Chapter 26

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Vincent's POV
The next time I wake up I'm crouched over Adeline's bedside, my neck and back cramping like hell. I groan and sit up, the widow across from me shining in the late mornings sunlight. I move around my neck and back, trying desperately to get out the kinks. Looking over at Adeline I see her sleeping peacefully and I smile groggily.

I stand, kiss her gauzed wrapped head and quietly walk into the small bathroom, over to the side. I wash my face and stare at my reflection, even if that wasn't one of my most comfortable sleeping places it sure as hell beats the countless nights I've slept alone in my bed without Adeline there by my side. I run a hand through my dark hair and sigh moving my neck around. My shirt from yesterday is no longer nicely ironed with no wrinkles and my hair isn't neatly combed, I laugh at my reflection because even after that night of restless sleep I'm happier and look better than I have in weeks. I finish up in there and the next time I walk out I see a nurse doing something over by Adeline.

"What are you doing?" I ask a little harshly, stepping over to her

She jumps and turns around, her dark hair pulled back in a braid and her eyes wide with fright "sorry sir, I didn't know there was anyone in here" she says holding her chest "I'm just giving Mrs.Taylor more morphine to help with the pain when she wakes up" she says and picks up a chart from a side table "it says here that Mrs.Taylor has one more visit with the doctor and if everything goes well and her brain has returned to normal then she can get fitted for a brace, for her sprained wrist, and be on her way" she tells me and I nod

"Thank you" I say looking around at Adeline

"You're welcome Mr.Taylor, the doctor should be in soon" she says, I wince at the name she'd given me but nod anyways as she walks out

I sit back down next to Adeline and look over her, she looks a little better, the color in her face brighter than yesterday. Although a small bruise has formed around her cheek her skin still glows and her cheeks still hold their rosy red color. I lean back in the, not so comfortable, chair and sigh. At least she's ok I keep trying to tell myself but then Theo pops into my head and I can't help but ball my fists. None of this would have happened if Amanda didn't try to 'fix' everything. That damn woman needs to mind her own damn business. But what can I do about Theo? Why can't he just let her go? Why does he want her? Need her?

Before I can think much more on it there's a knock at the door. I turn to see the last person I wanted to see today walk in. I inwardly growl and kiss Adeline's hand, I stand and look him over "come here" I tell Theo walking out to the door

He reluctantly follows me out of her room and into the white hallway, I shut the large wooden door after him "she's not going with you, whatever you need her for take me instead" I demand crossing my arms

He rolls his blue eyes and fixes his black suit jacket, I do see that my one precious punch did result in a nice blue bruise on the side of his face, making me grin a little but what would make me feel a lot better is maybe a couple more punches, kicks here and there...maybe all over. His light hair is the same as always and his face fresh with sleep, a clean shaved jaw. I bet that fucker didn't loose a wink of sleep after he put his fucking wife in the hospital, at the thought my jaw clenches.

"I thought I'd told you yesterday, I don't want you, now if you want to leave here without handcuffs wrapped around your wrists I suggest you leave" he says leaning towards me

"Is that a threat?" I growl

He chuckles "it sure is, I've got security ready to come if you don't leave now" he states "it seems you are a disturbance to me and the patients around so to avoid that I would leave"

"Fuck you" I spit "whatever you're planning on doing with her I'll kill you for it, I swear" I growl leaning in on him

"We'll see, I hope you said your goodbyes" he says

I bite the inside of my cheek, forcing my mouth to stay calm. I could punch him, I could kick him, hell I could kill him right now, no one to hold me back or to witness...but I can't. Adeline wouldn't want that, much to my dismay.

"This won't be the last time we speak, and you or anyone else won't keep me from her" I spit

I won't let my father, Theo or anyone else take me away from Adeline, my father has nothing on me now. Theo knows and the best my father can do is take back the company and I'll be fine with that because I can't let Adeline go through anymore of this shit.

"Only time will tell" he says with a sly smirk that's begging me to punch him

I turn away from him, itching to go back in the room to Adeline and wake her, to tell her that I'll be back and I won't stay away from her no matter what Theo says. I turn back and stare down Theo brushing past him, making sure to hit his shoulder with mine as I pass by.

I pull out my phone and pull up her number, I text her as I walk out of the hospital and explain everything Theo just said and everything I will do. I just hope she'll get the text before Theo manipulates her into thinking I just left her.

Once again I have to leave the woman I love to the mercy of her husband as I drive whole being begging me to turn back around and save her.

Adeline's POV
I woke up alone in the cold white room with a searing headache and a throbbing in my ribs. I look up to see the morphine pump dropping the soothing liquid into the IV but I'm tempted to turn it up a little. My frown only lasts for a moment because the next second Theo walks in and I freeze, thoroughly afraid. He looks me up and down with a straight face and cold blue eyes, my heart races "where is he?" I ask my voice quiet and shaky seeing the man who put me in here

"He left" he says pulling out his phone

I wanted to get up and leave myself, I know Vincent didn't leave just because, I trust him now and I know better than to listen to anything Theo says. Thankfully a minute later the doctor came in and looked me over, when the doctor told me to take off my gown so he could look at my ribs I was reluctant with Theo in the room. My doctor seemed to understand and asked Theo to wait in the hallway while he checked me over. Theo did as he asked and the doctor proceeded to make sure everything was ok.

He said the stitches in my head would dissolve and the hair should cover the scar, once it grows back. I didn't even want to undo the wrapping around my head, but the doctor said they only had to shave a little. They wheeled me into an MRI, where they checked my brain, and after waiting a while the results came in and he said I would need to take it easy but I could go home now that the swelling had gone down. They got my wrist X-rayed again and it was fitted to a black velcro brace, he said I should wear it for two to three weeks. He said the bruises on my ribs would be painful through heeling but said I should be glad they weren't fractured.

After filling out my release forms, with no help from Theo, they finally let me change out of the gown and back into my regular clothes. I saw my head once they took off the wrapping and there was about two inches of hair missing from the side of my head. With a deep frown I gently put my hair up in a pony-tail to cover the patch. My body still hurts after not being hooked up to the morphine but they gave me some prescriptions to help with the pain.

The nurse wheels me to the door and Theo follows behind use. I swallow hard knowing after I leave this place I'll be alone with one to save me. I wish I had my phone so I could talk to Vincent, just to speak to him for a moment, to make sure I know what his intentions still are.

The nurse helps me out of the wheelchair, even if I don't need it, and sends me a warm smile and wishes me luck with my recovery. I stand there at the entrance, Theo behind me "I'll go get the car" he says in a bored tone and starts to walk out to the parking lot

"No wait, I need to talk to you" I tell him with a surprising strong voice, feeling wobbly on my feet, the doctor said I shouldn't be up and about, exerting to much energy for a couple of days, just to give my ribs time to heal a little.

He turns back to me, his eyebrows knitted together "we can talk in the car, I need to get home" he says but I shake my head

"No" I state firmly "here" out in the open, I think to myself

He groans and I walk us over to the side of the building, where people can still see us but we aren't blocking the entrance "what" he says as I lean myself against the wall, the medicine not quite kicking in yet, I of course can walk with my bruised ribs but after standing or walking for to long they do start to hurt

I sigh and take deep breaths, knowing my next words will not make him happy, in fact they are the words that put me where I am "Please" I say breathless "just divorce me or I'll do it myself" I threaten standing tall, no matter how afraid I long as I'm in the open

He chuckles shaking his head "oh no you won't" he says leaning on the wall that I now push myself away from, staring at him

"Yes I will" I say "like I said last night, although more civil, I want a divorce"

"You won't divorce me because you can't" he says smirking, staring up at me with icy blue eyes

"What are you talking about?" I ask, of course I can divorce him, it might be hard and I might have to fight but I still can

He looks me over debating on something but he sighs and looks into my eyes "As I told you a few months ago your father is now CEO of my company"

"Yes, what's that have to do with anything?"

A pause settles between us "well I need you because I need your Father" he says, holding back something

"No, I already told you I won't be a bidding tool, work it out with my Father" I tell him, his anger raising with each word

"Can't it's written in paper, I'll need someone to be blamed for my crimes" He shrugs like it's obvious

I bow back at his words "What? What crimes?" I ask quietly

He groans still obviously debating on spilling the details to me. After another long pause while my brain overturns with things he might mean he speaks again  "my very successful drug empire" he states

"Drug empire?!" I shout, my back falling against the wall and my ribs throbbing

I look at Theo but he wraps his hand around my mouth and my eyes widen at the action. He looks around, his hand still covering my lips but he quickly pulls away and scorns me.

He rolls his eyes and sighs looking me over "my god you're as clueless as your parents, I swear you see nothing...but I guess that's one plus about you" he shrugs "yes dear I run a drug trafficking empire"

"How?" I ask gasping for air as I connect the dots, those men the other night...the one with the gold tooth and the other with the scorpion tattoo, were they in the mafia or a gang? The night he...raped me he got drunk because the supplier pulled out, the sketchy way he spoke and smirked at business men when he asked them to join his company...oh my god

"Well I suppose I have to tell or you'll try to leave" he says more to himself than me "let's just say all of my buyers get a surprise in there computers" he smirks

"Drugs?" I ask still breathing harshly "and my father is if you were found out-" I can't believe this, is this real? Did I marry a...drug lord?

"Yup you guessed it, your father will go to jail for probability the rest of his life, not to mention the criminals who I sell my drugs to, they won't be happy it's his fault they got caught" he smirks at me closing me in against the wall, limiting my air and suffocating me

No, this can't be real, I would have seen it, I would have known, right? What will happen to my Father? "But why me? Why keep me?" Why does he need me if its just my father he wants?

He groans, annoyed at my questions "Because the document says as long as I'm married to you he gets my funding for his company and ever since I signed him off as CEO that means if we get a divorce he doesn't get my funding, therefore can no longer be apart of my company, that was the deal" he says as I try to wrap my head around this nonsense  "and I need him to be my safety net if anything goes wrong" he looks around, making sure no one is close enough to listen

" in you get caught?" I ask and he slowly backs away from me, letting me breath within the space I have as he chuckles and nods "I could go to the police" I threaten holding myself against the wall, my heart ponding harder with each word

He takes a step towards me, closer than before and towering over me, he wraps his large hand around my neck, squeezing my airway "I don't think you will" he says harshly, he lets go of my neck, realising we are still in a public place "do you want to know what you will do? You are going to stop your scandal with Vincent, you're going to be a good little quiet wife, and you aren't going to tell a single person about this...or else I will bring all this down and your father will go to jail for the rest of his life...not that he'd last that long...not with the people he'll be there with" he smirks down at me and I gasp

"You wouldn't" I say "you wouldn't risk losing all that money, and what if they come after you instead?" I ask hoping I'll find a loop hole that will still allow me to get out of this

He laughs "poor little girl, it's called lying" he says plainly "I'll tell my buyers, suppliers and anyone else who's involved that it's Royce Bentleys fault and then problem solved, my hands are clean, do you really think those men are going to speak out against me? If they do guess who has plenty of money to shut them up" he says "having the cartel on the pay roll helps too" he smirks a grimacing smile

I'm to shocked to speak, my husband is using me to keep my father with his company so if...his drug empire is found out my own father will get blamed. How can I get out of this? Would he really bring it down? Couldn't he find another person to blame it on if I left him?'s obvious he has a solid plan. I can't let my father go to jail for something he's oblivious matter if he doesn't love me "how long" I ask looking down at my shoes

"How long what?" He asks

"How long have you been lying to me and my family...was this whole marriage just a set up for you?" I ask, my heart clenching

"I guess it would be a little heartless if I said yes but...yeah" he says and even though I should have expected this it still hurt "and I won't let you ruin this over another man, you're going to stay with me for the rest of your life, I hope you had fun with Vincent while it lasted because you'll never see him again, I can't let rumours spread" he says through clenched teeth

A tears slips through my eye but I blink it away, I thought...just maybe me and Vincent could be together. Maybe I could talk to Theo and ask, beg, him to let me go and maybe him and my father could work something out. But now with this new information...this threat to my family, I don't know what to do. Should I say screw my father and let him go to jail, payback for making me stay with an abusive cheating husband for the past five years, or do I leave Vincent, the man I found love and actual happiness with? Even after the whole Amanda thing I knew I couldn't stop loving him and the thought of never seeing him again physically hurts my heart. What about my mother? She would hate me...would the men Theo is working with try to hurt her? Me?

So I guess it comes down to one question

Which Billionaire

Theo, the one who is forcing me to stay with him for the safety of my family and his drug empire, or Vincent, the man I love and makes me happy. I shouldn't have to be in this situation, none of this makes since. Why is this put on me? What did I do to deserve this?

"Fine" I say quietly

"Fine..." He trails off expecting more, I glare up at him and hold back my smart comment

"Fine I won't be with Vincent" at the words that leave my mouth my heart pangs

"Good choice" he says, smiling at his triumph "now that that's settled I'll go get the car" he says and walks away without another word

I lean against the cool wall and take deep breaths, my heart still ponding. I can't, I can't not see Vincent, I literally just got him back after over two months, I am in love with was hard enough on me without him. First leaving him after the whole Amanda conflict and now this?

A loud horn shakes me from my thoughts and makes my head hammer. I look over at the car to see Theo waving me over. I sigh and frown, pulling my jacket close to my body and move a loose blonde strand from my face. I walk as steadily as I can over to him. I climb in and the rest of the ride is silent, no words needed to be said after his threats.

When we get back to the dreadful house he turns off the car and gets out before I can even unbuckle. I sigh sitting and staring into the garage, unnoticed tears fall down my bare cheeks as I look blankly, just trying to understand what my life has come to. I step out of the car and hold onto the hood of the car and wall as I walk into the house. The moment I step into the home Sofia comes rushing over to me.

"Oh señorita" she says with teary eyes hugging me lightly and helping me further into the house, she looks me over and stares at my braced hand

When we come to the foyers and I see the staircase and library I want to shut myself away in my room and never come out. It seems that every other room in this house holds a bad memory.

"I'm ok" I tell her as she slowly helps me up the stairs

"Are you sure? All of us maids were so worried about you, no one knew what happened, Sarah was worried sick and once we found out you were in the hospital we didn't know what to think" she says as we reach my room

She helps me in and I sit on my bed, pulling off my shoes and laying back "he pushed me down the stairs" I say quietly

"No!" She gasps and I nod

"It's alright...I'll be ok" I don't even want to mention Vincent, the drugs or Theo's threats, I don't want anyone to be dragged into the mess of a life I have...honestly all I want to do right now is lay in Vincent's arm and fall asleep until all other things pass

"Oh Mrs.Taylor" she cries "you don't deserve this" she says, her accent thick as she tears up

I smile and hug her when she walks over to me "it's ok" I know I keep saying that but I can't say anything else or I won't believe it, she doesn't even know about the other things and she feels bad for me now

"Sofia!" We hear my husband call from downstairs

We both jump a little, she nods at me and I smile waving her off. She closes the door behind her and I lean back, my body aching...I need to get those prescriptions soon. I turn over, on the side of my unbruised ribs and stare at the window shining in the afternoon sun. I look at my nightstand to see my phone and I shoot up immediately, groaning from the action.

I pick it up to see I have two texts from Vincent and a call, one is long but the other is just asking me to call him once I get this. I quickly, but carefully, sit up and call him as soon as I can, leading the phone up to my ear.

Seconds pass and the ringing continues, my heart rate growing with each ring "Adeline?" I hear his deep gruff voice call out

"Yeah it's me" I say quietly

"God I'm so sorry, I know I

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