Chapter 43

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I inhaled sharply, pausing as I picked my words carefully.

"She's a raging bitch." I bluntly stated. Yeah, perfectly picked words. Mr. Aizawa raised a brow, crossing his arms.

"How so?" He asked, trying to pry me for more information.

"She hardly provides or cares for me, she's rarely home, and the worst part is that she watches shitty reality T.V. loud as hell at night." I grumbled, avoiding the physical aspect of Kari. Mr. Aizawa stared down at me quizzically, seeing right through me.

"Keep going." He instructed, and I hesitated. My frown deepened, knowing that I had to come clean at some point.

"When-... When she is actually home..." I trailed off, looking away from the man. "She... often beats me." I confessed, and Mr. Aizawa tensed slightly.

"Can you tell me what she specifically does?" He asked, careful around the subject. I swallowed thickly, still staring at the ground rather than at my teacher.

"She... She will usually hit, kick, or throw things at me...- sometimes to the point where I pass out. If-... If I try and fight back, she uses her Quirk to paralyze me. Once she's satisfied, she will leave me be until she gets pissed off again." I explained, and Mr. Aizawa straightened up, letting out a long sigh. He walked towards me, looking down at my frustrated form.

"I'm sorry, Fuyo." He stated, placing a comforting hand on my head. I tensed at the action, but something about it felt comforting.

"I'm glad you said something." He started. "Your aunt will be arrested and sent straight to prison. I'll make sure of it." Mr. Aizawa's voice was firm, full of resolve and a hint of... anger?

"Where am I supposed to go now?" I muttered, knowing that my home was gone. Not that it was much of a home to begin with. Mr. Aizawa sighed, bringing a hand up to his chin.

"Do you have a friend, or someone who would be willing to take you in while we get things figured out?" He asked, and I blinked. A friend?

"Well... I've been staying with Ten- Iida for the past couple days." I explained, and Mr. Aizawa hummed.

"But I don't want to be a burden to his family. They're going through enough with his brother, and I don't know if they'd still let me stay there if his parents knew who I was." I bit my lip nervously, anxiety and concern taking over my thoughts. Shit! I have no where to stay now... Maybe I shouldn't have said anything at all! Who the hell would want to house me?!

"We'll figure it out, Fuyo. I need to speak with the other teachers about this issue. Wait out here for a moment while we discuss this." Mr. Aizawa instructed, and I nodded hesitantly. Great, now other people are going to know. Jeez, this seems like it's giving me more trouble than it's worth.


Aizawa entered the teachers lounge, acknowledging the other heroes in the room.

"What was that all about?" Midnight asked, turning to look at the tired man.

"About that... We need to talk. It's about the Dokujin family." Aizawa stated, and everyone in the room tensed.

"Did... Did Fuyo do something?" Present Mic hesitated, his eyebrows furrowing into one of concern. Aizawa shook his head, crossing his arms.

"No, nothing like that." He reassured, and a few sighs of relief were heard around the room.

"Then what is it, Aizawa?" All Might asked, currently in his smaller form.

"Did you know that Kari Mahi got custody over Fuyo?" Aizawa asked, and All Might jumped.

"Kari Mahi?! The sister of " He gasped, clearly surprised by the name.

"What?! How did a former villain with such a reputation actually get custody of a child?!" Midnight exclaimed, and Aizawa sighed.

"I'm assuming they didn't care much for Fuyo during that case. The Hero Assosiation clearly didn't care what happened with her, putting her safety at risk." Aizawa shook his head, disappointed in the ruling of Fuyo's custody case.

"Dammit..." Present Mic growled, annoyed by the way the Hero Association had no regards for a child's life.

"Kari's been abusing Fuyo for god knows how long. We need to remove her from the household immediately." Aizawa explained, and the others nodded.

"Yeah, but where is she going to go? Her parents are in prison, and she doesn't really have any positive connections with her name." Present Mic asked, and Aizawa shifted with a sigh.

"I know. That's what we were discussing before I came in here." He shoved his hands in his pockets as he leaned against a table.

"She's going to have to go into the system." Midnight spoke up, referring to foster care.

"Do you really think anyone is going to adopt her with that name?" All Might asked, voicing his own worries. The heroes were afraid that they were ruining this girl's life more than Kari had at this rate.

"What other choice do we have? She has no where else to go." Midnight sighed, shaking her head as it pained her to say this.

"Yeah, but there's got to be another option! She's going to hate us." All Might argued, and Midnight crossed her arms, about to respond when Aizawa spoke up.

"I'll take her in." He stated, and the room went silent. They all stared at the man in shock, surprised he'd offer such a thing.

"Aizawa...?" Present Mic spoke up, "Are you sure?" The blonde asked. Aizawa only shrugged, letting out a sigh.

"We can't put her through the system. I was the one who pressured her to tell me about her aunt. Plus, she kind of reminds me of myself when I was younger." Aizawa explained, and the other heroes in the room shot him more surprised looks.

"You do have favorites!" Present Mic yelled at Aizawa, pointing an accusing finger at him.

"Shut up. That's ridiculous." Aizawa grumbled, brushing Present Mic off as he ignored the loud blonde.

"Are you sure you can look after a child, Aizawa?" Midnight raised a brow, looking at the long haired man.

"I don't see any better options. I'll manage." Aizawa shrugged, and the woman shook her head with a sigh.

"You're a good man Aizawa." All Might smiled softly, walking past the man. "I'll take care of Kari Mahi. For now, you take Fuyo and tell her what's going on." All Might instructed, suddenly switching to his larger form.

"I AM HERE!" All Might bursted through the door, Fuyo's startled scream being heard from the teachers lounge. "TO CATCH A FELON!"

"What the shit, All Might?! When the hell did you get here?!" Fuyo yelled, pissed that he had just scared her like that. She had been pacing the hall nervously, concerned about what would happen to her when the number one hero practically blew up the door in front of her.

"Worry not, young Doku! I handle your aunt! Aizawa will fill you in about everything else!" All Might informed the girl before running down the hallway.

"Okay..." Fuyo mumbled warily as she peered into the teachers lounge to find everyone looking at her.


Great, they're all staring at me. I shifted uncomfortably under their gazes, and Mr. Aizawa stood up from the table he was leaning on, approaching me at the door.

"We figured out your living situation." He started, and I glanced over at him.

"And?" I asked, nervous for what they had settled on.

"And we decided that you'll be staying with me for the time being." Mr. Aizawa answered, and my eyes widened.

"Huh?!" I exclaimed, not expecting that response. He would do that?!

"Yeah. Now get ready because I want to leave." Mr. Aizawa walked past me, wanting to go home.

"What?!" I blinked, trying to process the fact that Mr. Aizawa had volunteered to take me in.

"Come on. I want to be home before the sun sets." Mr. Aizawa urged me to follow him as I just stood there frozen in shock. Midnight's giggling snapped me out of my trance, and I glared over at the woman.

"The hell are you laughing at?" I snapped, and she raised a brow.

"Shouldn't you be leaving?" She asked, not answering my question. I scoffed, shoving my hands in my hoodie pockets.

"Yeah yeah, shut up." I grumbled before turning around and catching up to Aizawa.

"It's like looking at a mirror!" Midnight squealed, snickering as she compared me and Mr. Aizawa. Present Mic burst into a loud ass laughter, smacking the table.

"You're so right!" He cried, continuing to obnoxiously laugh with Midnight. I rolled my eyes, looking over to an annoyed Mr. Aizawa as we walked down the hall.

"That's why I'm leaving..." He grumbled. I stayed silent, still confused as to why Mr. Aizawa would want me. Wait- forget that! It's going to be so weird living with my teacher!


"This is it." Mr. Aizawa's tired and disinterested voice cut through the quiet evening air.

I looked up at the small house, a sense of warmth filling my body. I felt secure living under the same roof as a hero instead of a Villain. It felt safe.

We walked up to the door, and Mr. Aizawa unlocked it, stepping inside. The house was surprisingly tidy, giving it a cozy atmosphere. I followed behind the man, looking around curiously as I walked through the door.

"I have a spare bedroom just down that hall to the left. That's where you'll be staying. Make yourself at home." Mr. Aizawa waved me off, his voice monotone and bored. and I made my way down the short hall, pausing before opening the door.

"Um..." I trailed off, catching Mr. Aizawa's attention. "Thank you." I muttered, and the man shook his head.

"I'll be in here if you need anything. Though I'll probably be asleep..." Mr. Aizawa brushed off my thank you as he entered what I assumed was his room.

I turned back towards the door, opening it to see a nice neat room. I felt a sense of relief flood through me as I entered the room, immediately collapsing onto the bed. I wonder if I'll be able to actually sleep regularly... I wonder what that'd do for my body. I'd probably function better. Maybe I'll actually pay attention in class.

Wait- If I have any questions I'm literally living with the person who gives the lessons. Oh shit- and the person who gives the homework... I have no excuse now...

I turned over on the bed, groaning into one of the pillows. I fished my phone from out of my pocket, just now seeing Tenya's texts.

'Made it to the mall!'

'I wish you were here, I found some cool training equipment.'

'Midoriya was confronted by Shigaraki, he's a little shaken up, but he's okay.'

I shot up from the bed as I read the last text. Shigaraki?! What the hell was he doing there?! Was he targeting Midoriya?! Should I tell Mr. Aizawa?! I really don't want to bother him though. Not when he invited me into his home...

I decided to text Tenya back for more information. Appearently Shigaraki had threatened both Midoriya and our class, swearing that he was going to kill All Might. What a freak...

'I told Mr. Aizawa about my aunt'

I texted Tenya, nervously waiting for his response.

'Really??? Is that what you were planning to do today?'

'yeah, it was embarrassing as fuck'

'Aside from your language, that's great Fuyo! Your aunt is going to get what she deserves.'

'I hope that bitch rots in a cell'

'Usually I'd ask you to fix your language, but I agree.'

I laughed quietly at Tenya's text, finding the thought of him cussing someone out funny.

'So where are you going to stay? You're always welcome with us.'

I stared at Tenya's text, sighing as I replied.

'Mr. Aizawa agreed to let me stay with him now I can't get away with anything'

'Mr. Aizawa?? Really?? That's good, you need to improve on your school work ethic anyways.'

I rolled my eyes. Tenya's really scolding me over text now?


I texted before rolling over and turning off my phone. I suddenly realized how tired I really was. I had an intense day, actually getting rid of Kari. I can finally sleep well at night knowing that she was going to be behind bars.

And just like that I began to drift off to a hopefully long and peaceful night's sleep.

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