What if we Drown (21)

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The bus idled on the side of the road, the driver loading the last of the baggage into the underbody storage compartment.

Tuesday had been a morning of melancholic reflection for the Holland family. After a quiet breakfast of bacon and eggs together reminiscing about the time they'd spent together during the last two weeks, Derek had arrived with Kass' ute and helped Zion with loading the bags into the bed.

The four of them now stood outside the Glassmont bus station giving their final goodbyes before Zion and Ashlyn's mother returned to the city.

"Promise you'll message more often?" Her mother sniffed, pulling back from the hug. Ashlyn nodded, a miserable smile filling her cheeks.

Though they'd had their rough patches the past two weeks, Ashlyn was delighted with the opportunity she'd had to spend some more time with her mother, mending some bridges and reconnecting. Baby steps had been taken by both of them, and Ashlyn was beginning to understand her mother's approach to everything a lot more than she had previously. For the first time in years, Ashlyn felt safe talking to her mom.

I will, Ashlyn answered, pulling her mother into another hug. She wasn't ready to let go. Not yet. Why did saying goodbye, even for just a little while, have to be so hard? Ashlyn pulled back again, a pinch of hope stirring in her chest, one which was quickly smothered by the doubts that lurked.

It's not too late to move back you know? Ashlyn's smile was devoid of much hope, knowing that her mother would never agree. She had her life with Luke now, and she was happy. Ashlyn could see it in the way she talked about him. She couldn't ask her mother to give all of that up just so that she would feel better.

The drawn line of her mother's mouth and the direction of her gaze told Ashlyn that all her statement had done was cause her mother to feel guilty at the answer she couldn't provide. That same guilt was effortlessly transferred into Ashlyn, and she wished that she had never said anything.

"Sweetheart," she started to answer, avoiding eye contact.

I know. Ashlyn tried to mask the sadness she felt at the unspoken answer, but she knew no amount of resolve could erase all the traces. Her smile trembled, and Ashlyn glanced away before the tears that prickled at the back of her eyes could blur her vision.

A couple of paces away, Zion and Derek huddled in muted conversation, the set of their shoulders, and the incline of their heads indicating the topic was of much more importance than a simple goodbye.

Derek held out his hand to shake, but Zion shook his head, took the offered hand, and pulled Derek in for a hug, clapping him on the back. Yet again Ashlyn was in awe at how quickly Derek had made a place for himself in her life.

When the two men pulled back, Ashlyn noticed that they clasped hands for a moment longer, something passed from Zion to Derek. Ashlyn squinted, confused with their secrecy. She knew that there were things that she didn't need to know, but that didn't stop the unease at not knowing from creeping in.

Her mind spun with wild theories, some more elaborate than others, to explain the exchange between them. But the one she chose to believe was that it had to be Zion's business card—did he even have a business card—so they could stay in touch. That was a good thing. They'd make great friends. But still, she couldn't ignore the niggles of uncertainty in her gut.

Releasing Derek's hand, Zion turned and smiled when he caught Ashlyn watching them. She quickly glanced down at her hands to hide the blush of her cheeks and picked at her nails.

Zion approached from the side sporting a sad smile. The tears that Ashlyn had been battling were unleashed, like a burst pipe leaking down her cheeks. Her lower lip trembled, and she shook her head in denial of how much this goodbye upset her. 

I'm going to miss you. She wiped her face on the back of her hand as Zion came to a stop beside her.

"Come here you." Zion chuckled—a wet, throaty sound—as he pulled Ashlyn into his arms and squeezed her tightly. It was any wonder she didn't pop.

Her sniffing stuttered with her laughter, her face pressed against his chest.

"I'm always just a phone call away." He smiled, tipping her chin and bopping her nose. Ashlyn nodded, smiling at the thought of testing his offer by calling the moment he left. She knew that he would answer. He always did.

Zion's expression shifted, his eyes hardening with the severity of his next words.

"Never forget who you are, Ashlyn. Never forget the love you have in all of us." His voice was stern.

Ashlyn's heart swelled with love and admiration for this man. She was supposed to be the big sister, the one who was lifting him up and teaching him important life lessons, but it seemed that Zion was always this for her, whether he was near or far.

He was far too mature for someone his age. Sometimes she wondered if he envied the relationship he'd ended up in, twenty-three with three kids, two of which weren't even his own. He'd skipped those years of partying and discovering himself that all of his friends had enjoyed, in favor of his relationship. But she could see in the way that he carried himself and spoke of his family that he didn't mind. He was more than content with what he had and he believed that he had made the right choice.

Sometimes she wished she could have that same confidence in her choices.

How old are you? She joked, making a dig at his wisdom. Ashlyn grinned through her tears, the taste of salt gracing her tongue. Zion laughed, his head tilted back, the sound reverberating off of the buildings around them.

"You'd better be careful. By my count you're almost ancient," he grinned, messing her hair. She tried to duck away but he held her close.

The sound of the engine turning told her that time was up. The bus was packed, and the driver was ready to depart. Ashlyn sighed a defeated breath.

Zion and her mother placed their arms around Ashlyn's shoulders, embracing her in a tight three-way hug. The gesture was bittersweet, reminding Ashlyn of the love that she had been blessed with, and the connection that they shared even though they weren't always together.

Glancing over her mother's shoulder, Ashlyn's lips turned up in a sad smile at Derek who watched on. She gestured with her head for him to join in. Anyone who could win her mother and her brother over was part of the family.

Before Derek could answer, Zion leaned over and grabbed his arm.

"Get in here." Zion chuckled, pulling Derek into the group hug so that he stood between Ashlyn and Zion.

The initial awkwardness that was felt quickly subsided and Ashlyn's arm relaxed around Derek's shoulder.

The bus driver beeped the horn. It was time to go.

Extracting herself from the hug, Ashlyn stepped back. She could do this.

"I'll text you when we get there," Zion promised before taking their mother's hand. Ashlyn gave a small wave, the gesture lacking effort.

She watched with sadness as her mother and Zion walked over and climbed the stairs into the bus, then as they stumbled to the back seat, their gazes watching her from the window. Biting her lip to refrain from crying, Ashlyn reminded herself that this wasn't forever. That she would see them again soon.

Ashlyn stood next to Derek on the other side of the road, her hands holding tight to the skirt of her sundress. She took a deep breath. And another. 

"Look after my sister," Zion shouted out the back window, waving to them as the bus drove away.

Ashlyn and Derek entered Salt together, the bell drawing several pairs of eyes, but only one stayed after the door closed behind them.

"Fancy seeing the two of you here." Kass weaved around the tables, coming to greet them both. Her gaze shifted between Ashlyn and Derek, perusing them like a piece of art strung on the wall. It made Ashlyn feel somewhat uncomfortable.

What is it? Ashlyn shifted slightly so that her back blocked Derek's view of her hands, just in case he understood what was said. When speaking with Kass like this, there was no guarantee of what would be said.

Kass tapped the right side of her nose twice, moved her hands in a driving motion, and then held the other hand up in a Vulcan salute.

Ashlyn snorted, the action causing itching in her nose. She could still recall the day in sixth grade when she and Kass had both been using signs, talking about the latest Disney movie, when Kass had thought it would be a neat idea to make up some of their own signs, like a secret language just for them. So they had spent their recess' together under the slide for the next week, creating their own language. Until one afternoon, the new teacher assistant had found them, and taken them both aside, scolding them for speaking in 'code'. 

Kass, not one to take kindly to being told off for expressing herself, had coined a new gesture that day in honor of said teacher. Her way of calling someone a nosy parker without having to say a thing. Ashlyn was surprised that Kass still remembered, it had been so long.

Kass winked, reminding Ashlyn that there were plenty of things she still remembered.

You two look cute together in your matching colors, Kass answered, gesturing towards Ashlyn's dress, and Derek's button-down shirt. Ashlyn's eyes widened, her head turning to see that Derek was, in fact, wearing a navy button-down, the shade almost identical to that of her dress. She hadn't noticed it until Kass pointed it out, but now that she knew, she found it kind of humorous. An amused smile slowly formed on her lips.

Derek chuckled awkwardly, looking down at his shirt. His brow creased with confusion, and Ashlyn had to cover her mouth to hide her amusement.

"Do I have something on my shirt?" he asked, still searching, but not finding, the culprit behind her stare.

Ashlyn shook her head at the same moment that Kass wagged her brows.

I'm just saying. Couple goals, Kass signed, earning a playful shove from Ashlyn. No matter how many times Ashlyn told her that there was nothing, nor would there ever be between her and Derek, Kass chose to ignore her; that selective hearing skill Kass had mastered kicking in.

Kass continued to laugh, turning on her heel and walking back towards the counter, a triumphant spring in her step.

"What did she say?" Derek asked, stepping up behind Ashlyn. She looked up and had to admit that his expression at that moment was rather adorable. With his pinched brow and confused smile, she could see that he was torn between pushing for more information and just letting it go.

It's nothing, Ashlyn answered, her smile reassuring. Soon enough he would learn for himself that some words that Kass said in good humor were just that; words meant to inspire a laugh.

Together they walked up to the counter where Kass waited.

"Can I get either of you a coffee?" Kass asked, wiping down the counter. Ashlyn looked up to Derek as he shook his head.

"I'd love to stick around, but I've got to head back to work." She could see the disappointment that marked the corners of his smile. When Kass looked at her, Ashlyn shook her head. Coffee probably wasn't a good idea right now, not with the sensitivity of her emotions after saying goodbye to her family.

Kass shrugged and moved along to take another customer's order.

Derek leaned against the counter, turning his body so that he faced Ashlyn.

"I'll see you tonight, for our lessons?" Derek asked, his expression hopeful.

Ashlyn nodded, only slightly disappointed that Kass had prior engagements and wouldn't be able to help.

"Awesome. My place or yours?"

She pointed at him.

After confirming a time that worked for both of them, and Ashlyn agreeing to let Derek order takeout for them—brain food as he'd called it—he left for work.

With a sigh, Ashlyn checked the time on her phone. 11:30. She still had seven hours before she was due to meet Derek, and she didn't know how she was supposed to spend it.

Courtney—the part-time barista—walked past Ashlyn, juggling two plates of food on one arm, and a tray of coffees on the other. She looked flustered as she moved from one table to the next, mixing up the orders.

Ashlyn felt pity for her, being thrown into the deep end on a busy afternoon. She stood, intending to go and help Courtney when Courtney turned suddenly and knocked into Ashlyn. The stack of now empty plates that she carried on the tray shook and one fell, heading directly for the floor.

Courtney cried out and dropped the tray on the table at the same moment that Ashlyn caught the falling saucer moments before it could hit the floor.

"Oh my gosh, thank you so much! That was literally so close to smashing," Courtney rambled, her doe eyes frantically blinking in disbelief.

Ashlyn tried to brush it off, but Courtney kept speaking.

"If that had smashed, I don't know what I would have done. I can't afford to replace the plate, and Kassandra would have been so mad, and-"

Courtney's eyes grew wider at something behind Ashlyn, and she squeaked, scurrying off like a timid mouse.

"You're not supposed to work today, Ash. I distinctly remember giving you the day off." Kass chastised, taking the saucer from her hand. Kass placed a hand on her hip in disapproval.

I know. You look busy though. Are you sure I can't stay and help? Ashlyn asked, taking in all of the occupied tables, and a struggling Courtney who almost tripped over her untied laces.

"We can handle this. Besides, Courtney needs the practice." Kass groaned as the two of them watched Courtney try to rebuild a burger that had fallen apart. Courtney looked up to find them both staring and she waved with embarrassment.

Are you sure? I could just help for a couple of hours?

"Go home, Ash." Kass rolled her eyes. Turning Ashlyn around to face the door, she tapped Ashlyn's bottom and pushed her towards the exit.

Ashlyn grinned, shaking her head as she clasped the door handle.

"Enjoy your date tonight," Kass sang out, waving ecstatically when Ashlyn turned. Several customers watched Ashlyn with mixed expressions, ranging from curiosity to excitement. One person even looked shocked.

It's not a date, Ashlyn replied, making sure that her gestures were big and clear, for everyone's benefit.

"Potayto, potahto."

Ashlyn rolled her eyes, grinning at Kass' insistence that they were the same.

It was definitely not a date.

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