What if we Drown (31)

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Something moved in the sand, like a rock, but the colors were all wrong. It was much too large to be a rock, Ashlyn thought, it's mass taking up the majority of the space around it. The longer she looked, she realized that it wasn't moving. It was struggling. The poor thing was caught.

Her hands fell to her side when Derek stepped past her to take a look. His phone was already out of his pocket, his fingers entering a phone number. She reached out to stop him, grabbing onto his arm.

'What if it's not safe?' her eyes asked when he looked back at her. They were the only ones on this part of the track, and if something happened, she didn't know what she would be able to do to help.

"I have to help it, Ash," his voice was raw, his sorrow and concern for the animal evident. She could see it in the way he looked back towards it, he was doing this with or without her support. His heart was too good to stand by and do nothing.

Ashlyn nodded, letting her hand fall away.

Carefully, Derek stepped down from the path onto the rocks below, and then the sand, his movements slow as not to startle the sea turtle.

Ashlyn hesitated at the edge of the path, her thumbnail between her teeth. With each slow step that he took closer to the turtle, her mind was screaming for him to be careful. Derek glanced her way as though hearing her thoughts, and gave a short nod.

Ashlyn crouched at the edge of the rocks and watched as he walked around the front of the turtle, the water rising to hug his ankles before retreating.

When he was close enough to touch the turtle, he crouched beside it, placing his hand on its shell to inspect the damage, before he pulled back. Whatever Derek saw, it didn't look good, judging by the pinched expression on his face.

He swore under his breath, and his phone was at his ear almost immediately, his eyes roaming over the turtle to assess for any other injuries.

Ashlyn craned her neck to see what Derek was seeing, fear for the situation turning in her stomach. But all she could see was the turtles mass, and something black buried in the sand around it. Sand continued to flick around it as the turtle continued to struggle. Ashlyn's heart broke a little more.

"...I've got an injured leatherback sea turtle here that's in distress. Her front left leg and neck appear to be tangled in an old fishing net... I can see multiple wounds where the net has rubbed.." Ashlyn's heart sank at his words.

"...She's got to be about four, four and a half feet...No tags or markings that I can see..." He walked around the front of the sea turtle to check her flippers on the other side.

" I can cut most of it away, but I don't want to hurt her...Yes, okay...No, we're just off the main road. Maybe half a mile into the Bayview track around the base of the Sandstone cliff face."

Derek finished explaining their location to the operator on the other end of the line, then hung up the phone with a quick thank you.

"They'll be here as quickly as they can," he spoke, glancing up to Ashlyn, who was now leaning against the top of the rocks, her thoughts conflicted.

Seeing the turtle caught and injured broke her heart and ignited a rage in the pit of her belly that anyone would be so careless to bring harm to an animal. She wanted to help, but she didn't know what she could do. She didn't know anything about sea turtles or how to help them, and Derek already seemed to have everything under control. But sitting there and doing nothing felt horrible.

She watched with sadness in her eyes, like she needed to cry but fought to hold it in, while Derek began brushing sand aside to uncover the black net that she'd spotted before.

He swore again, this time a little louder, and Ashlyn jumped.

"There is so much net here, it keeps twisting." He held up a piece, the net moving with the turtles' continued struggle. He looked around him, his fingers raking through the sand, coming up empty.

"I need to cut away the excess," he ran a hand through his hair, the other stroking the turtle's shell to soothe her.

Ashlyn looked around where she sat, but couldn't find anything that would be sharp enough. The rocks were too big and too heavy, the gravel was too small, and the path was clean of any rubbish or debris.

She glanced over her shoulder, wishing that they hadn't strayed so far from the business district. They were too far for anyone to happen upon them, and she didn't know how far away help would be.

"Ashlyn, I'm going to need you to come down here." Her head whipped back around. There was barely a meter of sand before the water invaded the small space.

"Please, Ash. She needs help," Derek pleaded. "The net seems to be stuck under the rocks, and every time she moves, it's only making her wounds worse." She could hear the desperation in his words, and she knew that she couldn't say no. Not when someone so desperately needed her help.

He carefully stood and stepped around the turtle, stopping at the base of the rocks below Ashlyn. He extended his hand and smiled a reassuring smile.

"It's okay," he encouraged.

Ashlyn stood, a tremor in her legs, and gulped. She looked to the sea turtle in her struggle, then out to the calm waters that had teased Derek's ankles. There wasn't a lot of space down in the sand. Not for the turtle, and not for her. The ocean continued to breathe steadily below, the gentle rise and fall of her waves, approaching then receding again as though conflicted about what she wanted. Ashlyn knew how she felt.

She took a deep breath to clear her head. No fear, she told herself as she continued to watch the ocean. It couldn't hurt her now.

"Hey," Derek's voice broke through the ocean's trance. "I'm not going to let anything happen to you," he promised, one leg stepping up onto the lower rock to balance himself.

Ashlyn placed a shaking hand in his, and crouched, stepping down onto one rock, and then the next, until the solid surface beneath her sandals was replaced by a squishy, conforming texture, the sand hugging and comforting her feet and slipping between her toes.

Derek's smile boasted that he was proud of her. His hand squeezed hers, and she looked into his eyes, clinging to the courage he believed she had. She tried to focus on this as opposed to the water that watched from behind him, or the quaking in her legs.

Her smile was weak in response as she tried to push down the nausea that claimed her gut.

The water was almost still, as though holding its breath, waiting for Ashlyn to make her next move.

It's all for the turtle. It's all for the turtle, she continued to repeat inside her head, daring to steal a glance at the cerulean waters. Perhaps she would be more forgiving to know that Ashlyn was helping one of her own. She hoped at least.

Derek waited a moment for her to gather herself, an act which she appreciated. When she was confident that the ocean would leave her be, Ashlyn looked up at Derek and nodded.

With his hand still wrapped tightly around hers, he led her over to the sea turtle. When she saw the net, and the turtles struggle, a gasp stole the breath from her lungs. Why did something like this have to happen? It wasn't fair. Her eyes swam in unshed tears at the turtle's pain.

"Come here," Derek whispered, leading her around to the other side of the turtles head. He crouched, guiding her down beside him, and placed his other hand on the back of the turtle's shell. She hesitated, looking up at him before she slowly placed her hand on the shell.

She pulled away immediately, shocked by the rubbery texture against her hand. Derek chuckled beside her, his other hand resting on her spine.

"It's okay," he encouraged, taking her hand and placing it back on the turtle's shell. Her eyes were wide, and her lips parted in a silent sound of awe as she marveled at what her hand felt. The toughened rubber was not what she expected at all. Carefully she began to stroke the shell.

"There you go," he smiled.

"Joan, I'd like you to meet my friend, Ashlyn," he turned to her and smiled, seemingly proud of his naming skills. She returned his look with one of question, referring to his choice of name.

Derek shrugged. "She looks like a Joan," he chuckled. Ashlyn rolled her eyes and resumed her stroking. Derek stood, and for a moment, panic flashed through Ashlyn. Derek didn't miss it.

"I need you to stay with Joan while I find something to cut this net," Derek's foot stirred the edge of the net behind them. He squeezed her shoulder, reassuring her that she'd be okay. Ashlyn nodded feebly and shuffled slightly further up the sand.

"Hang in there, Joan," he whispered to the turtle, then walked off to search the sand, closer to the water's edge.

She continued to stroke the turtle's shell as it struggled, the gesture meant to sooth, though she realized Joan wouldn't have understood that. She wished that there was more that she could do. Ashlyn wasn't even sure that touching it was a good idea, especially if it was already injured. But she had to trust Derek's judgment.

Concerns for Joan began circling her mind, and when the turtles struggling had decreased, Ashlyn's heart picked up its pace. She hoped that they would arrive soon. She wasn't sure how much longer Joan would last under this kind of stress.

Derek returned several minutes later, wielding a sharp rock and began cutting away at the parts of the net that were not yet tangled, while Ashlyn continued to stroke the turtle, thinking comforting thoughts towards it.

He grunted from behind her, the net proving tougher than they'd expected. She turned and held the net taut so that it would be easier for him to cut. He smiled at her with appreciation.

When he'd hacked away at as much as he could, Derek wound the excess net up, that wasn't still caught under the rocks, and tucked it into his back pocket so it wouldn't cause harm to any other animals.

"How's she doing?" Derek asked, moving around to the other side of Joan and crouching opposite her.

She's still scared. I hope they're not far, she answered, looking over Derek's shoulder and back towards the path they'd been walking.

There were no roads around this part of the cliff, so they would have to walk out to find them here. She really hoped that they would have understood Derek's directions. She worried her bottom lip, wondering what would happen to Joan if the marine rescue team didn't find them there.

Derek took her hand in his.

"She's going to be okay. They'll find us," Derek reassured her. She nodded, leaning her head to the side so she could look at Joan's face.

She didn't know much about the way that turtles displayed their emotions, but the eyes she gazed into were a depth of darkness and pain, and she couldn't help but feel saddened by the predicament Joan had found herself in. Joan blinked. If turtles could have wept, Ashlyn had no doubt that she would have been crying a stream of tears.

By the time Ashlyn noticed the flashing lights that approached signaling that the rescue team arrived, Ashlyn's legs were laced with pins and needles below the knee, a prickling sensation present from the grains of sand embedded in her skin, and her hand felt dry from stroking Joan's shell.

Derek stood to go and meet the team as their vehicle came to a stop, while Ashlyn remained with the turtle. She removed her hand from the shell and leaned down to look at Joan's face again.

You're going to be okay, buddy, she thought, looking into her eyes. Just a little bit longer.

"We called you as soon as we found her." Derek's voice grew closer as he led the team to where she sat with the turtle. Ashlyn stood and climbed up onto one of the rocks to create space for the rescue team.

They made quick work of constructing a ramp of sorts to aid in getting Joan up and over the rocks. While Derek assisted, Ashlyn watched on, her admiration for him growing. How different things could have been for Joan if it weren't for how calm and responsive Derek had been.

One of the men spoke to Derek, and he nodded, before walking over to Ashlyn.

"They're going to transfer Joan onto a board and pull her up the ramp so they can get her into the vehicle." He reached up and helped her climb down from the rock. "Would you like to help?"

Ashlyn looked to the team that surrounded Joan as they began to shift her.

While the team shifted Joan onto the transporting board they'd brought with them, Ashlyn watched in wonder as the water reached further up the bank than it had in all the time they'd been there. The sea grabbed at their ankles, before pulling back again. As she watched, she was reminded of a mother reaching for her sick child as they are taken away.

At that moment, she saw the ocean for something more than just the monster that it had become. She saw a mother who longed for her child, and at that moment, she was not afraid of the power of the ocean. She recognized her grief, and she understood.

Even from where she stood, she knew Joan would not be light. Though she didn't have much strength to offer, Ashlyn still wanted to help, and so she nodded.

She followed Derek and stood beside him on Joan's left. One of the team members finished tying a rope to the end of the board Joan was now settled on, and then they each began the job they'd been tasked with. Some pushed while others pulled, each moving in synchronization to ensure that they moved efficiently while also ensuring that Joan was comfortable.

Ashlyn's muscles screamed as she followed the team up and over the rocks, her arms aching as she tried to push. Derek leaned against her shoulder, lending her some of his strength as they made the final climb.

Once they'd reached the top, the team took over while Ashlyn stood to the side, her hands resting on her knees. Running several miles was childsplay next to moving an adult leatherback turtle.

Derek's hand was firm against her back as he rubbed it. Ashlyn tilted her head and looked up to him, a warm smile radiating on her face, his answering smile a mirror of hers.

A thud echoed from the rear of the truck when they closed the doors, Joan settled inside.

Ashlyn stood tall, and Derek squeezed her shoulder as one of the rescuers approached.

"Thank you for your help today," she said, taking Derek's hand and shaking it, then the same with Ashlyn.

Ashlyn nodded, while Derek thanked the rescuer and her team for their quick response.

"You acted quickly and appropriately, and you saved a life today." The rescuer smiled, her eyes crinkling at the sides as she looked to the both of them.

"I'm just glad we found her when we did," Derek added, pulling Ashlyn closer to his side. Ashlyn looked up at him, pride in her eyes. She was thankful that he found her when he did. All of this was owed to him, and him alone.

The rescuer thanked them again, then climbed into the front of the vehicle, promising that they would help Joan and return her to the sea as soon as possible.

They stood to the side and waited as the van reversed back down the pathway towards the main road. When the van had disappeared around the corner, Ashlyn turned to Derek with that same pride still in her eyes.

I can't believe that just happened. Before today, I'd never even seen a sea turtle before. She spoke with awe and wonder at what they had just done. She bounced on the spot, unable to contain the exhilaration and adrenaline that coursed through her veins. She'd just helped to save a sea turtle.

We saved a life. Her hands moved exuberantly, the smile on her face, almost splitting her cheeks with how swiftly it grew. You saved a life, she added, placing her hands on his shoulders and gently shaking him. Derek chuckled, his eyes alight with his own dose of joy and pride.

"You did amazing." Derek grinned and pulled her into a hug. She wrapped her arms around his neck and hugged him back.

"I'm so proud of you," he said, pulling back to look her in the eye. "You faced a pretty big fear today, and you put Joan first. I couldn't be more proud." His hands rubbed her arms, and she shook her head, unable to understand how he could deflect so much of the praise that he deserved and place it on her.

He'd been a hero today, but he chose not to boast in it. His humbleness was both inspiring and somewhat frustrating. She wished he would let her be proud of him, just once.

How did you know what to do back there? She asked, stepping back. Her eyes still sparked with energy as she gazed up at him with admiration. From what she could remember, he'd lived in Portland before moving to Glassmont. They wouldn't have had any sea turtles there. Perhaps it was a secret hobby of his?

"I, uh, studied marine biology in college." He smiled sheepishly.

She fought the natural response that told her to drop her jaw. He was a marine biologist? The manner with which he'd conducted himself earlier made sense, and yet, somehow, she still couldn't believe it.

How did I not know this about you? She asked in wonder.

"There's a lot you still don't know about me," he answered quietly, glancing away so she wouldn't see what was in his eyes. Doubt began to move in at his words, and she had to quickly squash it. Instead, she focused on all of the things that she did know about him and the confidence that she had in him as a person. With these thoughts, she felt the doubts begin to ebb away.

Ashlyn plastered a smile on her lips and held his cheek.

You set the pace. She smiled, sharing with him the same words he'd once said to her. She trusted that when the time was right, he would tell her everything. A part of her just hoped it wouldn't be too long.

The smile that he returned showed his appreciation, and he placed his hand over hers. Twining his fingers between hers, he took her hand and held it between them.

"Shall we?" He asked, gesturing towards the path that stretched out before them.

Ashlyn nodded, and the two of them continued down the track, their hands clasped between them. The contact could not have felt more right.

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