Tip 2. Start with your story

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Now you're ready to begin analysing your own summary, or writing a new one. The first thing to think about before you begin is: what is your story about? And is your story compelling?

We all love writing. That's why we're here. Some of us write for ourselves, to explore ideas we've had, or to live out our dreams and fantasies on the page. In these kind of stories, the actual plot is less important than the characters and their thoughts - if you're just writing this kind of story, that's great. But it's not always compelling for other people to read this kind of story. Readers want a plot - they aren't going to go on an internal journey without a hook.

I'm using Twilight as an example because it's very famous and a lot of people have read it or seen the movies, so it's an easy example. But if you look at any of your favourite books you'll find the same thing. Twilight has a largely internal story, taking place mostly in Bella's head. It's very character-driven - as a reader, falling in love with Edward is essential if you're going to stick with the book to the end. But the plot of Twilight is not "Bella falls in love with Edward." That is character. The plot is "there is an evil vampire who wants to kill everyone." The climax of Twilight is not "Edward returns Bella's love", it is "Bella is attacked and Edward saves her." In every story, something needs to happen to move the story along. The love story is the emotional core, but it's not the plot.

Bella's personal journey is not about falling in love, it is about being transformed (ie. growing up). The plot of most Teen Fiction stories is the same: they are mostly about growing up, because that is something teens are especially concerned with.

Have a look at your own story. Work out what the plot is. That's your starting point for the blurb.

And if you don't really have a plot, beyond your characters or your internal discourse (ie your characters' thoughts?) That's okay too ... but it's not a story.

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