Damn. That's Cold

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A cough left Static's lips as he struggled to open his eyes.

Pushing himself of off his prone position on the floor, Static finally forced them open.
And saw destruction.

It looked as if a hurricane had torn through room, with almost all of the pillars on either side of the room destroyed and now broken pieces of marble on the floor. Thankfully the room still held up and it mainly looked to be used for decoration purposes.

Nearly all the chairs had been absolutely dismantled, similarly to the stage which now had a crack in the middle of it.

The curtain separating the backstage from the rest of the room had also been completely torn through, with multiple of the backstage area's items being knocked over.

Then, Static looked at his arm.

Static's hand was a mess of broken fingers and a beyond purple and black blob. It still had a resemblance to hand but it looked so badly injured that it made his mind completely stop.

That purple and black combination made it's way up to his forearm and creeped up to his elbow, and Static realized everything there was completely broken- scratch that, demolished.


He stared at the mangled limb, and he realized that the reason it felt numb was because he was in shock.

A few seconds later he felt the full force of his injury, but before he could let out the yell of pain that was certainly coming, something else happened.

The side of someone's hand met the side of Static's neck, and before he could do anything, he lost consciousness.

Slumping backwards, his back was caught so that his head didn't hit the ground, and he was lifted upwards.

Now in the arms of Nightwing.

He surveyed the room, taking everything in before speaking. "Did he really do this?"

"It was more like the both of us"

A familiar voice called out from the side of him, belonging to to Canary.

Her eyes were closed slightly in a wince as she stretched one of her legs, any clothing covering it being completely destroyed.

She looked up at him.
"Do I need to ask where you got those cuts from?"

Nightwing surveyed his body, and there were in fact multiple slash marks that were quite visible. He just shook his head and moved the conversation along , and Canary didn't seem to care enough to press.

"Was using that really necessary at a place like this"
"He was getting too........fine, I'll admit it, I was getting a little scared"

Nightwing stared at the female Hero in disbelief.

"Miss "I'll put you in a chokehold for accidentally touching my pesto chicken gnocchi" was scared?"
She just rolled her eyes at him.

"I don't know- he was just......I felt the further the fight went on, the more dangerous he got" She looked around her at the destroyed room.

"He's using his powers in ways I didn't know they could be used, it's impressive" He responded with a smile.

"Yeah yeah, which is why you should probably get going while he's knocked out" Canary put extra emphasis on the get going part.

Nightwing looked down at the former? Hero in his arms and nodded.

"There's a secret tunnel system in the walls, I'll take him through there in case we meet trouble on a lower floor that could be used as a distraction. Evacuate the Titans"
"On it"

Canary went one way, that way being the exit she had taken with you previously, making sure not to step on any of the weapons or guns spewed across the ground from the earlier fight.

Meanwhile, Nightwing went to to the room's second exit, carrying an unconscious Static's limp body.

Everyone froze.

An unsettling feeling creeped down everyone's spine as the room's temperature dropped slightly, slowly increasing with each passing second.

A wave of confusion washed over the room's inhabitants, from butlers to Heroes and even you, no one in that room wasn't confused.

It was at that point, you felt it. Your eyes narrowed as an immense feeling of danger seeped into the room. A murderous aura.

There was something very different about this one. It felt....still?

If there was a way you could describe it, you would say that wherever it went, it stayed, seeping into whoever it touch's bones. Like a chill.

It weighed you down, and stopped you from moving.

You saw Ravager and Robin notice a few seconds after you did, and they also ceased moving completely.

The temperature of the room continued to drop, and most kept looking around in confusion and disbelief.

'Oh no'

A realization hit you as you stood there, not moving. There was a specific person that fit the description of everything happening so far. Someone you weren't keen on meeting.

Footsteps from outside your room got louder. They were heavy, as if whoever was walking weighed a substantial amount. Accompanying each thud was a significant drop in temperature, so much so that you were sure the room was sub-zero.

Then Mr. Freeze entered the room.

When Static came to, the air was brushing against the back of his head, and he realized his upper body was upside down.
He was being carried.

Without thinking he let out an electric shock on the outside of his body, one that travelled through his carrier.

To Static's surprise, whoever it was didn't look affected whatsoever, but they did seem to notice. It was also at this point Static realized whoever was carrying him was running.


It was hard for Static's eyes to adjust to waking up, but when he did, he noticed the blue and black pattern on whoever was carrying him's back.

"Hey Shocker, how's the view?" A cheerful voice made Static instinctively relieved, but then panicked as he realized his situation.

Making a dagger of energy, Static stabbed it into Nightwing's back extremely lightly so that it was only a prick as to not hurt him. Still, it accomplished his goal since out of habit, when the Hero felt a sharp object on his back he lurched his body to the side and allowed Static to plop to the floor.

Incomprehensible sounds left Static as he rolled on the ground, clutching his arm that looked like it needed urgent medical care.

"My bad"

Was all Nightwing said as he bent down in preparation to once again pick the former? Hero up.

Before he could though, Static used his other hand to make a makeshift dagger and threw it as Nightwing, who dodged and took a few steps back.

The Hero blankly stared at Static, who blankly stared back.

Once again, Nightwing attempted to pick the former? Hero up, but had to take a step back, allowing a blue projectile to whisk past his face.

This time, Nightwing took a different approach.
Ever so slowly, he took a step forward and at the pace of a snail bent downwards, keeping his eyes trained on the Static's the entire time.

As his hand touched Static's leg, a dagger made from electricity formed in Static's non-mangled hand, which Nightwing had to take a step back to avoid.

"Oh come on!"

The Hero turned around, hand on his forehead with a frustrated look on his face. That along with his voice made it clear how he felt.

Then, after a few seconds, he allowed that hand to droop to his side, and just stood there with his head slightly downcast.

"What are you doing, Virgil?"

One would think that he was questioning Static about why he was resisting being picked up, but by the tired yet serious tone Noghtwing used, Static knew he wasn't asking about that.

Static just let his eyes stare at the floor, unable to look his former mentor in the eyes as he turned around to face him.

"I know why you did what you did, I know that you think you're doing the right thing but look at yourself" He motioned to Static's mangled arm.

"What you're doing isn't"-
"Well then what am I supposed to do?!"

His sudden yell startled Nightwing, but didn't deter him. Instead, he took a seat opposite of Static, and they sat there in silence.

"What am I supposed to do...." This time, it was a murmur instead of a yell.

"Virgil, I know you're doing this because you want to help people. Because you want to save, people. But this isn't healthy. This isn't how we do things"

The Hero spoke softly, not commandingly or with authority, but instead allowed his voice to reach Static in murmurs, almost in a comforting way.

"How much longer?"
"How much longer do you think it will take to bring Gotham back to at least before the Joker's death?"

Nightwing opened his mouth to respond, but closed it. Then, he spoke.
"Minimum four, maximum ten"
"So, if we're lucky, people only have to suffer for four years?"

The Hero let out a sigh of understanding, but didn't reply.

"That's too long"
"It's what we can manage if we do things like thi"-
"If we do things like this? Tell me, would the Titans even be at this auction if I didn't go rogue?"

Nightwing froze at Static's question, which was all the former? Hero needed to know.

Another few moments of silence stretched out between them, and at the moment, Static's head was hurting too much for him to truly feel the pain of his arm.

"The cities on lockdown, will the government let the people leave?"
".........No, no they won't. Anyone who enters this city can't get out, at least, it'll stay that way completely until someone claims Y/N's bounty. Until then, they won't pull back any restrictions"

Static just nodded at this information and continued to speak quietly. "And since you're a completely government commissioned Hero, I'm guessing after this they'll let you go back to Bloodhaven?"
"You're pretty smart, did I ever tell you that?"

Nightwing attempted a joke, but got no response. Instead, he was met with silence.

That silence stretched for a bit, with just the two of them in a stone room, a room Static hadn't even noticed seemed closed off from the rest of the building.

"It's four years if we play it safe, right?"

At that moment, an undeniable feeling of dread formed in Nightwing's gut as he looked in the new look in Static's eyes, one that formed as he spoke that sentence.
It was a look he remembered seeing before, and quite vividly.

"No, it's four years if we don't risk anyone getting killed"
"I do that on the daily anyways, I signed up for that when I decided to become a Hero"
"Not like this Static"

The former Robin just shook his head. "Gotham and the people hiding in it will tear you apart. They aren't anything like what you've seen in Dakota or what you've fought against with the Titans"

"People like Slade?"
"What did you just say?"

At the mention of that name, Nightwing's entire demeanour shifted. His eyes narrowed and his gaze on Static intensified.

For the former? Hero, he didn't feel unease because of how intimidated he was due to this, he felt unease because not once in his life had he ever heard Nightwing talk like that.

"You met him?" This time, he asked in a much calmer tone, relaxing his face but the urgency in his voice was still there.
Static didn't respond, didn't know how to respond. That slipped out by accident and now he didn't know what to say.

"Did he hurt you? Did he know you weren't with the Titans? When did this happen? What did he want?"

The former? Hero found himself bombarded with a multitude of questions from his previous mentor, who had a look of worry on his face

"I.....I got away" Was all he could respond with.

A sigh of sadness escaped Nightwing as he slowly moved his head back and forth. "No, no you didn't. You don't "get away" from Deathstroke"

Before Static could push on about what he meant, the Hero moved one.

"Did he say what he wanted?"

The former? Hero thought about lying, about withholding information, but after seeing the look of pure concern and worry on the face of someone who'd helped him through his darkest time, he couldn't lie.

"He wanted to know the location of Y/N.....and.....he wanted me to become his apprentice"-

Static couldn't continue.

The pure shift of expressions on Nightwing's face completely stopped him from continuing. The look of absolute fear that took over the face of someone he'd never seen so much as not wear a smile froze his voice.


"Oh no" He just began to mutter. "Oh no oh no oh no"

His eyes went to the floor and Static could see that he was deep in concentration, only for the Hero to suddenly stand up.

"We need to get you out of Gotham, now!"
The way he spoke left no room for protest.

Nightwing attempted to lift Static up but the former? Hero formed a dagger in his free hand and swung from his downed position, stopping Nightwing's attempt.

"Shocker, please, you don't know what you're up against. It's bad enough you're in Gotham but if what you said is true then we need you to go into hiding" He was almost pleading.

Static didn't respond, and instead held firm with a look of pure conviction on his gaze.

"Virgil! We need to get you out of here!"
"I am NOT leaving Gotham until the Zones are gone!"
"You don't understand!"
"I'm not going to sit by and watch while so many people die because you're scared to take a few risks!"
"We take risks everyday! But there's a difference between taking a risk and sending someone out to be slaughtered! You just don't"-

Small tears had begun to fall during Static's tirade, but at Nightwing's own yell, he recoiled in confusion and shock.

The Hero himself's chest was rising and falling, and his breathing was heavy. At his outburst, a wave of regret could be seen washing over him.

"Virgil" Nightwing spoke softly, the tiredness in his voice clear.

"Do you remember when I first brought you to the tower?"

Although confused on the shift in question after what just happened, Static responded softly. "Yeah?"

Nightwing took a few seconds and took an audible breath in and out, closing and slowly opening his eyes.

"Do you remember asking why there were four empty rooms?"

None of the guards raised their heads as Freeze entered the room, each one keeping their own gaze to the ground, unable to look up.

You found yourself staring as your mind instantly came to a revelation due to reverence you could see on their faces.

'Mr. Freeze is a Lord'

You were meeting one. You were finally meeting a Lord of Gotham, one of the twelve if Hugo's sources were correct. One of the main reasons the Black Zone existed and ran the way it did. One of the ones you had to bring down.

'But I wasn't expecting Freeze to be apart of the group, it's out of character for him to work with others'

The room had gotten extremely chilly as he stepped onto the room, and you could see every breath you took.

As he continued to walk into the room, uncontested by the guards and stepping over the injured, Freeze began to clap.

At this point, you realized something seeing the Lord's slow, methodical clap.
'He doesn't have his gun?'

You were confused to say the least, wasn't that apart of his whole shtick?

"I must say, I am rather impressed" He stopped clapping and stared in around the room, remarking the bodies on the floor as well as the room's general chaotic condition.

As his voice rang out throughout the room, you could truly understand why numerous guards were shaking. The monotone voice coupled with the chill that either came from him or the cold was extremely intimidating.

"However, the show you all put on made my guest feel a little unease, and as a host, how could I allow that to happen?"

He continued to walk towards the centre of the room, where most of the Titans and you stood, unmoving and unsure of what to do.

Freeze noticed how Robin and rest of the Titan's tensed as he got within a few metres of them, and just shook his head.

"I have no quarrel with companions of Batman"

Despite this reassurance, no one on the team dropped their guard.

"You on the other hand"


Freeze's face turned to you, and at the same time, you realized his hand had raised in your direction, palm facing you.

As you instinctively raised the swords in your hands in an X, crossing each other to use as a shield, you saw Freeze's entire hand light up blue.

It all happened in an instant.

Ice burst from his hand and collided with you at such high speeds some thought he was shooting light.

The sudden force immediately knocked away one of the swords you were using to guard and sent you flying backward, directly through the room's wall and skidding across the ground with only one sword used as protection.

Frost was leaving Freeze's glove like a smoking barrel, and he lowered his hand.

"I have no problem disposing of"

I made that title with thought, love, and care so ya'll better appreciate it.

Also just wanted to mention here, after this whole event, the book will go on pause as I properly recheck and rewrite it so that the beginning isn't as bad, but don't worry it shouldn't be more than a month.

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