Adventure day

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Yeah um I didn't make this drawing (shocker I know)

Techno woke up having a stiff feeling in his neck he looked down and quickly realized why, he had fallen asleep reading to Ranboo so he was sitting up the entire night. "Yeah this isn't gonna work." Techno whispered under his breath not wanting to wake Ranboo. He failed in the end watching as the young boys eyes started to open, "Good morning Ran." Ranboo yawned, "Good morning Mr.Techno." Techno started to stand up and stretch hoping that would help the pain in his back. Techno looked over at the clock and saw it was 5:30 am, "Ran if you want to go back to sleep you can." Ranboo knew he wouldn't be able to go back to sleep even if he tried it's not like he didn't like sleeping it just scared him, "I'm not tired." Techno was honestly worried for Ranboo he knew the child didn't just appear out of no where, he knew he left something and chances were there was a good reason why. "Do you want to go down stairs with me then?" Techno decided not to push it he knew it would be useless anyways. "Mhm" Ranboo nodded. Ranboo got out of the bed and followed Techno down latter. When Ranboo had his feet on the cold surface he saw Techno sitting in the corner eating some rabbit stew. Ranboo walked over to a chest and grabbed some beet stew, he much more preferred this over rabbit stew he liked rabbits too much. He ate his food while leaning against the chest. Both boys were in complete silence it wasn't bad or anything more just them silently enjoying each other's company. "So Ran I've been thinking and I just wanted to know do you wanna stay here?" Ranboo looked over at Techno, "well yeah of course."  Ranboo saw A sort of spark of happiness in Technos eyes he didn't really know why though it was just him anyways, what was so important about him? "Well then how would you feel about getting your own room?" Ranboo loved this idea don't get me wrong but he was confused as to how they would fit him his own bedroom in this small house? "How would we do that?" Ranboo said tilting his head slightly to the side. "I'll expand the house I've been wanting to do that for awhile. It might take about a week though." Techno continued to explain how it would look, "your room will be on the second floor under your room will be a kitchen and so the house doesn't look weird I'm going to expand my room." Ranboo nodded at this he really liked the idea of permanently living with Techno, of course he knew this was a bit of a fantasy world he knew Techno would find out he ran away eventually but he didn't like thinking about that. Ranboo stood smiling sadly for a moment till he got an idea, "Techno, can we read more of that book please?" Techno laughed, "of course we can."

One week later (dang that's a long time skip)
It was the final day of construction for Ranboo's new room Techno had just started and Ranboo knew he had a good 5 hours before his room would be fully complete so he decided to go on his first adventure. "Techno can I wonder around the area a bit?" Techno slightly looked over at the young child, "sure just don't go to far and hook up a compass to the locater thing. Oh and don't talk to strangers!" Ranboo giggled at the last part, he loved those simple moments with Techno he didn't care how basic they were all he knew was he was receiving parental love. The young boy quickly ran upstairs and hooked up his compass running into the forest not even seconds after he was done.

An hour later
Ranboo had been in the forest for awhile now he didn't do much he just grabbed a few sticks here and there and maybe a few berries. While he was at a bush picking some more berries he heard the sound of leafs rustling behind him, he slowly turned around at the bush. He decided to walk up and see what was in it (cause there's nothing bad that could come of that). As he slowly walked up to the bush he saw something jump out of it to him. "AHHHH!" The young boy screamed thinking he was about to be stabbed. After a few seconds of not being stabbed though he opened his eyes to see a bunny in front of him. The bunny was cute, it had white fur with black splotches it reminded Ranboo of himself. Ranboo lowered himself to get closer to the bunny, surprisingly the rabbit just stayed their it even let Ranboo pet him. Ranboo had decided to pick up the bunny just to test how far he could go with this, he found out he could go very far actually since the bunny let Ranboo hold it without putting up a fight or showing any signs of wanting to get down. This made the young boy smile and make a very big decision, "I'm sure Mr.Techno wouldn't mind if I kept you!" Ranboo wasn't actually sure of this but he didn't have the heat to leave this poor bunny alone in the forest when it could live a much happier life with him. Ranboo than realized just how skinny this bunny was, "well that won't do," just another reason for Ranboo to keep the rabbit, "let's go to that village and get you some carrots!" Ranboo started to walk making sure to be very careful with the small being, it was a bit of a walk and he didn't want the bunny to be in pain during the walk.

Hey I finally decided to fix this chapter! ANYWAYS Imma say 45 minutes later

Ranboo had been walking for awhile now and he could finally see the village in the distance, it didn't take long for him to make it to the entrance only about 5 minutes. Ranboo didn't really know where to go to get carrots he couldn't see any food markets around so he just decided to go up to the carrot farmer and just ask for some carrots he figured that the farmer would understand and give him some carrots. "Hello sir, my bunny is really hungry do you think we could have some carrots? The farmer looked up at the boy, "no, go away freak." Ranboo was stunned, he hadn't been called that one in a minute. It felt like it hurt more though, but he just assumed it was shame on him for thinking people no longer saw him as that. "Please sir, my rabbit is very hungry and there's no other ways to get carrots around here." The farmer stopped what he was doing and bent down to be on Ranboos level, "listen buddy I said no so how about you run off to parents," Ranboo saw the farmer think for a second, " well correction parent considering your half enderman one of your parents is probably in the grave where they belong!" Ranboo didn't know what to say no one had ever said that to him before so he just stared up at the laughing farmer, watching this though made his blood boil. Ranboo had to walk away he knew he did since he could just feel himself about to hurt the man and despite what his looks might say he was very strong, probably strong enough to kill that man if he wanted to. He knew though he was going to get revenge and he already knew how he was going to do it too, he was going to steal carrots from the man. He knew it would be easy Ranboo had been stealing from the orphanage ladies since he was 5 and he never once got caught. The young boy also knew he would need to steal a bag so he could put his rabbit in there instead of running with her in his arms while he was also trying to quickly grab carrots. Ranboo knew stealing a bag would be a bit harder since he would need an empty house with a bag and not many people walking around but he could manage.

A few minutes later☃️☃️☃️

Ranboo was surprised to be able to find a building with a bag so quickly the windows really did help though. The area the house was in made this a bit more complicated though, a group of people would walk past this house every few minutes so Ranboo would have to be very quick about this he would also have to be quiet since the group stayed pretty close to the house and would probably hear him if he was being loud. Other than that though the plan was fairly simple all Ranboo had to do now was wait for the group to pass by the house again and quickly walk in. Of course the group came by very soon after Ranboo got into his position and the boy watched as the group walked past the house and turned the corner starting his invisible timer of how long he has until those people come back. Ranboo ran up to the door opening it and quickly but quietly closing it, he walked over to the table and grabbed the bag dumping the items in it carelessly on the floor. Ranboo put the bag back on the table and gently placed his bunny in it, he then put both straps over his shoulders and walked out of the house without ever being spotted. Ranboo was good at this and now all he had to do was grab carrots and out run a middle aged man, how hard could that be?

Time skip pt.2!!!

Ranboo was patiently waiting for the farmer to turn his back again, he had already picked a bunch of carrots and he was just organizing them now (listen idk I'm tired). It wasn't long before he was done and was turned away from the carrots and Ranboo knew that it was time that he went. The young boy ran over to the farm grabbing as many carrots as he could, which turned out to be 10, before he heard the farmer yelling at him. "Hey what are you doing!?" Ranboo knew this was his cue he didn't even turn around to look at the man he just ran straight for the forest he came from. Before he ran into the woods though he quickly looked behind him to see if the farmer was even following him, of course the farmer was and he was really close. Ranboo decided to go into a bit more of a messier path of the forest so hopefully the man would get tired of jumping over branches and just give up. The farmer didn't however, he was actually very athletic and it was starting to annoy Ranboo. Suddenly the young boy got an idea though, so Ranboo looked around and saw a branch that would need to be jumped over it was also very high so Ranboo ran towards it as fast as he could. The young boy jumped over it with ease and he kept running for a few seconds until he decided to come to a stop and see if his plan actually worked, of course it did the farmer had tripped over the branch the only problem though is the man wasn't moving. Ranboo knew he was still alive he could see him breathing but he was definitely passed out, "not my problem." Ranboo grumbled trying to walk away from the passed out man however Ranboo just wasn't that kinda person while the man was being really rude to him earlier he still felt bad for leaving him out in the open with no protection, so he started to walk back to find someone to help.
Ranboo made it back very quickly and ended up finding the priest of the village, he figured he would be the best person to ask for help since he probably knew the farmer. "Uh hello sir." The priest looked down and smiled at Ranboo, " Hello young man, how can I help you?" "Well I was in the woods and I saw this dude who had tripped over a branch and passed out." Ranboo explained changing up the story a bit of course. "Oh my! Please bring me to him." Ranboo led the priest to the still passed out farmer. The priest picked up the man and thanked Ranboo for all his help, Ranboo nodded at the old man watching as he walked away. "Finally I can feed you now!" Ranboo took his bag off his shoulders and took out the bunny. "Here you go!" Ranboo said cheerfully as he gave the small creature a carrot. Ranboo watched in awe as the bunny but the. He remembered something, "I haven't given you a name yet have I," the young boy looked at the rabbit eating it's carrots, "that's it! I'll name you Carrots!"

Time skip part idk

Carrots had finished awhile ago and Ranboo was almost home now, he had noticed the clock while carrots was eating and realized he needed to be home in an hour. The house was in sight now and it looked a bit bigger now, most likely because of Ranboos new room. The young boy had made it to the door now and was slowly opening it to see Mr.Techno sitting on their new couch. "Oh hey buddy." Techno said seeing Ranboo step into the room. "Hey" Ranboo said fully stepping into the room with Carrots on display. "Uhhh Ran what is that." Techno looked shocked to see the rabbit. "This is Carrots," Techno already knew where this was going, "can I keep him?" Techno looked at Ranboo and then the rabbit and laughed a bit, "I don't see why not." Ranboos face lit up at hearing this quickly going over to hug Techno. "Hey buddy go check out your room I finished decorating not to long ago." Ranboo nodded and quickly ran up the ladder to see a new door on the second floor. He opened it to see his new room, it had a double bed with blankets that were half black half white, a desk with two flowers in the flower pots, and a book shelf filled with as many books as Ranboo could ever want.

Authors note
This chapter deleted itself and I had to rewrite all of it 😃🔫. But it's ok cause it's done now I may have not read over it but I'm tired so whatever. Anyways drink lots of water and get plenty of sleep bye bye

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