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"Half of you scout the perimeter, if you spot them do not hesitate to shoot."

The large group of soldiers split apart, and nod to their commander. They cock their guns, and scatter in minor groups all going to different directions.

Bill watches the general focus on every inch of the tree the trio hid in. He won't leave, the demon bites his lip sighing. His hourglass is tipped upward, he can't think straight. Buffoon! A giggle almost slips by unchecked.

"Cipher I never knew you for the type to hide away like a rat.", Iron yells squinting.

"I'm only copying you.", Bill mumbles.

Iron signals his hand in the air, his troops fall in to silence freezing to their boss's command. The general investigates top half of the tree. He points his gun at a random spot, switches to a quieter mode, and pulls the trigger. A silent whizp! soars blur to the naked eye through the tree missing the trio by feet. Bill claws his nails deep blocking his shaky mouth. Wirt squints observing the giant man through a bundle of shielded leaves. The slender gnome glances around looking for a distraction, he will find us. A pine cone catches his sight. The teen plucks it quietly off its stem, and aims it an the open sky.

Finn clings to the dead bark, his legs stiff, and his eyes too craven to look down. The gloss in his watery iris shifts to look at Bill who is trembling, and clawing cover above his mouth. I beg you.

Suddenly, crackling noises of something far away hitting the leaves and tearing the silence is heard by the trio. Bill jumps.

Iron snaps his head to the noise, and springs in to action. He waved the men to head over as he sprints away. They all follow him daring to flash their lights at the swallowing darkness. Once the last soldier has fled Finn peaks to the side watching sweat drip off of Bill. The demon slips his hand off revealing hidden red over his lips. The ice prince turns back shaking his eyes catch on the tall gnome.

Wirt then slowly turns to Finn. His pastel glowing eyes generate an intense atmosphere. The ice prince's eyes widen at the grim stare. Then, the gnome springs at Finn. The blonde not seeing it coming, stays frozen. Wirt rips harshly the blonde's arm off the tree and drags him off. He then wraps one arm around the higher branches and swings to the other side of the trunk gracefully then yanks Bill's collar.

"Hey -!"

Wirt then free falls down the enormous tree. The two boys trailing behind him are smacked with several long branches on their way to descend. Once the gnome lands abruptly, he exaggerates his stride, and sprints through the depressed forest.


Time Baby's Realm

Time Baby's large arms reach for the giant hourglass shaped bottle that contains a purple elixir mixed along with deceased star particles. He plunges the end in his mouth and starts to suck. His chest rises slowly then falls calmly.

"Time Baby."a qwivering soldier peeks from the door.

Time Baby opens his eyes shooting red lazers out. Once the reach the man with lighting speed he disintegrates into ashes. Another soldier peeks shyly into the room trying to avoid the ashes on the ground.

Time Baby tugs the baby bottle out of his mouth. The liquid inside is gone meaning he's finished with his evening dinner. The candles around the dark red room blow out and the castle walls burst into flanes telling people they may now talk to him.

"Don't interrupt my dinner." His loud voice made the shaking soldier peek out. "When is General Xion Iron coming back?"

"H-He isn't coming back sir. The demon escaped along with the Lantern Barrer and the Ice King."the servant says.

"What? Seriously? Tell him I'll string him to the back of his ship by his intestines if he doesn't bring me back those three."Time Baby orders as the servant runs out the room.

The old woman in the corner shrugs her shoulders. Osto twirls one of her brown grey hairs. Her crooked finger taunting Time Baby. The giant dictator sends red blasts at her through his eyes. Osto gets hit by the beam.

Time Baby stares at the ashes left on the floor. He smiles to himself, why didn't I shoot her in the first place?

Then Osto's ashes start to multiply from the small pile on the glass purple floor. They build up at a steady pace creating a form. Dark boots are formed then legs grow, torso, then chest, finally a head and strings attached to the skull form. Colors patch on to her quickly and organs reborn. Shimmering sly eyes pop out of her sockets. Osto then done with her rebuilding form, waves back at the dictator.

Time Baby shakes his head, "Woman if I can conquer the universe I can kill you. There are other methods of burning a body alive or caging you. "

"Yes, but if I escaped death itself then I'll avoid every trap."She spoke in a fluent english accent.

"I don't have time for this."Time Baby spoke.

"My my, but what a lie." She smirks leaning on one of the pillars, her posture looks young.
"No matter what you do you'll have no choice, but to listen to my wishes."

"Witch."Time Baby pops his eyes open sprouting a crimson lazer out.

The woman simply shakes her head, and stands still. The bright beam impaled through her igniting her chest to an orange flame. Her stomach burst out, and her organs spill. Her body explodes, and disintegrates into an ocean of dust that fills the room. Suddenly, the stain glass windows crack. They shatter all around the castle's main room. The dust circles around the castle in the form of an elegant bird then strikes the middle floor of the throne room. The dust collects itself into Osto once again pailing up her body into a younger body.

Time Baby rolls his eyes,


On command, a thin man wearing a monocle steps in. He wore a dark blue bracelet on his wrist. He points the watch at the burnt wall, and taps the button beside his wrist. Reminding the clock to counter, the stain slowly disappears. It fades, fades, and fade until there's nothing left. The shards missing from the window slowly float back to their respected places, and piece the stained windows. He bows then steps out.

Osto sighs, and waves casually to the enormous titian while wearing a smug smirk. Her olive skin shimmers, "You cannot kill me."

Time Baby squints at the woman flaring his red eyes at her. He cast his gaze off to the red sky above displayed on the rotunda. It seems to be darkening. Osto places her hands on her collarbone, and humbly says,

"I am reconstructable."

"So is the universe."


In the Unknown. . . .

Bill gets slapped with a rough tree branch, he spits out leaves, and coughs out stems, "Branches put me down!"

His first connects against Wirt's back. He slams his knuckles down a second time then a third. His eyes burn a bothered gold, he is no damsel. It's supposed to be the other way around. This is ridiculous!

Finn on the other hand has no problem being carried by Wirt. If it meant getting the hell out of here then so be it. He had no reason to go back to that buffed up mad man. Not another punch. I never should've let him insult me. I am a king. Kings don't wither under mountains. He clings to the gnome's arm.

"Branches!", Bill yells.

"Shut it.", Wirt mumbles.


"Shut the hell up if you don't want to get found!", the tall gnome snaps.


Words: 1317


Edited: 2:51 November 2nd, 2019th

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