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"Jace! Come pick these cars up now!" I yelled at my four year old son. I swear that boy was just too much.

"Sorry mommy! I wanted to go out back and build a big fort so I could show uncle Jason." Jace said excitedly.

"I understand that baby, but you also know to clean up after yourself, right?"

"Yes ma'am." Jace replied picking up the hot wheels cars he left sprawled across my living room floor. He took off running to his room.

"Walk Jace!" I yelled behind him shaking my head.

Ding dong...

I looked at my watch before heading to the door. I didn't need to look out my peep hole to know that it was Jason behind the door. The loud conversation he was having over the phone gave him away. I pulled the door open.

"Aye, lemme call you right back." Jason said before ending his phone call. "What up?" He asked stepping over my threshold.

"That's my question for you. You didn't tell me you were coming over today." I said with a slight attitude and my hands on my hips.

"What, you got company or something?" Jason asked with a raised brow.

"No, I do not! But a courtesy call would have been appreciated." I sighed.

Jason made his way over to my couch and plopped down. I stood there waiting for him to state the reason behind his surprise visit.

"I went to see Josh today." He said looking up at me.

"Okayyyyy..." I said confused. I saw Josh every week. I didn't understand the need for him to tell me that he went to visit him.

"He was acting weird. You didn't tell him ab-"

I held my hand up.

"No I didn't Jason! Is that why you came by? If so you can leave now. Your secret is safe with me!" I told him.

"Chill. That's not what I came by for. My mom would like to spend some time with Jace." He said looking up at me.

"And did you run that by Josh?"

"I did." He shrugged.

"What did he say?"

"Man you know how that nigga is. He got up and walked off. I really don't see the issue with my mom spending time with her grandson. She fucked up in the past, I get it, but she's trying to make it right. So I came by to ask if it was alright with you." Jason said looking defeated.

My heart went out to Ms. Bradley, it really did. She had tried on many occasions to have a relationship with my son, but what I wasn't gonna do was go against his father's word. I already told her that when Josh was released I would have a serious discussion with him about that. I did want my baby to have a relationship with his grandma. Lord knows he loved his uncle Jason.

"Jason, I understand your frustration, I do. But Josh is Jace's father. Whatever he says goes. Like I told your mom, when he gets home I'll have that discussion with him, but until then Jace is not allowed over there." I shrugged.

Josh was my man and my son's father. I would never go against the grain and do something I know he's uncomfortable with. His mom made great progress, but if he didn't want our son around her I had no choice but to respect that.

"That's some bullshit!" Jason yelled slapping my coffee table.

I looked at him like he had lost his damn mind. I didn't know who he had me confused with, but he had me all the way fucked up.

"You are outta line right now and I'm gonna have to ask you to leave Jason!" I told him sternly.

He wasn't about to bring his ass in MY house barking orders about what to do with MY son.

"That's real fucked up Amelia! My mom ain't never did shit to you. You let Josh brainwash you into believing his bullshit. I could have been dirty and took him over there without y'all permission, but I asked! He has no real reason why my mom can't-"

"Uncle Jason!" Jace came running full speed and jumping on Jason. His eyes lit up and one wouldn't be able to tell we were in the middle of a heated discussion.

"J baby! What's up? You getting bigger everyday boy. Step back, lemme look at you." Jason joked putting Jace down and pushing him back to examine him.

Jace cracked up. "You just saw me three days ago Uncle Jay. I haven't grown any in three days."

"Well your vocabulary sure has. What you been up to man?"

"Oh! I was building a fort, come here let me show you how it looks so far." Jace said excitedly.

I grabbed Jace's arm to stop him from running out back.

"Not today Jace. Uncle Jason was on his way out. You'll have to show him some other time. Right Jason?" I added so he would cosign my decision. He had blown me for today and I was ready for him to leave.

Jason cut his eyes at me.

"Your mom is right little man. I have some moves to make. I'll come check you another day and we can chill in your fort. Deal?" Jason asked sticking his hand out for Jace to shake.

"Deal." Jace pouted before shaking Jason's hand.

"Aite cool. Straighten up your face and give me a hug. I gotta cut out."

Jace jumped in Jason's arms and hugged him tightly. If nothing else, I was thankful for the role he played in Jace's life. I was worried about raising a boy alone but Jason had been a tremendous help by stepping up to the plate and being that father figure. If only he knew how to stay in his lane things would be great.

I didn't mind him caring and being there for Jace, I mean it was only right since it was technically his fault that Josh was locked up. I had a love/ hate relationship with Jason. I loved him for loving and being there for my son, but I hated him for being the reason behind his father's absence.

"I love you Uncle Jason!" Jace said with his little arms wrapped around Jason. Moments like these made me miss Josh and resent Jason.

"I love you too little man. Be good and I'll see you some other time alright." Jason said releasing Jace.

"Alright." Jace said.

I grabbed Jace's hand before walking Jason to the door. We watched him get in his car and drive off. On cue my phone rang and I instantly knew who it was since my clock read 5pm.

"You have a collect call from... Josh, to-" I pressed one before the operator could even finish her statement.

"Hi babe." I answered genuinely happy to talk to him.

"What's up, how y'all doing?" Josh asked.

I sighed. "Fine, your brother just left."

"Fuck he want? I hope you didn't let him take my son! He already done pissed me off for today. Matter of fact, I don't want Jace going with his ass no more until I come home!" Josh spat angrily.

"Relax babe, Jace is here. Josh came by to ask my permission for him to visit your mom."

I heard Josh suck his teeth and release a hard breath.

"That nigga gon make me put him on his ass! Fuck he gon go over my head and he knows how I feel about that shit! On the real Amelia, Josh-"

"Babe! Not right now. Relax. Jace is here, everything is good. Don't get all worked up over nothing." I said cutting his rant short. Josh would go on for the duration of our call if I let him.

"My bad, but you have no idea how irritated I am with his ass. It's like he's trying to take over my life. Like damn, it ain't good enough that he has my business... he's trying to take control of my son too! Like what type of shit is that?!" Josh yelled.

"Baby, can we talk about something else.... please? I'm really not in the mood to talk about this. You get out in a couple of days, how you feel about that?" I asked trying to get his mind off the bullshit.

"Honestly baby, I don't wanna think about it until it happens. I'm almost scared like it may be a dream. Ya know?"

"I understand babe. However you gotta get through it, you do that. I'm excited though. I can't wait to see you." I told him.

"So imagine how I feel," Josh laughed. I fell back on the couch getting comfortable.

"What's the first thing you plan to do when you get out?" I asked him smiling.

"Take a hot shower," Josh laughed and I sucked my teeth. "Thought I was gonna say some freaky shit huh?" He joked.

"Whatever Josh, you probably too busy letting big Bo rub you down to be concerned with me," I joked to get under his skin. Josh hated when I made gay jokes.

"Say, don't make me fuck you up!" He threatened, and I laughed.

"I'm kidding." I chuckled. "Have you thought anymore about the situation with your mom?" I asked holding my breath. This was a topic that always started an argument.

"Ain't shit to think about!" Josh yelled. "She fucked up at being a mother and now she wants to fuck up my son's life as well? It ain't happening."

I sighed. I really wanted, no needed, Josh to work on his relationship with his mother. I understood his frustration, but addiction was a disease. My grandmother always told me "Pay attention to how a man treats his mother, that'll let you know what to look forward to in your relationship." So I really needed Josh to get it together.

"Babe, everyone makes mistakes." I sighed. "At least she took the steps to correct hers and is working on righting her wrongs."

"It's a little too late for that shit!" Josh spat. "I gotta get ready to go though-"

The jail recording cut in You have two minutes remaining...

"I hate that bitch!" I pouted referring to the recording. Josh laughed.

"You and me both. I love you, I'll call tomorrow and talk to my little man. Kiss him for me." Josh said.

"I love you more babe, will do." I replied before the phone went dead. I sighed heavily and sat the phone on the couch.

I couldn't wait until Josh was released. This was the longest five years of my life and I thank God it was almost over. Josh left me financially secure, but I needed his presence more than anything.

A lot of people thought my baby was some scary tough guy, but he was always a teddy bear with me. Josh was the sweetest. Granted, he had a temper, but it never got to the point of getting physical or me fearing for my safety.

I had been with this man ten years, and they weren't the greatest, but they weren't all bad either. Five were stolen away from us, so who knows what would have went on, but I had faith. Josh was my rock. You'd think him and Jason would have similar personalities since they were brothers, but the two were like night and day.

Jason was more on the typical nigga side. He did exactly what women thought men of his status would. Josh on the other hand, was the total opposite... It was crazy.

In the beginning Jason was just the humble jock on the football team. Hustling brought out an entire new side of him. I never wanted my little cousin to date him, but once she lost her virginity I knew it was a wrap. That's when Jason really turned up.

"Jace?" I called out to my son.

"Yes mommy?" He asked running into the living room.

"Walk!" I stated sternly wiping chocolate pudding from his face. "You wanna go see auntie Tasia?" I asked.

"Mhm, is uncle Jason going to be there too?" He asked growing excited. I rolled my eyes.

I hope not, I mumbled. "I'm not sure. Let's get you cleaned up though," I said grabbing ahold of his hand. "Oh, before I forget, Daddy said he loves you and to smother you with kisses." I laughed picking him up and kissing all over his face. Jace cracked up laughing as we headed to his room.

A visit to see Tasia was long overdue. Hopefully that anniversary disaster brought her to her senses.
"What the fuck happened to your eye?" I asked scowling as I grabbed Tasia's chin and turned her head from side to side.

"Hello to you too Amelia," Tasia sighed. "You can lie Toot down in my bed." She stated pulling the door open and letting us inside.

I carried a sleeping Jace to Tasia's room and laid him across the bed. I couldn't get back to the den fast enough.

Tasia was taking a seat on the couch with a wine bottle and two glasses. I waved her off taking a seat next to her on the couch as she held out a glass to me.

"Start talking," I said once Tasia filled her glass and took a small sip of wine.

"What exactly do you want me to say?" Tasia asked already about to piss me off. She loved to play dumb and that shit irked my soul.

"You can start by telling me why you're walking around looking like a fucking pirate... How bout we start there!" I stated crossing my arms and legs at the same time.

Tasia sighed. "It's not a big deal Me Me, please don't start blowing things out of proportion." She stated and I frowned at her words.

"Did that nigga hit you?!" I asked a little louder than I intended to.

"No he did not! Relax," Tasia yelled back. "I said something out of the way when I was trying to leave the house last night, Jason heard, and punched the window out in my car. The glass nicked my eye." She shrugged. I smacked my lips.

"So because you said something he didn't like he punched glass in your face?" I asked growing heated.

"You make it sound worse than it actually was. I knew my words would get under his skin, I just didn't think it would lead to that... But it's over, I'm good, my eye is fine. Please don't make this a big deal." Tasia huffed looking at me.

I chuckled angrily, "You're actually starting to sound like an abused woman. Please don't make this a big deal?! This is a fucking big deal! What if you had lost your sight? Would it still not be a big deal then? Stop excusing that nigga's actions Tasia!" I spat feeling myself growing heated at the thought of Jason doing something so dumb.

"What is your deal?!" Tasia yelled at me. "You act like it's your fucking eye! I said I'm good so just drop it!" She said with tears welling up. I bit down on my lip and shook my head.

"I'll give you that one because I see you're upset," I stated standing from my seat. "One day you'll see that Jason doesn't give a fuck about anyone but himself. I'm gonna get Jace and go. Call me whenever you get your mind right."

I left Tasia sitting on the couch and headed to Tasia's room to grab Jace. I had enough of her and Jason's ass for one day. Walking out the room with Jace knocked out over my shoulder, I walked over to Tasia and kissed her forehead.

"I still love you Anastasia. I just want what's best for you." I said before heading to the door.

I had my own damn problems and I couldn't force her to see through Jason and his bullshit.

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