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"Well,"ย (Y/N) leans down, sitting on the floor with the men, "I guess the roles have reversed."

"You guys didn't kidnap me; I kidnapped you guys," she let out a laugh, "That's actually so funny."

"This is a coincidence..." Kei awkwardly said, "Are you actuallyย (Y/N)?"

She nods.ย 

"Prove it."

"Um..."ย (Y/N) put her finger to her chin, "Oh!"

"All five of you played rock paper scissors before you kidnapped me, and whoever won, got to fuck me first."

All five of the men blinked.

"Yeah that's ourย (Y/N)."

"No doubt."


(Y/N) sighed. "So that is how you guys can tell it is me..."

"Wait so-" Koutarou smiled, "You're the super hot blonde chick with the cool mask?"

"Great description, Kou,"ย (Y/N) said, "But yes, that was me."


"What the fuck were you doing at the club?!"

"Why did you change your hair color?!"

"Why the fuck did you drug us?!"

"Why are you wearing such fucking small clothing?!"

"And most importantly-"

"-how are you,ย (Y/N)?"

The questions thrown at her were what she expected, and she couldn't blame them for this situation.

"(Y/N)," Keiji says, snapping her out of her thoughts, "Are you... are you..."

"What have you been doing for the past five years?"

The question silenced the previous ones; and it was the only question she answered.

(Y/N) smiled at the five wealthy men, her eyes shining as brightly as they did when they saw her last.ย 

She was happy, that was all there was to it.ย 

"I have become a spy, Keiji."

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"As soon as we parted, I started training under the FSA... the Female Spy Association."

"After you have asked me what I would like to do, I used that time to think. I then wanted to become a spy, or someone who works undercover."

"That is when I started to look into the FSA..."

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"I am looking for the FSA..." she says to the people at the desk, "I have called in beforehand, and I-"

"You must be (L/N) (F/N)!"ย 

The (H/C) haired girl nodded.ย 

In front of her at the receptionist desk was a very happy-looking woman. She almost frightened (Y/N).

"I know you!"

(Y/N) blinked.ย 

She hadn't even step foot in this place for more than two minutes.

"Um, you do?"

"Yes!" she exclaimed, getting up from the receptionist desk and running toย (Y/N), "You have met my brother!"

"Your brother?" she nods sporadically, "I'm sorry, who is your brother?"

"Let me introduce myself first."

The blonde woman winked.

"I'm Tanaka Saeko!"

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"The FSA was a complicated system; to summarize it all, I had to take two years of mental and physical task classes."

"Mental task classes were much harder than physical task classes."

"Mental task classes challenges my brain, forcing me to think quick and rational in tight situations."

"Whilst physical task classes were just simple strength and endurance training."

"In two years, I have gained both the mentality and physicality of a professional spy."

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"You will be partnered up with a noobie as well," Saeko says, "She just came in about a month ago; and she's not half as bad, but she is still very new."

"Is she nice?"

"First rule in the spy world,ย (Y/N)," Saeko says, leading her to the living quarters, "There is no niceness."

"Emotions should be used rationally and properly. I am not saying that us spies are ruthless and cold, but we aren't going to put anyone at mercy either."

"We spies have one job, and that is to keep people safe."

"If keeping people safe means we have to kill, then by all means, we will do that."

"We kill to protect people. We kill people who will harm people."

"And with our jobs, we cannot be nice. We have to be assertive."

"Do you understand that,ย (Y/N)?" Saeko asks her, "I hope you do since in the test, you had passed the emotional part of it."

She nodded.

"Great," Saeko says, "Now then, it is time for you to meet your partner for the next two years!"

The door opened, revealing a black haired girl sitting on the edge of the bed. Her head turned to see Saeko andย (Y/N).

Saeko leaves it toย (Y/N) to unpack and meet her partner, but to her avail, it had seemed that her partner did not want to meet her.

"Hi there..."ย (Y/N) greeted shyly, "I'mย (Y/N)."

The black haired girl only frowned.

"Helloย (Y/N)."

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"During those two years, I have learned how to do many things... like how to tell if a drink has been tampered with or to tell people apart from suspicious activities just from a glance."

"It's not technically assuming, but it is just using your observations to determine the outcome of the situation."

"I was taught many things, not only things that help me with my job, but how to shoot."

"How to poison."

"How to act."

"And how to kill."

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"I have learned a lot," she tells Saeko excitedly, "Just from three months, I have learned a lot of useful skills."

"What are some things that you remember?"

"I remember them all."

(Y/N) explained to Saeko every little task given to her that she had successfully completed. She explained how she was now able to use all five of her senses all at the same time. She explained how she was able to mimic different accents and now speak a new language.ย 

Saeko was proud of her, to say the least. Saeko believedย (Y/N) could really become a great spy. She was already gifted in unique abilities, such as how she could tell if a gun was loaded from afar.

And just from three months out of the two years,ย (Y/N) had learned a new language, a new dialect, and many other useful tips that will help her in the real world.

Saeko was impressed,ย (Y/N) was very smart and resourceful.

"Saeko," she hummed, "What will happen after I complete two years?"

Saeko smiles. "You will get your license."

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"I was top of my class at the end of the FSA mental and physical task classes." she said proudly, "Because I had such high scores in all of my exams and lessons, I was given a job immediately."

"What did you choose to be? Just a normal spy?" they asked her.

(Y/N) let out a small laugh, shaking her head.

"Please guys, do not take me as some sort of weak woman."

"I chose to become something far more dangerous than a normal spy."

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"Congratulationsย (Y/N)!" Saeko exclaimed, throwing her up in the air, "You can work with me now!"

Completing two years of physical and mental instruction to prepareย (Y/N) for the life of a spyย and just one day after the Spy Induction Ceremony,ย (Y/N) returned to the FSA building. She decided to start working with Saeko. She was not only a receptionist, but she was also a spy as well.

Saeko was an infiltrator, she was one of the best in the country.

Andย (Y/N) was an infiltratorย too.

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"An infiltrator?! (Y/N), are you crazy?!"

"Well I've always thought that Kiyoko's job was cool," (Y/N) admitted, "I first strived to just be a general spy, but then when I found out that I was qualified to become an infiltrator, I took it immediately."

Infiltrators, were ultimately, the most dangerous roles in any part of the world. They are people who act under a disguise or a false identity, in hopes of trying to figure out or complete a task. They are people who can easily maneuver. They are people who have superb memory.

They are people who no one should mess with.

"Impossible," Kenma said, "Infiltrators... are the top notch spies."

"They are the most dangerous spies."

"They are the spies who take the most risk."

"If that is what an infiltrator is." she says.

"Then that is what I am."

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"(Y/N)," she hummed, looking up from her desk as she was doing some work, "We have a new mission."

"What is it?"

Saeko sits in front of her, setting the file down.

"A girl has gone missing," Saeko informs her, "She was last seen in the northern territory of a certain gang."

"She was supposedly at a club, one of the lively night ones," Saeko continued, "One night, she did not come home at the expected time. None of her friends have had any contact with her since then."

"I see,"ย (Y/N) says, "So we are travelling up north?"

"Yes, we depart this evening."

Nodding,ย (Y/N) gathers her things, preparing for the mission.

(Y/N) was a simple woman; she didn't need much, not like she needed it.ย 

She lived in an apartment not too far from the FSA building. She lived alone, and she preferred to anyway.

The spy life changedย (Y/N) completely, as she developed skills that not only benefited her, but also caused her to be more aware and perceptive.

She has climbed her way up to the top ranks of an infiltrator, higher than Shimizu Kiyoko and Kuroo Tetsurou, both who have seemed to retire anyway.

She was secretive to everyone but Saeko, who had been her accomplice and friend for the last four years.ย 

Today would actually mark her second year into the spy life since she graduated.

And she was already a Rank I infiltrator.

Rank I infiltrators were rare, only a handful of those people existed in just this country alone. Andย (Y/N) was one of them.ย 

(Y/N) entered the locker-room.ย She grabbed her backpack, filling it with different clothes, makeup, and her most prized possession.

A gun.

She had received her own special pistol the day she became an infiltrator. It was special because she got to design it however she wanted.

And how did she design it?

The same as her tattoo on her back, along with a lipstick mark.

It was just like Oikawa Tooru's gun, in a way.

Fixing her things, she was now ready to depart with Saeko.

"You ready?"


The two infiltrators hopped onto the private train to the north, discussing the plan they will carry out in just hours following.ย 

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"I've... killed people for my job," she admitted with a pang of sadness, "It is not like I wanted to... but I had to for the safety of the people..."

The men have never forgot the one thing that their belovedย (Y/N) hated.

The murder of people.ย 

Especially if it were because of her.

"The men and women I have killed,"ย (Y/N) said, her tone barely above a whisper, "Did not deserve to die..."

"But neither would be the people they targeted."

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"She is still in northern territory,"ย (Y/N) concluded, "The people who have taken her are most likely in dispute with her affiliations."

"Indeed," Saeko says, "So where do we start?"

(Y/N) points at the location of the night club where the woman had gone missing at.

"We start there, see if there's any suspicious people there."

Saeko squinted at the small print.

"Wait, why?"

"This woman is not the first one who has gone missing in this particular club,"ย (Y/N) says, "When I did my research about this club, I have found out that more than one woman has gone missing here. It happens every few months."

"Maybe that is just coincidence?"

"No,"ย (Y/N) shakes her head, "There is one thing that is strikingly critical about these women missing."

"What is it?"

"They come from the same gang."

Saeko gasped softly, realizing that she was right.

"Okay, let's get going then."

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Skimpy, tight clothing.

Very uncomfortable.

Caked face.

Faked face.

But all of it was necessary.ย 

Saeko andย (Y/N) entered the club, where it was filled with the aroma of weed and whiskey.ย (Y/N) nearly covered her nose from disgusting scents.

The two separated as soon as Saeko gave the signal: a peace sign.

(Y/N) walked off to get a drink. Carrying a drink in a club seemed normal, and she tried to fit in as much as she could since she has barely ever worked in the north territory.

Holding a cup filled with brown liquid, she walked around, lips touching the glass but never digesting the liquid. For every time she passed by an empty cup sitting around, she slowly poured a little of the liquid in, so she didn't look like she was avoiding to drink.

She passed by many, many tables of men and women making out, but none seemed too suspicious.

Until she stumbled upon a group of men who catcalled her.

Turning her head, she shyly smiles at them.

"Damn baby," one of them cooed, "You look good."

"T-Thank you,"ย (Y/N) said, setting the glass down on the table in front of them, "You guys aren't too bad yourselves..."

"Sweet, shy, and hot," the man laughed, "A whole fucking package."

"Can I sit on your lap?"ย 

"Oh yes please."

(Y/N) crawled onto what it seemed the leader's lap. Either of her legs were caging his thighs, and her hand was placed onto his chest.

"You're big," she whispered, "I can feel you under me."

"What can I say?" he shrugs, "I've got a beautiful woman on top of me."

(Y/N) giggled. "You're charming."

"I try to be."

(Y/N) and this man started to converse. The men beside the "leader" soon talked too, not withย (Y/N) but with each other. Using her hearing, she could multitask and listen in on their conversations while talking mindlessly to the man under him.

"Baby, what's your name?" he asksย (Y/N), squeezing her ass tightly.

"Hmm,"ย (Y/N) hums, "Maybe tell me yours?"

She leans down, her lips grazing his ear.

"So I can scream it out later."

The man was done for at that point; he had this hot woman on top of his lap, turning him on in so many different ways.

"I'm Hikaru," he answered quickly, flashing his pistol that was in the holster under his coat, "Leader of the Tokonami Gang."

Her ears perked up. Her eyes glancing at the metal gun in his possession.ย 


"Toko...nami?" she asks him innocently, to which he nods, "Aren't you guys rivals with every other northern gang...?"

"Like... Kuroo...?"

The bliss name of a man she had left; but his territory was near this one.

"You know him?" he asks her, which she nods.

"He is handsome, and I know every man who I've fucked."

There was no lie in that.

"Hmm, so you are Kuroo's slut?" he asks her.

"Aren't I yours right now?"

"I wouldn't mind..."

"Tell me..."ย (Y/N) licks her lips seductively, "Are you and Mr. Kuroo... enemies?"

"Does he even like you at all...?"

"For the most part, he doesn't," he laughed, "No one messes with us though, we're just that strong."

(Y/N) laughed along with him. "Of course... the leader after all... is..."

Her eyes trailed down to his crotch; he noticed that she was staring right at his precious jewel.

"Hmm," his hands trailed to her breasts, squeezing them and forcing a moan out ofย (Y/N), "How about we take this somewhere else, yeah?"

She nodded eagerly, giving him a chaste kiss on his face. Hikaru tookย (Y/N) off of him, holding her by the waist.

"One second baby, I gotta tell my boys something."

She nodded, folding her hands together and waiting for Hikaru.

At the corner of her eye, she sees Saeko, taking a drink of something. Her eyes trail down to Saeko's hand gestures, which she understood completely.

Thumbs up, pointer finger, jazz hand.

"See. You. Later."

(Y/N) returned a different set of gestures.

Thumb and pinky finger up. Okay symbol.

"Gang. Member."

Saeko nods, walking off.ย 

Hikaru turns back toย (Y/N), giving her a cunning smile.

"Okay baby, let's go."

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Hikaru took her hand, leading her to the back of the club. There was a large room there, and another set of stairs inside of the room that led to the basement.

She took note of how many steps she took, what direction she turned to, and who was following her.

"Six hundred thirty five steps from where I was at five minutes ago."

"We turned north from the main dance floor."

"And it seems that only one man from his group was following closely after."

All of these thoughts collected in her head, it was vital, and she needed to keep track of them.

Hikaru andย (Y/N) met with the locked door. His friend, the one that was following the two, took a set of keys out, unlocking it.ย 

Once it was unlock,ย (Y/N) was going to step in.ย 

But she was soon pushed in forcefully.

She fell onto the ground, her hands touching the floor as she tried to hoist herself up as quickly as possible.

But she was kicked down before she could even do so.

(Y/N) groaned as her body took many kicks. She wasn't prepared for that at all. Then, when she opened her eyes, she felt hands forcefully push her wrists above her head, causing her to be restrained.

"Tell me..." Hikaru said, his breath reeking of cigar, "Who are you? Who do you work for?"

"I... don't know... what you are... talking about..." she

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