Chapter 19

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∞ L A U R E N ∞

There is something in the way he looked at me that day. The way he touched my face, brushed my hair and whispered the words he wanted to say. Why?! Why is he doing this? I rolled on the right side of my bed still thinking about the words Cloud told me when I ended up with a loud thud as I reached the edge.

"Ouch my butt! Ahoow!"

Can't this day get any better?! Oow that hurts! It's already 9 in the morning but Cloud is still asleep in his room---stop! Don't think about him, just don't! I tried slapping my face before getting up and heading straight towards the mirror and I was horrified as I saw my face on it. Look at all these dark circles around my eyes!

"This is all his fault. If he didn't say those words I should've had a good sleep. "

I decided to go to the kitchen to have a cup of coffee since my thoughts are in a haywire right now, I just want to somehow calm my senses down.

I gulp down the cold water and put the glass down on the table with a loud thud. That's the 5th glass and no matter how many times I try to calm myself down I can still feel my heart racing inside me. I tried tapping my face and jumping trying to get rid of this funny feeling inside me.

"Hahuu! Lauren please get a hold of yourself! This can't be happening!"

I take a glass of water once more and take a mouthful of it.

"What's happening?"

I was so startled by the voice that I jerk in my place and spit the water out to whoever is standing behind me.

"Oh crap."

I whispered at myself as I saw Cloud with his eyes close and water dripping on his face. What have you done Lauren?!

"I'm so sorry I didn't mean it, I swear."

I gulp down my nervousness when Cloud began wiping his face with his shirt. You're doomed Lauren, doomed!

"What the ff--Lauren? What are you a water dragon? Don't do that to Drey."

A "hehe" laugh escaped my lips which is freaking weird as I showed him my peace sign. He shake his head like he's so used to me being clumsy before he made his way towards the table to sit down. That's it? He won't scold me? He's making me feel more uncomfortable.

"So what's for breakfast? "

My eyes widened when I realized I haven't done anything since the last minute.

"Oh right breakfast. What do you want for breakfast? "

I avoided his gaze and turn my back at him trying to make myself busy. I just can't look him in the eye after what happened this dawn.

"The moment I painted your face in my heart."

His voice echoed in my mind which I immediately shrugged off by shaking my head like a retarded duck.

"Anything will do."

He said and I just responded with an 'ok'. I'm definitely aware that he's looking at me which makes me even more conscious every single second! I got an onion and started chopping it. Gaaa! Help me! I don't know what to do. There's something different in his eyes during that time, there's something different on how he stared at me, it feels like he was looking into my---soul.


Ugh! I wince in pain as the knife made a cut in my right index finger.

"What happened?"

Cloud rushed towards me and pulled my hand closer to have a better look of my wound. His touch sent butterflies in my belly causing me to pull it away from him. My gaawd Lauren what are you doing?! He looked so surprised with my sudden reaction.

"I aah-- I'm ok, it's just a small cut."

I hold my breath as Cloud pulled my hand once more before applying pressure on it with a clean cloth to stop the bleeding.

"It's not ok for me."

Okay he sounds so serious right now making me feel even more nervous. We sat on the couch in the living room with medical kit on his lap.

"I can do it."

I said, trying to take the disinfectant spray from him but he just raise it higher to avoid my grasp. I press my lips together in defeat as I watch him put some of it on my wound. It's fascinating how this generation created a medicine that doesn't sting.
After disinfecting it, he open small tube that looks like a transparent paste.

"What is that?"

I've been to Med school but I don't have any idea what is this thing he's putting on my wound right now. He applied it on the cut creating a thin transparent film.

"It's like a tape that allows new cells to regenerate. The next day you can no longer see the cut."

Wow, in just one day? He then wrap my finger with a bandaid and it's done. I can't feel the pain anymore.

I was so fascinated of the paste Cloud applied on me that it took me seconds to realize he was staring at me. I nervously lick my lips as I tuck a stray hair beneath my right ear.

"Don't stare at me that way."

I said almost like a squeak before looking away. I sounded like some mouse caught on a trap which is definitely not good! I tried to steal glances on him trying to check if he's still looking and I guess it was a wrong move since he's still staring with a smile on his lips. I immediately looked away and started chewing my lower lip thinking of what to say.

"You're so cute when you're flustered."

He said, a scoff escaped my lips as I folded my arms on my chest.

"Me? Flustered? Hah! You got your confidence in the clouds, Cloud. Why would I even be flattered because of you?"

I rolled my eyes trying to look tough but his smile grew even wider and in one swift move he lean closer towards me creating a very small gap between us. He's so close I can smell the faint scent of jasmine from him. I froze like a cold rock as I felt his breath on my left cheek.

"Really? Even if I'm this close?"

He said almost like a whisper with a smirk on his lips. His voice was a little husky like he newly woke up from a deep slumber. I gulp down the feeling of nervousness that is trying to choke me. I want to tell him "no" that his presence doesn't affect me at all but it seems that my own voice betrayed me! I can't even say a damn thing! Why is he doing this to me?

His smile slowly faded as his gaze landed on my lips. My mind could not fully comprehend what's going on but my eyes voluntarily shut itself like it has a mind of its own as he drew closer and his nose touched my left cheek. I was waiting for what will happen next when his phone suddenly vibrated. He chuckled with a groan of frustration as he move away and here I am still frozen like a statue as I watch him answer the call.

"Ok, I'll be there in a minute."

He ended up the call and look back at me causing me to look away.

"Lauren your vital signs shows that your temperature and pulse rate are increasing. Is there anything I can do to help you stabilize it?"

Drey suddenly said totally unaware and clueless of what's going on. Cloud chuckled as he stand up from the couch giving Drey a tap on its shoulders.

"Don't worry Drey it's nothing serious. She's just---flattered."

He said giving clear emphasis on the word flattered as he look at me with a teasing smile on his face.

"I am not flattered! Drey I am not overwhelmed by his actions I swear!"

Cloud nod his head with a chuckle like it's no use for me to explain.

"I'll be back tonight, avoid not being too clumsy especially if I'm not around."

I rolled my eyes at him before standing and heading straight back to the kitchen.

"He's a total jerk."

I whispered at myself before drinking another glass of water, the glass was almost half empty when Cloud grabbed it from me gulping down the remaining water in it.

"Lock the doors, don't talk to strangers. I'll be back before you know it."

He gave me back the glass and went out of the house like he's cool with everything that happened this morning. I groan in frustration as I put the glass down on the sink.

"That jerk! That was an indirect kiss Lauren!"

I can no longer feel the butterflies but this time I think I got the whole damn zoo in me! I stamp my feet on the floor when the feeling of guilt suddenly hit me as a thought of Casper flashed in my mind. I suddenly have the urge to cry.

"This is not right."

I whispered at myself with my hands covered on my face. I am not supposed to feel this way. No. I inhaled deeply as I touch my chest feeling the beat of my heart, it's now back to its normal beat.

"Drey, when is the schedule of my flight to the past again?"

Drey flash a calendar showing me a highlighted date with a note at the side that says "Lauren's flight".

"December 31st"

The night before new year. It's already September, that means I have four remaining months here. My mind is currently in a haywire while overthinking about things that could possibly happen for those remaining months when I heard the security buzzer which means someone wants to enter the gate. I look at Drey and he immediately showed me the security footage.

"Who's that?"

I tried to look closer trying to remember the red car when a woman in royal blue dress went out staring directly at the camera.

Wait, I'm sure I've seen her somewhere. I snap my finger as soon as a blurry memory of her flashed in my mind. I remember her talking to Cloud at a party before Jenia told me to give some random guy a wine.

I rush towards the security control and press some button for the gate to open. A few minutes later I heard another buzzer at the front door, I nervously open the door and I can't help but to open my mouth in awe on how sophisticated she looked. She had a cashmere scarf beautifully wrapped around her neck and a gold plated bag hanged on her left arm. She took her sunglasses off as she stared at me with a smile which made me really conscious. I'm still wearing my baggy pants and extra large shirt with my hair tied into a messy bun.

"Good morning can I come inside?"

I automatically step aside as I let out an awkward chuckle.

"Oh right, where are my manners. Would you like to have coffee, tea, juice or water?"

I nervously followed her while she's busy scanning her eyes around the area. She stopped right in front of a large picture of Cloud before she turn to face me.

"So you're Lauren?"

Wait she knows me? I press my lips together as I nod my head like I myself wasn't so sure if I was really Lauren. She nod her head in return before offering her hand for a hand shake.

"Nice to meet you, I'm Cloud's mother."

Holy mackerel! I gasp in surprise before bowing my head at her in perfect 90° angle. It took me seconds to think properly that my reaction was a little bit exaggerated. I can see the confusion in her eyes as she look at me like I'm some animal who's in the verge of extinction.

"H-hello nice to meet you Cloud's mom."

Ok that was a weird thing to say! What are you doing Lauren?! She laughed at my response as she pulled her coat closer.

"I--uuh-- I'm so sorry I honestly feel so nervous right now. Cloud is actually not around today."

She raised her brows before talking still with a smile on her face.

"It's ok, I came here to see you."

Me? I pointed myself just to make sure she's talking about me. She nod her head before clinging her arms on me like she knew me for years.

"I just want to know you more. You're Cloud's wife after all."


"I aah---I'm actually not his wife like the real wife--"

She cut me out with a shush before walking, puling me with her.

"I'm thinking of shopping today since I'm out of new clothes and you're perfect to be with."

What the? Shopping?! Panic started to rise within me as I made a full break with my feet.

"B-but aaah--- I think I need to change my clothes."

She looked at me from head to toe and she just waved her hand in the air like it's no big deal.

"You don't have to, you're perfectly fine with that."

I could no longer protest since she started dragging me outside she even open the door of her car for me. I'm fine going out with her but I think the clothes I'm wearing today is not suited for shopping.

I nervously run my fingers on the seat belt as the car stopped in front of a 100 feet tall building.

"Let's go."

She said with a smile and I don't have a choice but to swallow this nervousness I feel inside. I step out of the car with my slippers exposing my unpolished nails. Well at least they're clean but ugh! I'm really not comfortable with my look right now.


I blink my eyes twice as I went back to my senses. She's already around 5 meters away from me. I nod my head in response as I approach her. I was expecting only a few people inside the building but I was wrong. There are a lot of people inside and not just any ordinary people. Sophisticated and women from class A society with their branded and sparkling clothes on. I can't help but look at my clothes right now and feel so insecure with my appearance. This is the perfect time for the Earth to swallow me whole and save me from this embarrassment.

I wanted to stop and tell her that I need to go home but I don't want to be rude and I might upset her because of it so I decided to follow her quietly.

I can feel some pair of eyes criticizing me from head to toe but all I can do right now is to pretend that nothing's wrong.

We stopped in front of a room made with glass where you can have a glimpse of quality shoes and bags inside. A girl open the door for us and my mouth open when I had a better view of what's inside. A group composed of 5 women were sitting around a glass table while enjoying a cup of tea but there's something else that got my attention. She was smiling like a devil who newly got out from its lair. Jenia, what is she doing here?

"Care if we join in?"

Cloud's mother said as she made herself comfortable on a seat. My eyelids fluttered nervously as they stared at me with---disgust.

"Who is she?"

One woman asked before taking a sip from her tea. I started playing with my fingers trying to avoid their prying eyes.

"This is Lauren, she's Cloud's wife."

They seemed horrified as they heard the information that this hideous girl is Cloud Madrigal's wife. I can see the smirk on Jenia's face while she stirs her tea, and I can tell that she's enjoying the scene right now.

"Honey can you please wait for me outside? I just have something to discuss to them."

Cloud's mother said, although part of me was asking why do I need to wait for her outside the door like I was some lowly servant, I ended up nodding my head and excusing myself.

I take in deep breaths as soon as I'm out. I never thought those four cornered room could be so suffocating.

"Why did you bring her here Wayne?"
"Too show you how low class she is. If it wasn't for my son then she's probably rotting in the place she fits in right now, Isola."

I felt a pain in my heart as I heard those words from Cloud's mother. I wasn't expecting her to like me but I wasn't also expecting her to be this mean.

"She ruined the perfect image of my son. Jenia should be the one living on that mansion with Cloud right now."

I can feel my eyes watering but I'm trying so hard for it not to fall. I bit my lower lip as I tried taking deep breaths to calm down.

"People from the class A society are like premium meats, we are considered top quality human beings and people like her are like rotten meat, grinded and tossed to the dogs."
"Ha! I won't even allow my dog to eat that kind of meat."
"Well I guess she's the kind of meat that even dogs can't take."
"Hahaha! That's a good one."

Hang in there Lauren just hang in there. Keep everything bottled inside, this will be over soon.

After a few minutes she went out alone still with a smile on her face, I don't even know if she's aware that I heard everything or she's just pretending to not know about it. I was quietly following her as we went inside a shoe shop, she started scanning her eyes on the displays before sitting on a couch.

"Lauren could you please bring those red stilettos to me, the one with diamonds on it."

I am so close to screaming and saying "Am I your servant" to her but chose not to. I obediently got it on the display and hand it to her but I was so surprised when she raise her foot a little higher. I'm not dumb not to know what she wanted me to do and I'm probably the most stupid girl in the milky way galaxy because here I am putting the shoes on her feet.

"Hmm, they're pretty but not that pretty. How about the blue one?"

The cycle went on and on. She probably tried almost 20 shoes or more and I can feel sweat forming on my forehead with my stomach growling because of hunger.

In my hand are more than 20 bags of shoes and I swear they're heavy but I think I can still do it. I wince in pain as I felt the cut on my finger aching. Oow, I hope I could tolerate the pain a little more longer.

"Next stop leather bags."

She said with excitement, I nod as a response but I need to put the bags down for a moment since my fingers are feeling numb. I inhaled deeply before lifting the bags once more.

"What the fvck are you doing?"

I froze on my place when I heard that voice. I slowly lifted my head and there I saw Cloud standing right in front of us with his jaw and fist clench looking at his mother with his eyes filled with so much---hatred.

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