Dreams In Blue

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"Hi, Fluffy."

I smile. "Why hello, my blue-eyed boy."

"What did you call me for?"

"Oh, you know...nothing much."

He laughs, choir bells in the early morning. "There can't not be a reason! You have to have a reason. Nothing is that simple." He's right. He's always right. "Are you still there, Fluffy?"

A lump grows in my throat. "Yes," I croak. "I'm—I'm just trying to figure out how to say what I want to say."

"Oh, well I'll be here as long as it takes. I'll wait for you, Fluffy. Always." A sob chokes me. I press my palm against my lips. "Why are you crying?" he asks softly. "It's only a dream."

"I—I just needed to hear your voice. I really, really miss you. When are you coming home? Can you come home now?"

He sighs. "I'm sorry, Fluffy. For all of it."

"Please come back," I sob. "Please? For me? I promise I'll never ask for anything again."

"I'm sorry. For all of it."

"I need to hear your real voice," I cry. "But you're...you're..."

"But I'm gone," he murmurs. "And I'm sorry."

"For all of it?" I whimper.

"For all of it," he agrees sadly.

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