He's Here

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"You'd fit that role perfectly. You're already a bitch who doesn't have a shred of humanity remaining inside of you"
"You're the last person that gets to contemplate someone else's morality. After all, you're nothing but a bringer of carnage and death"
"You act as if you haven't committed crimes far worse than mine"
"Turning this into a competition? How insecure"
"Is that what you choose to believe when confronted with the truth? How pathetic"
"Pathetic? Pathetic?! I'm the pathetic one when you're the one that made that bullshit moral code in a way so that you're never wrong?! So that you can always justify your actions?!"
"At least to found some logical way to justify everything you've done. Anything for the "Evolution of the Human Race" was just an excuse to torture us wasn't it?"
"You're wrong"
"I'm right"
"You're wrong!"
"I'm right!"

Your hand grabbed the roots of her long red hair, pulling her head backwards so that her sitting figure's head was directly facing you.

"I'm right. I saw that look in your eyes countless times when we were the ones in pain. A look of joy. A look of pure and utter bliss"

You brought your face so that if the woman had eyes, they would be staring directly into yours.

"Which is why if I ever find a way back to my original earth, I will hunt you down. I make you fear me the same way you made me fear you. I will make you suffer. Then, I'll kill you after making sure that everything you built is burned into nothing but ashes"

A tense moment of silenced followed.
"I believe you"

Your grip on her hair tightened as she continued to speak.

"However I'm just curious. Are you gonna kill me..."
Her index finger lightly poked your chest. "Or will the one that was just talking be the one to end my life?"

Static only stopped running when he found himself in front of a tall, white building.

It was in a perfect state, which considering the rest of the buildings around it made it stick out like a sore thumb, but also make it seem like heaven compared to everything else.

Static hunched over, trying his hardest to catch his breath. He had been running at full speed for 27 minutes without break after all.

"Cramps, god I hate cramps"

After regaining his composure, Static turned to take in the sight.
"I have to break into that. Damnit"
"Static. A while ago I was contacted by Penguin since he and the others from the Asylum still believe that I'm apart of the "Beat up Batman" group. The hospital is a no fight zone, since it's the only one in the Black Zone and the last thing they want are their underlings dying. All the big shots agreed to the truce so there shouldn't be anything you can't handle on your own"

A beep on the other ended promptly ended their conversation, followed by another beep coming from Statics watch.

After activating it, the map appeared to have changed. Instead of a layout of the city, it was replaced by a a layout of the hospital.

"Let me see"
Static patted his pocket.
"Mask check"
He ran his finger over the coms.
"No issues there"
Finally, he reached in his pocket to reveal a long yet thin.............suitcase? Or whatever it was.
"Carrier check. Alright, it's go time"

"Calm down damnit!"

After Hugo explained the current situation regarding the hospital, the beeping of your heart once more suddenly increased.

Hugo rushed towards your body and attempted to hold you down to try and stop you from opening the bandages wounds on your body.

You violently thrashed against the man in your unconscious state, a bit of panic could be seen on your face.

'I know he said he doesn't like being strapped down and it might make it worse, but if things continue at this rate....'

As Hugo continued to restrain you, he could see red seeping into your bandaged wounds.

'Then he'll die within the next few days'

By the time he came out off his thoughts, his assistant was already beside him with a sedative.

Hugo grabbed one of your arms and forced it to lay against the table, allowing the assistant to inject the sedative into your body.

As the minutes passed, your struggle and thrashing began to get weaker and weaker. Until finally, your body went limp.

A deep exhale of breath left Hugo as he stood there for a moment, until he moved from his spot to grab something off of the table by the medical bed.

As he grabbed the half empty roll of bandages, he began to undress the ones that had been soaked in blood. Specifically the cuts and bullet wounds on your shoulders and arms.

After putting some antibiotic ointment around the cuts on your shoulder, he replaced the old bandage with a much fresher one.

Taking a wet cloth, Hugo carefully cleaned the dry and non dry blood around the bullet wounds until there was nothing left, before gently applying vaseline and wrapping the wounds once more in bandages.

As the Doctor finally finished up, he sat back at his desk where his computer was. A frown on his face as he did so.

"Reduced to a mere nurse. Me, Doctor Hugo Strange. This is beneath me, a waste of my talents"

Before he could continue his rant, a new voice spoke from his computer. The only issue was
it wasn't Static.


Hugo continued to stare at the screen in front of him, trying to see if there was anything wrong with the computer for that familiar voice.

"Doctor, I recommend you answer me"

He recognized it now. It was unmistakably the person he was thinking about.

"Was that a threat, Bane?"
"No, merely something to get your attention"

The voice continued to come from the computer despite the face that Hugo could see no visual indicator of it being hacked. He refused to touch the device since Batman taught him to not go near things like that or you might get electrocuted. Well, taught him the hard way.

"Doctor, I merely wanted to inform you on two things. After all, a lot of the high level players in Gotham have been worried about your disappearance from the criminal underworld. I mean you can't really blame us, you and the straw man are quite intimidating when it comes to the brain"

"How flattering. Although I do hope you get to the primary subject of this sudden meeting. One that's quite uninvited if I may add"

"Ah yes, my mistake. The first thing is an auction"
"An auction?"

"Yes, it's quite difficult to explain so I've already had this handy device upload a file explaining everything"
"And don't worry, this is only a one time use device made by the Riddler only for communications and sending information. So even if I wished to hack into your device and steal all the knowledge you own, I wouldn't be able to"
"Glad to see that you know me so well"

Hugo stoped his complaint against the man's who's only feature at the moment was his voice. The frown he had on earlier had only deepened.

"The second one however, isn't a what. It's a who"
"Yes. As a show of good faith and on behalf of those organizing, I will tell you about the new player that's entered the game. Although I guess they're technically not new"
"What's the catch. I doubt you out of everyone would do something like this out of pure goodwill. After all, reaching out to me like this on your own accord is already out of Character for you Mr. Bane"
"No catch, we just want you to think about the offer of attending the auction. As well as bringing some valuable things yourself"

Hugo didn't reply for a few moments afterwards.
'Judging by the way he keeps saying on behalf, there's other crime lords who are interested in me attending this auction. Probably because I have complete access to the Asylums records as well as personally interrogating some of the most dangerous Gotham has to offer. Although....'

The Doctor began to trace his finger across the table in a circular motion with his eyes still on the screen.

'This isn't a request. Since multiple of Gothams overlords, according to Bane, have agreed to the meeting and are asking me then that means that this is a threat. I'm being warned that I don't have an option here, as expected if Bane. Ruthless as always I suppose'

Hugo slammed his hand that was once tracing along the table onto its surface. 'Bastards. I don't even know if L/N will be alive or if I'll have to take care of him or that Hero. So many things can go wrong in the period of time from now to whenever this event is taking place'

Hugo's tensed hand relaxed, and crossed with his other one as he leaned his head against them. His frustrated expression turned into a smile that looked uncomfortable to wear.

'Although I am interested on what's going to be put up on display during this auction of crime lords. I mean Bane isn't known for being a cooperative partner but even he's in on this. It's.....it's.....so interesting'

"I have a series of  important events happening that may preoccupy me for an unforeseen amount of time, and I'm afraid my schedule might not be cleared. I'll take a look at the file and if there's nothing that needs my immediate attention I'd be more than happy to attend. With some guests of course"

"Guests? Well, the more the merrier. Contact me once you've made your decision. Of course, make sure you make the right one"
"I see you're not even bothering to hide the fact that this isn't a request anymore"
"No point. Also, I wasn't lying about telling you about the new player. In fact, he's in the Black Zone right now"

Hugo's eyes shone with panic in that moment, but he kept his voice calm and steady. His smile vanished and he felt his muscles tense.

"Who is this new player?"
"Well, I guess I'd have to call him a returning one"

Bane spoke for a few more seconds, before a beep came from the computer and his voice disappeared.

Hugo however, had no concern for that, and had already rushed over to his computer and turned on the coms in his ear, ignoring his previous caution. Fear shone in his eyes.

"Oh hey Doc"-
"STATIC NOWS NOT THE TIME! Get out of that place NOW!"
"Doc what are y"-
"You WILL DIE if you stay there, grab whatever blood you can and run!"
"I'm right in front of the blood I'm sure everything's"-

"Somethings not right"
"Be more specific. Everything's kinda going to hell at the moment"

Batman's fingers furiously typed on the bat-computer.

"You noticed too, didn't you Zatanna"

"Yep. Since the League is barred from entering Gotham due to the fact "An all out war between Gothams most dangerous and the League would tear the city apart", then that means that the burden of saving the city falls onto you"

Zatanna bent two of her fingers on each hand in a mocking manner as she spoke.

"But I can't just appear in the Burnley or the Black Zone as they call it now. That's be the same as welcoming all the criminals and others hiding there to go all out, which would spark something worse than the situation currently is. Especially since most of them hold a grudge"

"True, which let me guess, is the reason the Titans are in town"

"Correct. Nightwing should've been here by now but the aftereffects of his death have sent even Bloodhaven's underworld into a frenzy. So unless I want to wage war against every hidden force Gotham has to offer at the same time, this option would be a much better one"

Zatanna spun herself around in the chair in front of the massive series of screens, while Batman stood a few feet away from her.

"Someone wants to make this chaotic situation last as long as possible"

"Precisely. I'm trapped at the moment. Was his death just apart of a bigger plan that needed a trigger like that to be set into motion?"

"No standing ovation for guessing correctly? Learn how to treat a girl right"

Zatanna didn't need to look to feel the glare being sent in her direction

"From what the Titans have told us Y/N doesn't seem like the type to be apart of a "Master Plan" like that"

"We know next to nothing about him while he appears to know everything about us. For all we know he's taking advantage of their trust"

"You need to learn to take a break and have faith. Believe in them a little yeah?"

"I'm not risking the lives of anyone for blind faith, especially not those that Grayson himself trained"

"So you do care, how sweet. With all your brooding it's hard to tell"

Batman decided to ignore that comment and continued to type away on one of the many screens.

Then, his typing got faster.
Although his face remained as stoic as ever the speed at which more keys were entered increased at an alarming rate.

"Uhhhhhhh, Bruce?"

The Wayne didn't respond, and instead began speaking towards the computer.

"Send this to the Titans Communicators this instant"

"Bruce! Explanation please"

Turning his head towards the magician, the Wayne revealed the issue.

"He's here"

Surprisingly enough, sneaking into the hospital was quite easy for Static.

Due to the fact that it was one of the few truce zones known to Strange, it appeared as if everyone in the Black Zone had a mutual understanding that it was off limits. And since everyone agreed to this unspoken rule, there was no need for high security.

At least, that's what they thought.

Conveniently enough, due to the explosion earlier, Static didn't really look 100%. Parts of his clothes were torn and a multitude of scrape and cut marks from the glass were visible all across his body.

The only reason those wounds were still even there was because he had stopped his healing factor, but the doctors didn't need to know that now did they?

Using that as an excuse Static was allowed to enter the hospital without any consequences.

Things such as ID in that place was pointless, all that mattered was who you belonged to and how serious your injuries were.

It was quite obvious that those who were or belonged to Gothams higher ups would get special treatment, that much was a given. As they were in fact supplying mass amounts of money to this place to try and gain their favour.

Due to that, those that weren't apart of any group and were just trying to survive didn't need to pay, but they were also put at the bottom of the priority list.

Static upon entering the waiting room could see many people with an array of different injuries.

Some had simple scrapes and marks like him. While others had completely crushed limbs, mid sections wrapped in bandages, one to even third degree burns, and an assortment of other ones. He thought he could go in forever listing the different amount of injuries that the people from men to women, even children had suffered.

Which only made him more resolved that he made the right decision when he made that agreement with Hugo.

Static already knew that he might be waiting days to be taken for treatment, so he came up with a plan.

Placing his hand against the wall, Static sent out a mini shockwave of electricity, effectively shutting off all lights in the waiting room and closely surrounded areas.

The last thing he wanted to do was shut off a device being used to keep someone alive after all.

As per cliché, everyone in the room went into a panic. Over the screaming and yelling that followed in the pitch black darkness, no one noticed the hooded man that had entered earlier had now vanished.

From that point on it was simple. The only issue was trying not to get caught by the medics while also trying to find where the blood was stored.

Which took a good 45 minutes because hospitals are GODAMN MAZES. Even with the watch it was difficult to find out where the blood was exactly.
Thankfully there were signs that pointed in the right direction.

After another 5 minutes of finding the right packs of blood, Static had taken out his weird suitcase thingimebob and was just loading a few packs off of a shelf into the object, when a beep on his coms told him Hugo was back.

"Oh hey Doc"-
"STATIC NOWS NOT THE TIME! Get out of that place NOW!"
"Doc what are y"-
"You WILL DIE if you stay there, grab whatever blood you can and run!"
"I'm right in front of the blood I'm sure everything's"-

Statics mind went blank as he followed the Doctors orders almost instinctively.

His head whipped backwards and tilted up towards the ceiling.

Not even a second later a blade stabbed through the wall in front of him and stabbed directly where Statics head was previously.

The blade gleamed against the bright hospitals light, which made it seem to shine to Static.

Befor he could even comprehend what was happening, the blade a few millimetres above his face retracted itself.


The blade once again stabbed through the wall in front of him, this time aiming for his torso.

The Hero jerked his body out of the way, grabbing and clamping the suitcase shut as he did so.

His body hit the floor with a thud but Static paid no attention to the pain.

He tucked the small suitcase back into his clothes and made a break for the door that road out and into the room.

As he rushed for the exit a beeping sound came from one of the walls on his side, and not a second later a gun popped out from one of the shelves and began to shoot at him.

Using his powers Static threw a spare cart in the room at the weapon, breaking it.

Upon reaching it only a few seconds later, Static opened the exit door-

And was met with a slash.

He managed to move backwards at the last moment but a sharp cut wound appeared on his cheek, simultaneously causing his hood to fall down.

As he the hood fell off a shocked expression appeared on the Hero's face.

Static tumbled backwards, managing to keep himself on his feet as he did so.

Yet the shocked expression never left him.

"It's such a shame we couldn't meet on different circumstances"

A deep voice came from the figure in front of him.

"Static, find a way out of there now!" And despite Hugo's pleads the Hero could only remain frozen.

"However, I'm gonna need you to tell me where you're hiding Y/N L/N"

"W-Why are you here"


Let's get this ark started

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