Gone with the Wind

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Gone with the Wind is about a ThunderClan she-cat named Dawnpaw. She has a huge crush on a tom named Redpaw, and when they receive their warrior names, Dawnpoppy and Redthorn, they quickly become mates. A few seasons later, they have a kit, Stonekit.
Stonekit grows to be an apprentice, but during his first moon of training, a ShadowClan border patrol ambushed the ThunderClan patrol he was on and a battle broke out. Stonepaw was killed, which completely crushed Dawnpoppy. She cried for days on end, snapping at anyone he cane near and huddling in the back of the warriors' den.
Redthorn was seething with anger, and snuck off to ShadowClan to avenge his son. He was killed as well, and Dawnpoppy couldn't take it anymore. She resigned from being a warrior and became a permanent queen.
She grieves for moons, until a she-cat enters the nursery, her belly bulging with kits. At first, Dawnpoppy is hostile and cold towards the queen, Nightdapple, but they eventually grow to be great friends. Nightdapple gives birth to Cedarkit, Rainkit, and Amberkit, and Dawnpoppy helps raise them.
A few moons after Nightdapple and her kits left the nursery, a tom asks if Dawnpoppy wants to go on a walk with him. She agrees, and he confesses his love for her out in the woods. She's surprised at first, as she grew up with him and never knew of his attraction to her.
She tells him that she isn't sure she's ready to love again, but that she'll meet him back in that spot in a moon. She thinks long and hard about it, memories of her past relationship haunting her thoughts. The day before she is supposed to meet him, she decides the answer is no. She believes that Redthorn will be angry with her, and she goes to sleep. Her mate and kit come to her and a dream and tell her to do what she wants, not what she thinks they would want. All they want is for her to be happy, and they think the tom, Blackwhisker, would make an excellent partner.
Dawnpoppy tells Blackwhisker the next day that she has accepted his offer. They eventually have kits, and they live happily ever after. Of course, Dawnpoppy thinks of Redthorn and Stonepaw often, but she is happy with her new mate and kits.

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