Chapter Forty-Two

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Chapter Forty-Two

Payton's Pov

Christmas Eve

"This just may be the stupidest decision you ever made in your whole entire life." Tyler said to me as we were waiting in line in the tattoo parlor. It was Christmas Eve and Tyler and I decided to do a little last minute Christmas shopping.

When Bryson left, Kai's parents wondered where he went. Kai simply said that he had to go take care of some personal things with his family.

Still don't understand why he would do something so sick.

Tyler and I went to the mall and I got Kai something that I think he'll love, I mean really love. Then we searched for a open tattoo parlor and thank god one up the block from the mall was open

"What? Getting Kai's name tatted on my forearm?"   I said.

"Yes, dude what if you two have a falling out?" Tyler asked.

"I don't like thinking about that, I don't think about it at all. When me and Kai argue, we talk about it, like how relationships supposed to be." I said.

"I get where your coming from, but still a tattoo? Of his name?" That's gonna be there for a lifetime."

"And that's how long I want to be with Kai...for a lifetime." I said.

"Who's next?" The tattoo artist with a shit ton of tattoos up and down his arms and neck. He looked like he was about 6'2 with jet black hair that was slicked back.

Me and Tyler both got up and followed the man to his little studio. We walked in and all I hear is rock music from 2008 and pictures of different anime shows. I sat in his chair and waited until he got everything situated.

"So what do you want today bud?" I read the name tag and his name was Trent.

"I want the name Malachi on my forearm." I said.

"Oh...dead brother?" Trent asked.

" boyfriend." I said normally.

" bad for assuming." He chuckled.

"What does he look like." Trent added.

"Like me." Tyler said. Trent looked at Tyler and his eyes widened.

"Wow, you have a excellent taste in men my guy." Tent said to me.

"Thanks man, you know I try." I said boosting myself up. He grabbed all the stuff that he needed and next thing you know I hear the needle.

"Tyler hold my hand."

"Sorry man I don't roll that way." He said jokingly.

"Haha very funny, just hold my damn hand please I never gotten a tattoo BEFORE!!!" The needle hit my forearm and my feet were moving like a toddler getting a shot for the first time. I squeezed Tyler's hand so hard he began to go down because of how much pain he was in.

Twenty minutes pass and we were finally done I looked at it as I was wiping my tears and it looked really good.

"Oh my god, it looks awesome." Tyler said.

"The cursive is sick!" I said amazed by it all.

"Thank you, I think your mans will be very flattered that you got his name tatted on you for life." Trent said.

"He will." I smiled still looking at the tattoo.

"Now, will that be cash or credit?" Trent asked.


Tyler dropped me off back at Kai's beautiful Christmas decorated house. I thanked him and walked in. I had both of my arms behind my back one with the tattoo and the other that had a small box.

I saw Kai and his parents decorating the Christmas tree as Marcus was upstairs still mad about what happened two days ago.

"Hey baby" Kai said walking up to me giving me a hug and dragging out the 'y' in baby.

"Hey my love. I got a surprise for you that I think you'll like but I love." I said.

"What is it?" He smiled. I get out a deep breath and slowly revealed the tattoo to him.

"No you didn't just get a tat of my name on you." He said. I saw that smile creeping up on him, then he began to smile and giggle.

"I did and I don't regret doing it." I said.

"Aww, I love you. Did it hurt?" Kai said.

"Hurt would be an understatement."

"Damn that bad?"

"So bad that I cried and death gripped your brothers hand." I said. Kai started laughing.

"What's in the other hand?" Kai asked.

"Oh this?" I said showing him the box that was wrapped up and had a perfect cute bow at the top.

"You're not opening it until tomorrow." I said.

"Why?" He said, sounding like a brat.

"Because I said so love, but you're really gonna love it." I kissed him on his forehead. I put the gift under the tree and helped his parents fix the Christmas tree.


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