14•First date

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"I'm sure your mum would appreciate you cursing at your teacher" he smirked at the death glare I shot him.

"I'm sure your mum would love you whoring about" I snapped

"Snooping in my personal life, are we?" He cocked an eyebrow, his smirk still ever on.

I rolled my eyes and folded my arms "remind me exactly why I'm talking to you right now?"

"Cos you need me" he grinned cockily.

I rolled my eyes again realizing he totally eavesdropped on my conversation with Mr Rob, that is if you call it one.

Speak of snooping.

"Trust me, you're the last thing I need right now" Alan Scott was the one anyone who swore to a low-key life should avoid and in this case, me. Not only does he attract attention of people miles away even without the need to bat an eyelash but he's also capable of shaking up someone's world, more specifically my world, in ways unexplainable. The world I took several months to try and put back together at least and think of putting even an atom of anything that revolves around him would just take the snap of a finger to turn it around.

Call me emotional (as long as I don't reveal that part to the world) or a critique but that's nothing but the truth, he literally has red flags all over him but something about those red flags made him even more enticing and alluring.

"This speaks otherwise Barbie" he teased as he lifted his handout to point out where my name is clearly written as his partner.

I glared at him before slapping the paper away from my face and casually walking away "since you already know my name, it'll only make sense if you actually use it"

"Meh... Barbie suites you better" he strolled beside me, a smirk still on and both hands in his pocket.

I rolled my eyes but made a quick grateful prayer to God that no one was in the hallway as that would stir up this week's gossip; Alan's latest conquest is Olivia's side skank.

'pft... That will probably be better of the previous ones' the flurry thought popped up in my mind causing a fire of irritation and annoyance erupt in me.

It's people like him that caused such in the first place.

I abruptly turned around, causing him to halt his steps "I should have known better than put you and the word sense in the same sentence considering that's the one thing you bother not having"

He shook his head and chuckled "be in the library during lunch"


"You heard me right, library during lunch" He turned on his heels and began walking away.

For all I know, he would probably want to try something on me or worse start a gang beat down as payback for......

"Don't get too excited Barbie, biology remember?" He lifted the paper above him to make a point making me roll my eyes at his back as he sauntered away.


"Hey Rv!" Olivia came out of nowhere startling me.

"Oh my God Olivia!" I placed my palm on my chest to calm my overbeating heart.

"Sorry" she giggled.

"Aren't you supposed to be with your girls?" A bit of venom laced in my last words.

"Already met them but I didn't want to miss lunch with my bestie especially when I made her favourite cake....." I raised an eyebrow at her huge grin. "Okay maybe it's made by Maria but we're gonna share it and that's all that matters" she hooked our arms together as she dragged me to the cafeteria.

"No!" I said abruptly making her halt.


"Uh... Not no, um... I'm kind of busy to have lunch right now"

"And why's that?" A small pout on her lips as she asked.

"Uh... I'm helping clean up the hall for the debate competition" I mentally applaud myself for coming up with that one real quick and crossed my fingers, hoping she'll believe.

I should feel bad for lying to my best friend, and trust me I do but I just can't bring myself to tell her I'm meeting up with Alan even though it's for a totally legit reason, but I just can't. Lord knows what may happen the second I tell her cos her actions regarding anything Alan is nothing short of unpredictable.

"Well that's new...." She raised a suspicious brow at me as if trying to read through my thoughts.

I laughed out nervously, which sounded so strained and fake to me. "new shit happens everyday right?"

She nodded her head slowly still scrutinizing me "ok, if you say so. I'll just go join the girls but I don't promise I won't eat up all the cake" she winked before walking off.

I let out a breath I didn't even know I was holding "I'll have your ass if you dare take my share and it's a promise!" I hollered, making her raise her fore and middle finger up in a peace sign.


She looked sideways before looking up at me wide-eyed while I made myself comfortable on the small round table.

"Uh hey" she finally replied, rather shyly.

"What about Alan?" To which she just shrugged.

We sat in silence for the next 20 minutes and still no sign of Alan. I started rethinking it all, I should have known better than to think Alan of all people would keep to arrangements when he couldn't even keep to a girl for a week.

I folded my arms and huffed in annoyance at everything. From Mr Rob for thinking it was a good idea to pair Alan and I to the cake I missed.

"Hey ladies sorry for keeping y'all waiting" the one boy I so wanted to murder just sat leisurely as if he didn't keep us waiting the entire lunch break.

"Of course Mr asshole, apology accepted" sarcasm dripping from my voice.

He looked up at me with a raised brow, a little smirk on his face.

"Okay.... Let's get over to the task at hand"

I couldn't help but roll my eyes and scoff out loud. Is he being real?

"Wonder what's got your panties in a twist"

"You can't just walk in here like the world feeds off your palms after keeping us waiting for over several minutes and expect us to pretend that our precious time wasn't wasted while you did whatever bullshit you're always up to"

"That was deep but I got quite busy and lost track of time" his smirk still on as he turned to face Nicole to his right "any heart felt words for me too?" He asked making her go beet red and also making me catch a glimpse of bite marks on his neck.

I should've known!

But what do y'all think 'bout this chapter?

How do you feel about the lie Raven told to Olivia even though it's for a just reason?

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Xoxo Ruth.

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