Does she bring you hope?" Gideon mused curiously. "Is that why you're so torn?"

Shiloh remained silent for a moment. He opened the door quietly letting light flood into the room. Shiloh turned to face Gideon realizing Gideon is watching him intently. Shiloh held his breath, nervous to reply.

Gideon simply nodded taking his silence as his answer. "It's alright. I get it. There's no shame in that. But you need to be careful. You may expect too much from her."

Shiloh lowered his gaze shamefully. "I know. That's why I'm having you guys test her."

"Though I'm getting the feeling she trusts you more than you trust her," Gideon continued, a hint of jealousy flaring in his voice. "I think she hates Adrien and me."

Shiloh stared at him appalled, "No... who could ever hate you? Adrien may be a bit cold at first but she'll warm up to him later... You... Everyone always likes you." Shiloh chuckled briefly, "You're the obvious favorite."

Gideon's eyes narrowed before shaking his head. "Not this time."

"What makes you say that?" Shiloh asks confusedly, "I mean... maybe the tests make her... a bit wary but she can't hate you."

For a moment, Gideon looked furious before it washed away instantly. "I guess you could say that she is favoring you over us. But I guess that's to be expected from all the tests. Sadly, I don't think she can get over that in the future. I think she's the type to hold a grudge."

Shiloh felt a twinge of guilt in his heart as he watched Gideon's neutral expression. Sympathetic, he rubs his hand on Gideon's shoulder with an encouraging look forgetting his recent nightmare for a moment. "Don't worry, once this is over I'm sure she'll warm up to you."

"I hope so," Gideon mumbled, "I don't like how she glares at me all the time. Or... fears me." He scoffed as he pulled away from Shiloh, "This is way too complicated. Let's go get some tea." And as if the past conversation never happened, Gideon brought up his famous smile and gestured to the balcony.

Shiloh managed to smile back knowing Gideon can be cheered up faster by returning one of his smiles. It's simply one of Gideon's quirks. A smile for a smile brings him to life, no matter what may happen. Gideon explained one day it was like a reassurance that everything could be alright. It makes him feel secure in such a violent and hateful world. They left the dark room and descended down the staircase towards the kitchen knowing Adrien set out extra tea mixtures, just in case.

Shiloh's fear begun to ebb only to have another stressful topic arise. The debate of leaving or staying here. Along with the flurry of complicated feelings toward Eve herself. Do I actually admire her for her strength or what I believe she is? Have I been blind all this time? Do I only see her as the hope I want her to be? If that's the case, why hasn't Gideon or Adrien pointed it out? Why do I need to make this decision? Did Adrien feel the same about Tressa? Is this kind of feeling okay in the first place?

What the feeling was, Shiloh could never explain to the others. He's not even sure what it is himself. As Gideon said, things are complicated. He hopes it could be sorted out soon before he makes a mistake. Until then...

Shiloh steeled himself knowing better than to dwell on such thoughts during the night. Gideon opens the kitchen door before waltzing inside with a grace Shiloh never could figure out. How on earth can Gideon be so graceful when he was never born a noble? Did he just pick it up from Adrien? Or was it simply because of balance training for his killing techniques? Is it both? Shiloh begins to smirk at the thought of Gideon dressed up as a fancy lord.

Gideon paused in the doorway before flashing Shiloh a dirty grin. "What's that look for? Have you fallen for me already?"

Shiloh laughed as he rolled his eyes. "Yes, of course. I'm just wondering how you can walk around like a lady." Shiloh flashed a Gideon smile, "Are you by chance a female?"

Gideon snorted with laughter before he chokes on it. He doubled over as he stumbled into the kitchen laughing his head off. "You'd just love to get on that!"

"You wish! I'm out of your league!" Shiloh sang as he walked into the kitchen.

"Whatever! You're not my type!" Gideon taunted as he reached the stove.

Shiloh mocked a hurt expression, "I thought we were lovers." His tongue sliding easily over the letters of the language his brothers taught him over the years. He can hardly notice the difference between their language and English anymore. He barely realized he has been speaking it this entire time.

Gideon howled with laughter as he leans heavily on the counter. "You seriously aren't my type," he repeated shakily.

Shiloh chuckled as he rolled his eyes. They continued to taunt each other as they made their drinks for the night. Though despite the light mood, Shiloh's heart continues to argue with itself on the decision that must be made in the near future. Eve's future depends on it as well. He hopes he can make the right decision. If not... he could doom them. But if he chooses correctly... their lives will change forever.

(This is a different chapter than the rest if you couldn't tell... all will be explained in the next chapter~ Though I can tell you up front that this chapter is a recall of Shiloh's memory of one of the nights before. These dreams... happen often for him which are the cause for his nightmares which caused the entire situation of having Gideon close by to make him up if he needs to. I hope you guys are paying close attention to details~ I'm not tossing in random stuff to be random after all, there is quite a bit happening in the background~ Tell me what you think of Shiloh's view on the situation~)

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