chapter thirteen

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TW// rape and incest mentions and violence// TW

Trixies pov

The days continued to pass by, but my visits with katya lessened. She rarely ever had a day off, and id devoted most of my time writing music. I hadnt heard from david since that night. My last few days have been so peaceful, i finally got to spend time with myself. It was something that i never really knew i needed, and something i definitley never wanted. Typically my nights alone consisted of having a fight with my brain. Id spend hours talking with different friends and aquaintences to distract myself from the demons inside my head. But those cold hours of 2 am to 6 am were the worst. Most of my contact list was asleep and my brain was working its hardest against me.

-knock, knock-

"Who in the hell?" I said aloud.

My roomate was on a trip with her family, katya was most likely fast asleep along with all of my other friends.

"Hey there my barbie doll," a drunken slurred voice said.

My heart dropped. I had been doing so well. Just the sound of his voice sent shivers down my spine. He was such an aggressive drunk.

"David, get out of here, and please stop calling me that. Youre obviously drunk, you need to leave, i can call you an uber."

"Relaaax babydoll, i just want to talk to you, i dont like how we endded things, im not this monster i promise, i love you."

"David please, we can talk tommorow when youre sober, you know i hate when you are like this."

The tall man pushed his way inside my apartment and sat on my couch.

"David, im only going to ask you one more time. Get out of my apartment, if i have to ask again im going to call the police," i reached for my phone in my back pocket.

He arose from the couch and started to walk towards me, "darlin, why would you do that? You love me, i love you, we can work this out, all i want is to talk."

My cheeks went from a shade of pink to white. Youll be okay trix played over and over in my head in katyas voice. He inched closer eventually backing me into a wall. His breath reaked of alcohol. I froze, a memory from my childhood begining to play in my head.

"Its okay doll, itll only take a minute i promise, youll enjoy it," the man who i called my stepfather said to me. It wasnt the first time and definitley wasnt the last time.

Davids hands pushed my hips into the wall, "you love me, i know you do, i just have to remind you thats all," he unbuckled his jeans.

I gasped as he bent me over the couch. He picked up my skirt and left a handprint on my ass. As he fumbled with his zipper i felt numb. I knew if id fight back hed only make it worse on me.

"What the fuck you piece of shit?" A comforting voice sliced through the air.

I heard heavy footstepsand soon david was no longer behind me. I picked myself up off the couch and spun around. It was katya. She was around the same height as david and had him in a chokehold, a knife pressed to his neck.

"Listen to me you fucking asshole, you come near trixie again, i wont hesistate to neuter you. I will slice open that sack of yours," she moved the knife to his nether regions, "and i will make you eat your scrotum. Do not fuck with her again. I dont know what sick little game you wanna play with her but as long as im around you will NEVER come near her again. Understand?" She brought the knife back up to his neck and applied pressure.

"Fuck you," he spat at katya.

"Bad fucking decision dumbass," she pushed the knife deeper, blood beginning to drip down his chest, "wanna try again?"

"Youre fucking crazy!" He fought against her, the blade pushing deeper, "fine fine!" He struggled to talk, "i wont come back, i promise."

She released her grip, "Remember this moment alright you fucking prick? I dont break my promises, and you better not either."

He ran as fast as he could out of the door. I look at Katya in disbelief, she saved me. Again.

"Trix, im so sorry you had to see that, are you okay? Did he hurt you?" She inspected my arms and legs.

"Katya, katya," i grabbed her face so her eyes would meet mine, "im okay, he was drunk, but you got here before anything bad happened."

"I swear if you wouldntve been here I wouldve fucking killed that prick, are you sure that youre okay, trix?"

My eyes began to fill with tears. I ran to her and wrapped my arms around her.

I pushed myself away from her and wiped my tears, "kat its 3 am what are you even doing here?"

"Well.. uh.. i.. i kinda missed you. And i had a weird feeling telling me that i should come see you, so uh... here i am."

"Thank God for your psychic senses," i laid my head on her chest.

"maybe, just maybe one day we can hangout without some sort of traumatic event happening," she stroked me hair.

i looked up at her, "stay over, my roomates away for the week, call in to work tommorow, lets go on a trip."

"woah woah hold your horses trix, lets get through tonight first."

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