22| Think

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~Every piece of you is a burst of beautiful~

Evangeline's PoV

For a moment, as I stared into his eyes, I had completely forgotten about the plan and what'll happen to me. I had forgotten about it all. And I liked that feeling. I felt at peace.

"Fuck, I don't do relationships," he mumbled under his breath, snapping me out from the trance I was trapped in. Everything came back to me and suddenly, I felt angry.

"Good," I snapped. "Because I don't want one." He let out a sigh and grabbed my wrist just as I twirled around.

"Eva," he sighed out before falling silent. His grip on my wrist loosened and I took the chance to let out a scoff and walk away.

Once I had got to my bedroom, I refused to let what just happened replay over and over in my mind as I got into bed and closed my eyes.


I walked towards the kitchen only to see it was completely empty. It was the same in the game room, family room and all the other rooms in the house. I paused for a moment, wondering if the boys really had returned last night or if that was just my imagination.

Then, suddenly, it hit me. The wedding was happening tomorrow. The boys are all prepping for the wedding. I guess I'm not invited.

I popped a grape into my mouth before walking back to my room. It's a pretty big house and I really don't have anything to do. I sat on my bed, eating my grapes just thinking about everything.

My dad deprived me of my whole life. I wasn't allowed a life at all. I wasn't allowed an education. I wasn't allowed friends. I wasn't allowed to be a child. I wasn't allowed to leave free of fear. I wasn't allowed to do any of that.

But I want to change things. I need to change them and that starts with saving my mom.

Forget about Tobias. Forget about it all. Whatever happens to me will happen but all I'm focused on is finding my mom.

I have no idea where I lived.

Since coming here, I've never left the house. The only fresh air I get is from when I open a window. That's sad. And I can't believe it's took me this long to realise it.

Feeling annoyed, I left my room and headed towards the dining room which had French doors that led to the outside. Gingerly, I placed my hand on the door handles, taking a few deep breaths in. Just as I was about to push the handles down a voice interrupted me.

"What are you doing?," Tobias spoke from behind me, making me freeze. "You can't ignore me forever," he continued when he realised I wasn't going to answer him.

"I can try," I shrugged. He let out a sigh. I turned to face him. "Aren't you supposed to be getting ready for your big day?"

"What are you doing standing here?," he asked, ignoring the question.

I narrowed my eyes at him before deciding to answer. "I was about to go outside."

"I'm not dumb. I can see that but why were you just standing here?"

I paused for a moment, realising that he doesn't know that this is my first time outside since I've come here.

I stared at his face for a moment, just wondering how someone so beautiful could be so cruel. I turned away from him, ignoring his question. I placed my hand on the door handles and pulled open the doors. The fresh air slapped me in the face as the smell of freshly cut grass was all I could smell. The sky was the bluest I've ever seen it as the sun glared harshly down at us. Birds sang, making me believe they were welcoming me for the first time.

I took a step out, waiting for Tobias to tell me to get back inside. When he didn't, I took another step and another, until I was in the middle of the huge garden.

I closed my eyes and just tilted my head towards the sky, liking this feeling. "Hey," a voice spoke out suddenly making me snap open my eyes and turn towards them.

"Hey," I sighed out. "You gone through the plan yet?" She didn't say a word as she gestured towards some chairs.

We sat down and faced each other. "I thought we should sit down and properly talk it through together since you've had time to digest everything. Plus they're all out today so they won't be back anytime soon." I nodded my head, suddenly remembering Tobias was here two seconds ago.

"Have you seen Tobias on your way over here?," I asked her. She shook her head.

"Not seen him since."

"Okay. What's happening tomorrow? Are you still gonna go through with it?"

"I'm not sure. If I marry him he'll stay away from you. He's a lot of things but he's a not a cheater." She took a deep breath and sat in silence just thinking it all over.

"I don't think you can marry him then," I spoke quietly. Her shoulders fell as she realised that that is what needs to happen. "I know you've got so much riding on this wedding-."

"I have nothing riding on this wedding," she cut in, correcting me. "I've fallen in love with someone else and my dad won't let it happen because she's not Tobias. She's not from this world and she doesn't own a hell of a lot of businesses. I just don't know what to do." She sniffled.

"Forget about me for a second. You need to marry him for your freedom, don't you?" She let out a deep breath and wiped away a stray tear that had fallen.

"And I really wish I didn't."

"You'll have to marry him then." We didn't say another word as she held my hand in hers and gave me a watery smile before leaving. I sat back and let out a deep breath.

I really hope I'll be okay.


I paced back and forth in my room. The others were already in bed and here I was pacing back and forth, stressing about everything.

In order to save my mom, I need to save myself first.

I glanced at the time once, before double checking that what I saw was correct. 3:00am.

Letting out an annoyed sigh, I left my room and tiptoed through the house. Hating myself for not having a phone, I mocked myself in annoyance as I made my way through the house.

Finally, I found the landline. Staring at it confused, I bit my lip realising I've never used one before. I sat on the cold ground and pressed the random buttons hoping it'll take me to a page I could find useful.

I don't even know her number.

What was I even thinking?

I'm so stupid.

I almost did a victory dance when I took myself to the call log. I scrolled down, looking through all the numbers hoping they saved Caterina's number in here somehow.

It's a long shot but it's worth a try.

I held in a little squeal once I found her name. I pressed the button and held the phone to my ear. It rang and rang making me let out a sigh. I must've rang her around 8 times before she decided to answer the phone.

"Hello," she spoke sleepily.

"Hey, it's me," I whispered.

"Evangeline?," she questioned.

"Yeah it's me. I was thinking and I just came up with a solution. Both of us will be saved this way."


I'm so sorry guys I haven't updated in a while. I've not been feeling myself and I finally got the motivation to finish this chapter.

Please don't forget to vote and comment. And thank you so much for reading!

Lots of love,

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