Visualizing the Characters

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Hello!! So before I show you guys a bunch of pictures, I would like to make a short announcement. You might've noticed it already anyways, but I changed the cover once more. And no, I didn't make it X'3 Aph_britain_America did. Thank you, hehehe. Oooh I do not recall if I already mentioned before, but she makes free story covers. Goo request to her if you want. She'll gladly do it for you~~ Oki. Thank you for the beautiful story cover once again Aph_britain_America ;^;

Okay, so moving on. Since someone requested for me to, here is it.. This is only the Part One because we actually have more characters to be introduced later in this story.. Trust me; we're slowly getting there. For now, I'll only show Alessio, Kielle, Ashes, Dante, Peach, and Ely.

I'll also include (Y/N) too, but you don't have to stick your perceptions of (Y/N) to the image I gave. Cuz' after all, you're (Y/N) :'3

Before all this, Disclaimer. I do not own any of the arts presented. Credits to the original owner/s for their own works.! Oh yeah, before I forget. Thanks once again to Aph_britain_America for compiling this :) Go visit her Pinterest account Daisy Jones. She has made a board, dedicated to compiling anime photos that resemble all these characters here in the story.

2 to 3 pictures will be presented per character for more options to choose from for the sake of visualizing these characters.

[[[ (Y/N) (L/N) ]]]

For me, this one's more (y/n) to me haha โ‡˜ โ‡˜

[[[ Alessio Nikolaise ]]]

this one is pretty hard to find
since no picture seems to fit his character

[[[ Kielle Ponce ]]]

[[[ Peach Castor ]]]

[[[ Dante Luchyes ]]]

[[[ Ashes Hyells ]]]

oh do take note that he has brown eyes

[[[ Ely Flair ]]]

Okay, we're done with this. Yey!
Anyways, while we're waiting for the next update. I just want to ask who is your favorite character in the story so far. ๐Ÿ˜Š

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