01 | where my heart is

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Standing by the glass walls of my Grandfather's penthouse, I watch the traffic on the road while I wait for the man to show up. California, as always, is as busy as a bee with thousands of people strutting about the pavement, jumping across the traffic to reach their destination.

However, inside the place I occupy, everything is quiet and serene with the rhythmic tune of a stereo playing piano music.

I look at my watch, seeing the time being past 8 pm. I have been waiting here for half an hour now and Vance Bell is late like always. Half of his time of the day goes towards grooming himself. There is not a hair strand imperfect over that man's head.

As for me, I no longer recognize myself.

The glass reflects a translucent copy of me - dressed in an Armani navy blue suit, tailored trousers, and polished boots, I have no clue of who this man with a five-o-clock beard happens to be.

Is he Carter Bell? But that can't be true. Carter Bell hasn't been himself for five years now, ever since he broke Amaya Sommers's heart at the altar.

"Apologies for being late, son. I was caught up with an interview," I hear the voice of my grandfather as he enters through the private elevator in the hall.

Vance Bell will be seventy-one this year. Every time I look at him, I cringe at the fact that he looks a little too much like me, or I look a little too much like him. I have his sharp features, except for the slightly crooked nose he is endowed with. His mouth is thinner than mine and he hates shaving his white beard, only trimming it slightly from time to time. The only advantage I have over him is my height which towers over his 5'9.

A few of his servants follow him with dishes of food covered. He guides them to place the trays on the small table for two near the glass wall through which he can overlook the city while eating.

After a servant is done popping open a glass of French wine, my grandfather motions for me to have my seat.

I sigh, walking towards him and grabbing a place on the opposite side. Grandpa uncovers the food and inhales the scent like he is as hungry as a starving lion. I observe the unfamiliar dish and the chopsticks which come with it.

"Go on," the old man says. "Try it out. It's Korean. It's called Chap-Chae. I tried it for the first time in South Korea. It's excellent!"

I pick up my chopsticks, digging into the food as he does with his. We both take the first bite quietly and true to his words, the dish melts on my tongue.

It is delicious.

"Why did you call me?" I ask while eating.

"For dinner." Grandpa takes a sip of his wine, closing his eyes to relish the taste of his food. "And for two other reasons."

I already knew that.

"Yeah? What are they? Go on, I have a meeting in an hour with the Parkinsons. We need to finalize the Paris deal."

"Cancel it." Grandpa waves a hand in the air. "I'll finalize it later. For now, I need you to focus on your future, Carter."

I stop eating as I meet his eyes, his words sounding like they happen to carry an ugly proposition.

"My future?"

"Hmm..." He drops his chopsticks and rubs his hands with a napkin.

I watch him as he reaches for the inside pocket of his suit and brings out a small box. He places it on the table, pushing it towards me.

"What's this?" I ask, looking suspiciously at the object.

"Your grandma's family ring," he answers. "She wanted to give this to your father's wife but after the drama your Dad caused, she decided against it. I kept it safe for your wife after Grace's death."

I touch the velvety box, opening it slowly to see the gem it holds. The ring is a diamond-studded gold band, shining when it hits the light. I touch a finger over it, recalling a time when such a ring was on the finger of a woman I had longed to marry.

"What do you want me to do with it?" I inquire, looking at him.

"I want you to ask Molly to marry you."

I nearly choke on the food I have already swallowed as the words rock me from my seat. Instantly shutting the little box, I blink at Grandpa, finding him giving me the same perplexed look.

"Molly? Why on earth will I ask her to marry me?"

"You've been dating for two years now. It's time you settle down. I can't wait forever to be a great-grandpa," he says casually, starting to eat his food again.

"Molly and I aren't dating," I pronounce with a clenched jaw. "I haven't spoken to her for more than five minutes in my life. How can you ask me to marry her?"

"She already treats you like her fiance. It's time to be the man in the relationship, Carter."

"There is no relationship." I clench my fists, my nerves flaring at Grandpa's conclusions. "Molly has somehow set it in her head that she is meant to be my wife. I didn't lead her on. I'm not dating anyone."

"And why is that?" Grandpa suddenly snaps, dropping his chopsticks on the plate. He stares at me with an accusatory look. "Why aren't you dating anyone? Do you wish to remain a bachelor all your life?"

I wasn't supposed to be one - I ache to say but bite back my words.

"I don't want to be married. You can't force me to."

"Carter," he almost growls as he gets up from his seat. He leans in, pressing his hands on the table to fix me with a stern look. "It's been five years. How many times do I need to tell you to get over that girl? She's beneath us!"

"No, she's not!" I get up too, dropping my napkin to the floor in frustration. Anger burns me from the inside as I throw the old man a glare. "Her Dad was a soldier. If anything, he was far above you and your fucking wealth."

Grandpa's lips break into a smirk at my words. He chuckles softly as he walks around the table to come and stand behind me.

"This girl..." he breathes near my neck. "What's so special about her? Don't you think she would have moved on from you by now? If not, why didn't she come to search for you in these five years?"

My jaw ticks at his words, the underlying meaning in them shooting arrows to my heart. I turn to him, my body trembling with rage.

"Why didn't you search for Dad then? You say you loved your son. If you loved him enough, you would have then." I try to maintain a straight face but the words come out more spiteful. "You didn't even show up at his funeral."

That seems to touch a sore spot because Grandpa's small smile drops, replaced by a frown.

"You are just like your ungrateful father!" he barks. "My son was the greatest disappointment of my life. He gave me nothing...except you, Carter."

I scoff at his declaration. "Stop it. I know you don't give a damn about me, old man. You just needed someone to carry on with your business. That's all I am good enough for you."

"That's not true son," he says, pressing a hand on my shoulder. "You're my gem, Carter. If you hadn't shown up here all those years ago, I would have lost hope. I almost had."

"I came here to ask for your help," I remind him, circling his wrist to drop his hand from my shoulder. "I came here to ask for your protection."

"And I helped you. I protected you...and that girl of yours."

"No, you didn't. You took something in return for your help. That's not helping at all. You took advantage of my situation." I point a finger towards his chest, making him swallow a gulp. "Stop putting yourself on a pedestal. You're not the good man you claim to be."

"Don't you dare speak to me like that, Carter! Remember whose money you're living on."

"It's my money too, grandpa," I announce. "It's my hard work in these five years that has led you here. You owe me just as much as I once owed you and guess what, I'm done letting you dictate my life. I am not marrying Molly."

"And I won't let you throw your life pining for that girl. You need to let the past go. Move on from your high school sweetheart."

"No," I declare without a second's thought. "I'm never moving on from her...Never."

Grandpa takes a step back, his shoulders sagging in defeat. He runs a hand through the back of his head, looking at the floor as the muscles on his face keep constricting.

"You're making a grave mistake, Carter," he sighs. "You disappoint me."

"Stay out of my personal life if you wish not to be disappointed. That's the least you could do after you destroyed everything. Now, what was the other reason you called me here for?"

He looks up, meeting my eyes with clear frustration visible in them.

"The other's for business. I want you to go to LA and take over the task of the transfer of employees from Incline to Overture. The guys there are too lazy for their own good. No wonder they haven't had a profitable business in years."

"Fine," I mutter. "Thanks for the unpleasant dinner. I can always count on you for that."

I move to walk away from him but he stops me by blocking my way.

"At least take the ring with you. Give it to the woman you fall in love with."

I look at the little box on the table. Reluctantly, I pick it up and put it inside my pocket. Bidding Grandfather a hasty goodnight, I step out of the place and from the twenty-story building, finding my PA, Dawson, waiting near the Range Rover.

He opens the door for me to get in the backseat but I stop on my way towards the car, feeling my heartbeat starting to thud louder as I recall Grandpa's words.

Give it to the woman you fall in love with

I shut my eyes for a split second as my chest starts to feel heavy. Taking my phone out of my suit, I swipe up the screen to look at my home screen wallpaper.

It's of Amaya and me on our first date at the amusement park. She told me she would give me a kiss if I smiled at the camera and I did so eagerly. The picture captures the moment perfectly - our grinning faces, her hands around my neck and mine around her waist. We both look so much in love that one can't imagine the years to come.

It has been my wallpaper for nine years now.

Even after I left, I never found the strength to change it. Every time I bought a new phone, this stayed on my home screen.

My home

I haven't been home in five years and I miss everything about it. I miss Dad, I miss my tiny house, I miss Aunt Melody, I miss New Town, and most of all...I miss her.

Amaya Sommers was my sanctuary. She was my home.

I shut the phone, placing it back in as I walk up to my PA.

"Book tickets for LA tomorrow. We're moving," I order him as I get inside the car.

"Yes, sir," Dawson says, shutting the door.

As we drive away from my grandfather's building, I start to feel the weight of the ring in my pocket.

Without my Snippy, I have lost myself. I promised to not love anyone if I couldn't love her.

I no longer know who is Carter Bell or where is his home. I have left my whole life behind, a life I had cherished every moment of.

Five years feels like five centuries now; each moment the pain keeps growing instead of receding.

For her, I left home and I don't know if I would ever return.


author's note

Once again, no promises of regular updates but I might update every Sunday if I have chapters written.

What are your theories on what happened between Carter and his grandfather? Any thoughts?

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